Showing posts with label summer collection. Show all posts
Showing posts with label summer collection. Show all posts

14 April 2011

by Eugenia Enciu: HEART young collection by Eugenia Enciu

[HEART] Collection
by Eugenia Enciu
If you’re already thinking of your summer outfits, here’s a tip that will certainly make you stand out from the crowd:
Fashion designer Eugenia Enciu has put together a new clothing collection, addressed to the young, named in a suggestive and graphic manner - [Heart] Collection.
The collection’s pieces are aimed at the new, young generation of fashionistas, looking for a `piece de la resistence` or simply for a `je ne sais quoi` to highlight and define their fashion style and personality.
The [Heart] Collection, which has been closely coordinated by Diana Enciu, Project Manager of Absolutely Fabulous concept, will showcase the major fashion trends of this summer season, yet adjusted for the aspirations and needs of the romanian young public. The collection will target the segment of bold, contemporary, chic girls, who want to embrace a different and a more vanguardist style, willing to leave behind the preconceptions and the obsolete. Heart Collection is aimed at the young women who enjoys both a quiet urban stroll, or an afternoon-out with friends in fashionable cafes, who love having a good time at indie rock concerts or in night clubs, who embrace differences and want to be a part of them.
[Heart] Collection is synonymous with playful, carefree, silly and seductive, with the young woman who feels comfortable in her skin and it’s not afraid to show it.
The clothes will range from basic, day by day elements, which can be matched to create both casual or cozy outfits, to more complex items, that make use of sensual and voluptuous fabrics, textures and cuts.
From loose T-shirts with intriguing volumes, feminine lace bustier tops, appealing minis and slim skirts, to cozy shorts and silk dresses decorated with crystals and pearls or garnished with vintage inserts, [Heart] Collection aims to be both intriguing and sexy, always ready to make your days & nights.
The clothes and fashion items from the [Heart] Collection can be purchased either by direct order from our fashion studio (Atelier Eugenia Enciu), or online - by visiting our website or weblog: /


[HEART] Collection
by Eugenia Enciu

Daca te gandesti deja la cei vei purta in vara aceasta, iata un pont care te va scoate, cu siguranta, din anonimat.
Designerul Eugenia Enciu a creat o colectie young, intitulata sugestiv si grafic ”♥” [Heart] Collection, produsele vestimentare se adreseaza tinerelor fashioniste in cautarea unei `piece de la resistance`, sau pur si simplu unui `je ne sais quoi` care sa le defineasca personalitatea.
Colectia young coordonata de Diana Enciu, Project Manager al conceptului Absolutely Fabulous, va intruchipa tendintele sezonului, ajustate insa dupa aspiratiile publicului tanar si este dedicata unui segment feminin `altfel`, indraznet, chic si contemporan, care lasa prejudecatile in spate si imbratiseaza o atitudine avantgardista. Tinere femei care ies in egala masura la plimbari urbane sau prin cafenele fashionable, care se distreaza la concerte indie rock sau in cluburi, care adora diferentele si vor sa faca parte din ele.
[Heart] se vrea a fi sinonim cu playful, carefree, silly and seductive, tanara care stie sa se simta bine in propria-i piele si nu ii este teama sa o arate si la exterior.
Piesele vor varia de la elemente basic, ce pot fi purtate zi de zi, sau asortate la tinute casual si confortabile, pana la elemente complexe, cu materiale, texturi si linii senzuale si provocatoare.
De la Tshirt-uri cu largime si volumetrii inedite, mini skirts si fuste slim feminine, bustiere din dantela, pantaloni scurti, rochii din matase, cu insertii vintage si decorate cu cristale si perle, colectia ♥[Heart] se doreste a fi intriganta si sexy, gata sa make your day&night.
Piesele din colectia [Heart] vor putea fi comandate nu numai prin comanda directa la atelier, ci si online de pe site/blog
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥