Monday, 25 April 2011

Belajar Kepada Para Peraih Nobel

The Nobel Foundation was founded as a private organisation on 29 June 1900. Its function is to manage the finances and administration of the Nobel Prizes.

In accordance with Nobel's will, the primary task of the Foundation is to manage the fortune Nobel left. Robert and Ludwig Nobel were involved in the oil business in Azerbaijan and, according to Swedish historian E. Bargengren, who accessed the Nobel family archives, it was this "decision to allow withdrawal of Alfred's money from Baku that became the decisive factor that enabled the Nobel Prizes to be established".

Another important task of the Nobel Foundation is to market the prizes internationally and to oversee informal administration related to the prizes. The Foundation is not involved in the process of selecting the Nobel laureates.
Perkembangan Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi bisa dipercepat di kalangan masyarakat Indonesia dengan berbagai cara, salah satu diantaranya adalah penghargaan yang layak bagi para peneliti kita.


Salam dari Arip Nurahman.

Nobel Prize Org.


Monday, 18 April 2011

Laboratorium Astrofisika

 My friends

"(Hud berkata) Sesungguhnya aku bertawakal kepada ALLAH Tuhan-ku dan Tuhan-mu. Tidak satu pun makhluk bergerak (bernyawa) melainkan Dia-lah yang Memegang ubun-ubunnya (menguasainya). Sungguh, Tuhan-ku di jalan yang lurus (adil)" 
(Surah Hud :56)

Astrophysics Laboratory


Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
60 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138

Laboratory and Astronomical Observations of the CN Radical at Millimeter Wavelengths
Instructor: Carl Gottlieb

The project will entail observation of the fundamental rotational transition of the CN radical at 113 GHz in a low pressure glow discharge with a sensitive laboratory millimeter-wave spectrometer located in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (Pierce Hall, 29 Oxford St.) and toward the Orion nebula with the 1.2 meter millimeter-wave telescope on the roof of building D at the CfA. Accurate rest frequencies, required for the astronomical phase of the project, will be measured in the laboratory. The abundance and radial velocity derived from the astronomical spectrum of CN will be compared with those of other molecules in the Orion molecular cloud. The project provides a good introduction to the physics and chemistry of gas discharges, liquid helium cooled detectors, vacuum and gas handling techniques, computer controlled data acquisition, millimeter-wave astronomy, and the physics and chemistry of interstellar molecular clouds.

Laboratory Astrophysics
Science is successful because the physical laws we discover on Earth work everywhere and every when. We use laboratory experiments to expand our understanding of physical processes and then apply these results to the processes throughout the Universe. In some cases laboratory experiments can reproduce similar physics. For example, highly charged plasmas can be created in the laboratory to study the collisions between electrons and ions that occur in the hot solar corona. In other cases, such as in the extreme environments of black holes, we cannot reproduce the conditions. However, even in those cases, the pattern of observed spectral signatures allows us to identify the species and determine some of the physical conditions and processes. Spectral features observed in the solar corona are also observed from black hole sources.  

Useful Link

"Segala sesuatu ditampung dalam waktu, maka pengertian yang baik tentang peran waktu bagi kehidupanmu disebut kesabaran. Kesabaran adalah pengertian baik yang menghubungkan penggal penggal waktu dalam hidupmu itu sebabnya setiap orang sesungguhnya sedang menunggu. 
 Yang pemberani ataupun penakut semuanya sedang menunggu."
~Mario Teguh~

Sunday, 17 April 2011

Mengoptimalkan E-Journal Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional

"IPTEKS Nuklir Wajib Hukumnya Dipelajari Oleh Pelajar dan Pemuda Nusantara"
*Arip Nurahman*


TRI DASA MEGA - Jurnal Teknologi Reaktor Nuklir


Jurnal Teknologi Reaktor Nuklir "TRI DASA MEGA" adalah forum penulisan ilmiah tentang hasil kajian, penelitian dan pengembangan tentang reaktor nuklir pada umumnya, yang meliputi fisika reaktor, termohidrolika reaktor, teknologi reaktor, instrumentasi reaktor, operasi reaktor dan lain-lain yang menyangkut reaktor nuklir.

Frekuensi terbit tiga (3) kali setahun setiap bulan Februari, Juni dan Oktober.
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Kegiatan diskusi dalam kelas untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan seputar Iptek dan kreativitas mahasiswa. Jurnal-jurnal Ilmiah mengenai Iptek Nuklir dapat dikelola dengan berbagai cara misalnya membahasnya dalam suatu forum kelas terbuka yang diadakan berkala tiap se-minggu sekali misalnya, membicarakan mengenai makalah-makalah terbaru dalam bidang Nuklir.

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Jurnal Forum Nuklir

Jurnal Forum Nuklir (JFN) adalah jurnal ilmiah bertaraf nasional dengan ruang lingkup semua aspek yang terkait dengan ilmu pengetahuan nuklir, teknologi nuklir, termasuk pendidikan dan sumber daya manusia nuklir. JFN (ISSN 1978-8738) diterbitkan oleh Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Nuklir  BATAN Jl. Babarsari Kotak Pos 6101 YKBB Yogyakarta.
Frekuensi terbit : Setahun dua kali/semi annually (Mei dan November), mulai terbit Mei 2007

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Atom Indonesia Journal

Atom Indonesia Journal exist for publishing the results of research and development in nuclear science and technology. Publisher Center for Development of Nuclear Informatics, Mailing Address National Nuclear Energy Agency, Puspiptek  Serpong, Tangerang 15314,  Indonesia, Phone +62 (21) 7562860 Ext. 7205, Fax. +62 (21) 7560923, E-mail :
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Bila kita mampu membangun himpunan-himpunan peneliti kecil di tiap sekolah tinggi/kampus di Indonesia mengenai Iptek Nuklir ini, kemungkinan besar percepatan perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan Nuklir di tanah air akan semakin dahsyat dan masyarakat kita di kemudian hari dapat memetik manfaatnya.


Sumber: Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional

Kunjungi juga:  (BATAN) (International Atomic Energy Agency)  (Sekolah Sains dan Teknologi Nuklir) (Masyarakat Nuklir Indonesia) (Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Nuklir BATAN) (Nuclear Engineering OpenCourseWare from MIT) (Jurusan Pendidikan Fisika, FPMIPA Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia)

Ucapan Terima Kasih Kepada:

Kak Rezy Pradipta, Ph.D. (Alumni Tim Olimpiade Fisika Indonesia, Belajar di Department of Nuclear Engineering at MIT)

Dr. Mohamed Mustafa ElBaradei, J.S.D. (Former Director General of IAEA)

Prof. Mujid S. Kazimi, Ph.D. (Director, Center for Advanced Nuclear Energy Systems MIT)

Prof.Djarot Sulistio Wisnubroto, M.Sc., D.Sc. (Presiden BATAN)

Kak Iqbal Robiyana, S.Pd. (Founder Center for Nuclear Education at Indonesia University of Education)

Dr. Petros Aslanyan, M.Sc. (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Rusia & Yerevan State University)

Semangat Semoga Bermanfaat 

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Rusia Ajak Indonesia ke Ruang Angkasa

"It is difficult to say what is impossible, for the dream of yesterday is the hope of today and reality of tomorrow."
— Robert Goddard, in E. M. Emme Introduction to the History of Rocket Technology, 1963~

50 Tahun Manusia Mengunjungi Antariksa

Presiden Indonesia Soekarno bersama angkasawan yang pertama Yuri Gagarin dan pemimpin-pemimpin Uni Sovet Nikita Khruchev dan Leonid Brezhnev di Kremlin (Moskow, Juni 1961) 

Kosmonot Rusia Yuri Gagarin berhasil melakukan penerbangan pertama ke antariksa Rabu, 12 April 1961. Hari ini, 12 April 2011, tepat 50 tahun sudah momen bersejarah tersebut berlalu. Untuk memperingatinya, Pusat Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Kebudayaan Rusia menggelar pameran foto dan seminar bertema "50 Tahun Masa Eksplorasi Ruang Angkasa: Yuri Gagarin dan Indonesia."

Dalam pembukaan seminar, Duta Besar Rusia untuk Indonesia Alexander A. Ivanov Ph.D berbagi kenangannya tentang sosok Yuri Gagarin. Ia mengatakan, saat itu ia masih berusia 9 tahun saat Yuri Gagarin melakukan penerbangan. Meski demikian, Ivanov mengaku mengingat dengan jelas apa yang terjadi kala itu.
"Setelah Yuri terbang, orang-orang berkumpul di jalanan di Moskow, semuanya tersenyum dan tertawa," ungkapnya.

Menurut Ivanov, keberhasilan Gagarin saat itu tak cuma membuat bahagia publik Rusia saja, tetapi juga dunia. Ia juga mengatakan bahwa keberhasilan Gagarin menandai semakin majunya peradaban manusia.

Dalam kesempatan itu, Ivanov juga menunjukkan beberapa foto yang dipasang di ruang Pusat Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Kebudayaan Rusia. Salah satu foto yang ditunjukkan adalah foto Presiden Soekarno berjejer dengan Yuri Gagarin.

Soekarno bertemu dengan Yuri Gagarin pada Juni 1961, hanya 2 bulan setelah penerbangan pertama ke antariksa itu. Soekarno juga bertemu dengan Sergei Korolyov, desainer Vostok 1, pesawat yang digunakan Gagarin.

Ivanov mengatakan, foto itu menandai dekatnya hubungan Rusia-Indonesia. Karenanya, ia berharap bangsa Indonesia juga mengenang hari ini sebagai peringatan kedekatan hubungan Indonesia-Rusia.

"Pada awal tahun 60-an, Rusia yang waktu itu merupakan Uni Soviet dan Indonesia membuat langkah bersama untuk mengembangkan Indonesia sebagai negara yang baru saja merdeka," ungkap Ivanov. Ia berharap, kerja sama antara Rusia dan Indonesia tetap berlanjut, termasuk dalam bidang antariksa.

Hal yang sama juga diungkapkan Direktur Pusat Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Kebudayaan Rusia, Yuri N Zozulya. Zozulya mengatakan, "Secara pribadi, impian saya pribadi, saya ingin mengirimkan kosmonot Indonesia untuk terbang menggunakan pesawat kami. Ini seperti yang kita lakukan dengan negara lain."

Namun, ia menuturkan bahwa ia sendiri tak berhak untuk memutuskan. "Semua tergantung pada keputusan di tingkat pemerintah," katanya. Ia mengatakan, sebelumnya Rusia telah menerbangkan kosmonot asal Malaysia.
Kerja sama Indonesia-Rusia dalam bidang antariksa berlangsung dalam berbagai bentuk. Salah satunya adalah rencana proyek peluncuran roket antariksa dari Pulau Biak, Papua. Saat ini, rencana belum terwujud karena menunggu RUU Keantariksaan disahkan menjadi undang-undang.

Sumber: Kompas

Thursday, 7 April 2011

Pembelajaran Fisika yang Aktif dan Asyik

Bisakah Para Guru Fisika Menyajikan Pembelajaran yang Aktif dan Asyik?

Monday, 4 April 2011

Mekanika Orbit: Rules of Thumb

"Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi Antariksa di Indonesia Mesti Dikembangkan Secepat Mungkin"
*Arip Nurahman*

The following rules of thumb are useful for situations approximated by classical mechanics under the standard assumptions of astrodynamics. The specific example discussed is of a satellite orbiting a planet, but the rules of thumb could also apply to other situations, such as orbits of small bodies around a star such as the Sun.
  • Kepler's laws of planetary motion, which can be mathematically derived from Newton's laws, hold strictly only in describing the motion of two gravitating bodies, in the absence of non-gravitational forces, or approximately when the gravity of a single massive body like the Sun dominates other effects:
    • Orbits are either circular, with the planet at the center of the circle, or elliptical, with the planet at one focus of the ellipse.
    • A line drawn from the planet to the satellite sweeps out equal areas in equal times no matter which portion of the orbit is measured.
    • The square of a satellite's orbital period is proportional to the cube of its average distance from the planet.
  • Without firing a rocket engine (generating thrust), the height and shape of the satellite's orbit won't change, and it will maintain the same orientation with respect to the fixed stars.
  • A satellite in a low orbit (or low part of an elliptical orbit) moves more quickly with respect to the surface of the planet than a satellite in a higher orbit (or a high part of an elliptical orbit), due to the stronger gravitational attraction closer to the planet.
  • If a brief rocket firing is made at only one point in the satellite's orbit, it will return to that same point on each subsequent orbit, though the rest of its path will change. Thus to move from one circular orbit to another, at least two brief firings are needed.
  • From a circular orbit, a brief firing of a rocket in the direction which slows the satellite down, will create an elliptical orbit with a lower perigee (lowest orbital point) at 180 degrees away from the firing point, which will be the apogee (highest orbital point). If the rocket is fired to speed the rocket, it will create an elliptical orbit with a higher apogee 180 degrees away from the firing point (which will become the perigee).
The consequences of the rules of orbital mechanics are sometimes counter-intuitive. For example, if two spacecraft are in the same circular orbit and wish to dock, unless they are very close, the trailing craft cannot simply fire its engines to go faster.

This will change the shape of its orbit, causing it to gain altitude and miss its target. One approach is to actually fire a reverse thrust to slow down, and then fire again to re-circularize the orbit at a lower altitude. Because lower orbits are faster than higher orbits, the trailing craft will begin to catch up.

A third firing at the right time will put the trailing craft in an elliptical orbit which will intersect the path of the leading craft, approaching from below.
To the degree that the standard assumptions of astrodynamics do not hold, actual trajectories will vary from those calculated. For example, simple atmospheric drag is another complicating factor for objects in Earth orbit.

These rules of thumb are decidedly inaccurate when describing two or more bodies of similar mass, such as a binary star system. (Celestial mechanics uses more general rules applicable to a wider variety of situations.) The differences between classical mechanics and general relativity can also become important for large objects like planets.



Friday, 1 April 2011

MIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research

"Development of the space station is as inevitable as the rising of the sun; man has already poked his nose into space and he is not likely to pull it back . . . ."
— Werner von Braun, 1952.~
MIT instrument finds surprises at solar system's edge

David Chandler, MIT News Office

December 10, 2007

Where are the Voyagers?

Interstellar Mission.
The twin Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft continue exploring where nothing from Earth has flown before. In the 33rd year after their 1977 launches, they each are much farther away from Earth and the Sun than Pluto. Voyager 1 and 2 are now in the "Heliosheath" - the outermost layer of the heliosphere where the solar wind is slowed by the pressure of interstellar gas. Both spacecraft are still sending scientific information about their surroundings through the Deep Space Network (DSN).

The primary mission was the exploration of Jupiter and Saturn. After making a string of discoveries there -- such as active volcanoes on Jupiter's moon Io and intricacies of Saturn's rings -- the mission was extended. Voyager 2 went on to explore Uranus and Neptune, and is still the only spacecraft to have visited those outer planets. The adventurers' current mission, the Voyager Interstellar Mission (VIM), will explore the outermost edge of the Sun's domain. And beyond.

Edited and Add By:

Arip Nurahman

Department of Physic Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics
Indonesia University of Education


Follower Open Course Ware at MIT-Harvard University, Cambridge. USA.

The Voyager 2 spacecraft's Plasma Science instrument, developed at MIT in the 1970s, has turned up surprising revelations about the boundary zone that marks the edge of the sun's influence in space.

The unexpected findings emerged in the last few weeks as the spacecraft traversed the termination shock wave formed when the flow of particles constantly streaming out from the sun--the solar wind--slams into the surrounding thin gas that fills the space between stars.

The first surprise is that there is an unexpectedly strong magnetic field in that surrounding interstellar region, generated by currents in that incredibly tenuous gas. This magnetic field is squashing the bubble of out flowing gas from the sun, distorting it from the uniform spherical shape space physicists had expected to find.

A second surprise also emerged from Voyager 2's passage through the solar system's outer edge: Just outside that boundary the temperature, although hotter than inside, was ten times cooler than expected. Theorists had to scramble to come up with an explanation for the unanticipated chilling effect.

"It's a different kind of shockwave than we've seen anywhere else," says John Richardson, principal investigator for the Plasma Physics instrument and a Principal Research Scientist at MIT's Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Science. The unexpected coolness, theorists now think, is caused by energy going into particles that are hotter than those that can be measured by the MIT plasma instrument.

Richardson will be taking part in a press conference reporting the new findings on Monday, Dec. 10, at a meeting of the American Geophysical Union in San Francisco.

The Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft were designed primarily to study the planets Jupiter and Saturn and their moons. After launch, Voyager 2's path was adjusted to take it past Uranus and Neptune as well. Although the craft were only built for a five-year mission, both are still working well three decades later.

"We were incredibly lucky to have it last 30 years," says John Belcher, professor of physics at MIT and former principal investigator for the Voyager Plasma Science instrument. The craft is now expected to keep working until about 2020, and still has important scientific objectives ahead.

It is now passing through a boundary zone called the heliosheath, a region where the solar wind interacts with the surrounding interstellar medium. But sometime in the next decade, it will cross a final edge, called the heliopause, where the sun's outflow of particles ends. At that point, it will be able to measure characteristics of the interstellar medium, for the first time, in a region unaffected by the solar wind and the sun's magnetism.

Although Voyager 1 had already crossed the termination shockwave three years ago, the MIT Plasma Science instrument on that spacecraft had stopped working, so the spacecraft could only indirectly detect the end of the sun's influence.

But with Voyager 2, the Plasma Science instrument not only detected the boundary, making detailed measurements of the solar wind's temperature, speed and density as the spacecraft crossed through it, but it actually encountered the shockwave repeatedly. Because the outflow of the solar wind varies with changes in the sun's activity level, building up during large solar flares and quieting during lulls in sunspot activity, the boundary itself pulsates in and out. These pulsations can wash across the craft multiple times, just as a boat landing onshore may cross the ocean's edge multiple times as waves crash in and then recede.

While Voyager 1 apparently made a single crossing, Voyager 2 apparently crossed the boundary five times, producing a wealth of new data. It's even possible that if there are large variations in that solar outflow, the shock layer "could push past Voyager again," says Richardson. "That would give us some idea of how elastic the shock is" -- that is, how far out these pulsations may stretch. Until and unless such detections are made, "we only have models" of how great such variations might be, he says.

Voyager 2 is now 7.879 billion miles from Earth, traveling away at almost 35,000 miles per hour. Voyager 1 is 9.797 billion miles away, going more than 38,000 mph.

The Plasma Science instrument was developed by the late Professor Herbert Bridge and Alan Lazarus, a senior research scientist in the Department of Physics and MIT's Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Science. NASA has sponsored the work.

MIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research

About the MKI  
Founded in 1965, formerly the Center for Space Research (CSR), the MIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research (MKI) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is an interdepartmental center that supports research in space science and engineering, astronomy and astrophysics. MKI plays a leading role in the design, construction and utilization of instruments placed aboard space vehicles launched by NASA or other agencies. The Institute's projects draw upon the interests and expertise of scientists and engineers from several MIT departments, thus affording a wide array of opportunities for both students and faculty. Experimental programs are supplemented by closely related programs of ground-based research, by theoretical investigations, and by laboratory development of instrumentation for space-based and ground-based experiments. MKI is located at 70 Vassar St. in the building named after the MIT Ph.D. graduate and NASA astronaut Ronald McNair.

The Director   Professor Jacqueline Hewitt, Professor of Physics at MIT, is the Director of the MKI.

Affiliated Departments and
  Department of Physics
Department of Earth Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Lincoln Laboratory


  Chandra X-ray Center (MKI)
Magellan Observatory (MKI)
Haystack Observatory (MIT)
Millstone Observatory (MIT)
Wallace Observatory (MIT)

How to reach us   The MKI's headquarters and Director's office are located in Building 37 of the MIT Campus at 70 Vassar Street, Cambridge, MA 02139.
We are a short walk from the Kendall Square subway stop, located on the eastern edge of the MIT campus.
For walking directions from the MBTA Kendall T stop to MKI please check here. To reach the MIT/MKI with other means of transportation check here.
MIT Campus Map showing MKI Centers, nearby hotels and Kendall T stop.

  MIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research
77 Massachusetts Avenue, 37-287
Cambridge, MA 02139
Telephone: (617) 253-7501
Fax: (617) 253-0861

  MIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research
77 Massachusetts Avenue, 37-241
Cambridge, MA 02139
Telephone: (617) 253-7501
Fax: (617) 253-3111
