Sunday, February 7, 2016

Life Cycle of a Cold

Because my life is mas tranquilo than it has been for the past 30 years, I got to learn about colds this week.

I've been sick with a cold.  Symptoms started on Tuesday and I'm finally starting to feel better.  I expect to wake up tomorrow all better. (We'll see.)  So on Wednesday, when I was home resting, I read some about colds.  And on Friday, when I was home resting, I read even more about colds. 

Here are some amazing things I learned about colds.  They last for 7 to 10 days.   You can't really do anything to make them better, they just have to run their course.  You can relieve symptoms and you can do things to make them not become something worse (like turn into sinus infections, which is what happens to me a lot).  You can also mask symptoms, but I'm more interested in relieving them. They are caused by viruses, and there are an estimated 200ish virus out there. So while you might be done with one, you can just a likely catch another next week. Or immediately.  (I think I already knew that from the year I taught at Harp Elementary.)

Now, you might be thinking....there is absolutely nothing new or revolutionary about any of those facts, Ruth.  And that was my ah-ha/why didn't anyone every tell me??!!!  moment.  I feel like this seems to be super basic knowledge.  But I never knew!! 

And why did I learn now?  Well, I see this as one of many fruits of the fabulous place in life right now.  At any other time that I've had a cold, it really didn't matter what the life cycle of a cold was.  I just powered on. I drug myself to work.  I drug myself through school.   When I truly could not go on anymore, I slept.  And then I just kept going again.  But now, now I have chosen to slow the pace of my life down.  (Sort of, in mostly intangible ways.)    So now, I get sick.  I take time off work and stay home and rest.  Before I've reached the absolute pits.  (Turns out this is key--rest during the first day or two of symptoms and you'll get better more quickly. Who knew?)   I just slow down and let go of things.  And I'm in a position right now where I can do that for the most part.  There aren't children or students or classes or other pressing things that need me right now.  It's kind of nice.

Then today I realized another thing.  I was thinking about why I got sick. I'd said to some co-workers, Well, last week I didn't eat well or sleep well or whatever and I'm sure that's why I'm sick.  Sort of true.  But really thinking about it today, I realized there was a little more to it.   And if we could go back in time, I might end up sick again.  Maybe.   But here's what really happened.

I was surrounded by sick people for weeks and I did okay.  Then I fasted; initially for one family, then it became five.  An amazing fast and even if (and it is an If) sick was a result, I'd do it again.  Problem was I never did a good job really rehydrating after that.  Then I took care of a little girl.  Who was sick. And we snuggled on the couch and read books and played games.  I'm pretty sure....   Then I stayed up until almost 1 in the morning helping friends who were moving.  (I don't usually go to bed after 10.)  It was miserable on my body.  But I'd do it again.   And then, just to finish off my immune system, I gave blood.  (double reds).    Talk about dehyrated and depleted immune system.  By the time I donated I probably already had the virus (based on my now extensive knowledge of colds) and that just pushed me over the edge.   But you know, I'm not sorry for anything I did to help and I really would probably do it again.  Though I would time the blood donation differently...

Anyway, that's* what's been on my mind lately.  

*Well, that and the hundred other weird things I think when I'm lying around for hours sleeping, resting, and generally unable to be run around doing my normal activities and having no good interaction with anyone else for days.  (Some of these things are amazing and revelatory, some unhealthy (mentally, emotionally) and some are just plain weird.)

 So, all in all, I am really, really ready to be well again!  I am thankful I avoided another sinus infection!  And I feel a lot smarter than I did before this cold.  (Seriously, who knew?  and why didn't they tell me?)