Saturday, March 28, 2009

Running Ruth

March 14, 2009
Rex Lee Run

My goal time: under 45 minutes
8:30 a.m.

9:12 a.m.

9:15 a.m. Take off

9:45ish a.m.9:50 a.m.

10:10 a.m.

My time: 34 min. 05 seconds

I'd like to thank Nancy and Whitney, my trainers and Benson my part-time consultant
I'd also like to thank Mother, Roland, Rachel, Benson, Elisabeth M., and anyone else I've missed who talked to me on the phone while I ran over the last few months.
Also Laura and Lietta for some good stretching sessions.
And especially Whitney and Johanna for running with me--while training as well as today.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

My Be-u-ti-ful Scarf (and it's starring role)

Here's my pretty scarf: (ignore me, focus on the scarf)

Almost every time I wear it I get compliments (and I wear it often, so it's pretty crazy that I still get comments). But it's just so pretty!

And here's the story behind it (which many of you have heard, because I tell everyone). A few years ago there was a guy in my ward who liked me and he gave me a really pretty rainbow scarf. It was lovely; I often joked that it was the best part of that relationship. Anyway, when I was living in Arkansas I lost it somewhere (me? Lose things? I know, shocking). I was so sad; I really did love this scarf. This was during the time that Suzan was staying with me for a few months, so she knew how sad I was. Several months later, for my birthday, I received a fat package from Suzan. And inside was this gorgeous scarf. She had had her great-aunt knit it for me. It's unique and bright and long and beautiful and I LOVE it!

That in and of itself is a story I love. But recently the scarf debuted in a lovely little tablet, entitled Elisabeth and the pet scarf. Suzan, this is just for you! :)

Once upon a time, a little girl named Elisabeth went to visit her grandparents and many aunts and uncles for Christmas. Elisabeth had wanted a pet for a long time and while she was in the the wild land of Wyoming, she found....a pet scarf.

Elisabeth took her scarfs for walks.
She laid it down for naps.
She proudly shared it with her Pa and Ma. [you've gotta get the big version to see the expression her face.]

Elisabeth loved her pet scarf and she took it with her everywhere she went.

Elisabeth loved her scarf--because she could feel the love that was knit into the scarf. [Close-up reveals the delightful feet pose.]

And my scarf has never looked better!!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

My Amaryllis

Yes, it pretty much just makes me happy.

Wyoming Boys (and more family)

The stars of the night (Hyrum, Benson):
The most rambuncious boy of all (still). Good thing he has a little kid to play with again, now that all his siblings are "grown up."

Sporting our fan pins (each player has one)Just the Checkettses (Lietta is trying to sleep)The whole fan clue (Lietta even came out for the occasion)

And, as a last side note. Do you think they claim that they're from Wyoming (your guess is as good as mine)?

Princess Party

Here are some pictures from our fun evening.

Dancing around in pretty dresses (this was at the LRC movie rooms; we danced some more at home)
Posing on the library stairs (as mentioned in the last post, the library was practically empty, so we had the "castle" to ourselves). And, I must also say, those wide staircases really do look a lot like the gorgeous stair cases at the castles I saw in Europe.

And, last of all (for this post) a great shot of our carriage ride home. The other girls had traipsed up to the movie in their dainty slippers, but since I had come from my mountain, I had my car. So we piled in for the ride back. This is a view from the back seat. The blue puff is Elisabeth's dress; she's lying down on top of the other girls to fit it. It was a riot. :)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Quick update on Bonnie

For those of you who read about Bonnie before and have asked about her, here's a the link to her blog and you can read about her latest miracle. Her faith inspires me so much!