a tired dog is a good dog
Showing posts with label BUDAPEST. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BUDAPEST. Show all posts

Friday, March 1, 2013

Pip and Puddles in Boo da Pest

The day has finally awwived fow Pip and Puddles to visit me hewe at the ends of the eawf ,Boo da Pest on theiw final leg of theiw BUCKET TOOW

 I was sooo excitewed waiting and planning all the things I wanted to show them...

  I cooldn't believe my eyes..oh, Pip looks soooo handsome!
 and Puddles, ummm, well, Puddles nevew disappoints, hehehehehe
 They had tons of luggage, so I suggested they change into something mowe comfowtabull, but it tuwns out, all 
thewe was in theiw suitcases wewe cheetos and beew, 

befowe we got to my fwont doow,I gots sum flowews and  we stopped fow a quick beew at the place acwoss the stweet, then dwopped off theiw things and headed to the Mawket Hall

 I figoowed they wewe hungwy aftew theiw twavels

 They wanted evewything, but settled fow some snausage and one of the hungawian specialities , called "LÁNGOS" ...it's fwied bwead wif salt and gawlic

it's pawfect wif .....what else?.....a beew, hehehehe

we got on the "Földallatti"...it's the oldest metwo in mainland Oowope and the showtest of thwee subway lines in Booda Pest wif the last stop being "Hewo's Squawe" 
it has statoos commemowating the founding of Hungawy, ovew a thousand yeaws ago,  and Museum of fine Awts and applied Awts on the two ends of the Squawe

(it's also on the edge of the big bootiful City Pawk)

ummm, Puddles was not impwessed, but I think Pip liked all the fiewce looking Twibal Chiefs who got togethew to settle and fowm a countwy

 Since wew wewe vewy close,
we decided to go to the Szechenyi Bafs that awe in the city Pawk

Boo da Pest has tons of natoowal Hot Spwings and so it is known as a city of Bafs
(not the kind whewe you get westled into a a baftub, but the kind whewe you soak in the hot watews, and get massages and stuff)

by the time we took the Metwo home, it was dawk and we wewe exhausted 
we couldn't wait to fall into bed

Aftew ouw slumbew pawty on the big bed, we woke up kind of late and  had bweakfast in bed befowe  setting off on mowe sightseeing

aftew cwossing "Erzsébet" bwidge, we climbed up the hill in Buda
and had a picnic  wif foods Pip and Puddles bwought fwom home
(I live on the Pest side)

hewe we awe wif one of the many statoos of St Stephen 
(the fiwst king of Hungawy, he was cwowned in 1000 AD)
Pip and Puddles wanted to get a bettew view of the "Szabadság"(Libewty) Bwidge
so they climbed on his howse

also on the Buda side is the Hapsbuwg Ewa Castle so we went to look at that
Puddles wanted to see the Mythical "turul madár", a biwd that's one of hungawy's symbols

 Buda is full of hills  and Pest is Flat..the view fwom the Castle distwict is pwetty pawsome, but once again, when I pointed out the Pawlament building acwoss the Danoobe, Puddles was unimpwessed

I hoped that some pastwies would not disappoint
so I took Pip and Puddles to "Ruszwurm" one of the oldest and best coffee houses neew Twinity Squawe on the Hill

fow ouw last night, I got us sum tickets to the Opewa
Pip looked smashing, vewy Deb oh Naiw..he told me it wemind it him of all the cultoowe in his hometown of Chic a Go
we wewe all weady to have a lovely evening, but wewe politely asked to leave doo to a distoowbance

I didn't cawe..i was just happy to be togethew wif my sweet pals
we giggled all the way home, stuffing cheetos in ouw moufs

the time to say fawewell came much too soon
thewe is nevew enuff time wif those we love, but I'm so vewy vewy gwateful that Pip decided to come see me on his Bucket Toow and bwing his "nuwse" Puddles

the memowies and love will last fuwwevew

till we meet again
smoochie kisses


Sunday, November 25, 2012

Thanksgiving in Boo da Pest

I hope all of you had a safe and delishuss Thanksgiving weekend wif fwiends and family 

We wewe sad to be so faw away fwom evewyone we oosually celebwated wif, but Mommi and Daddi wewe detewmined to have a Thanksgiving dinnew, even though in Boo da Pest, this was just anothew thuwsday 

my favowite cafe still has an outdoow stand even though it's now cold outside, but you can gwab a coffee ow sweet on youw walkies if you want, so we did, on ouw way to the mawket hall

When Mommi found these, she knew that she coold make ouw twadishunal dinnew fow fwiends, she also found sweet potatoes(not oosual hewe), and tuwkey and all the othew Thanksgivingy stuffs

I was called fwom my nap to help in the kitchen and wan wight in...i was weady!

we had six lovely hoomans and Mawci my little Westie fwiend come to dinnew
fow all of them, except fow auntie Juli, this was new and stwange foods, but I think they enjoyed it and got into the spiwit of things

it was a lovely evening and I think a big success fow ouw fiwst evew Boo da Pest 

 Daddi had to be cweative wif the twenty pound tuwkey(the smallest one he found) and ouw tiny oven, but he did it and it was juicy and cwisp all in the wight places
( I of couwse had to taste test evewything..and befowe you say anything, I only had tiny bits and nothing that was dangewoos fow doggies)

 I hope you can see and enjoy my smileybox

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smoochie kisses


Friday, January 27, 2012



hewe is anothew chaptew fwom the GREAT MOVE
sheeeesh, it's endless

I spend most of my days tied up , while wokmen ow movews come in and out

don't wowwy, I'm not getting mistweated ow anything, I get my walkies and plenty of food (my own, plus bites of Mommi and daddi's Pik-niks), hehehehehe

we thought we wewe going to have ouw kitchen today, but NOOOOOOOOO

once they stawted to twy to put things in , they made all sowts of discovewies, like bwoken watew pipe, etc had to dig into cement in wall, take apawt tiles blah, blah, blah

end wesult is, they fixed the pipes, and cemented again, BUT, they have to wait fow that to dwy befowe they can wedoo tiles, and the mistew's mothew's Biwfday is monday, so he can't come back till toosday, heheheh
mowe pikniking and washing dishes in the baftub.

SOOOOOOO, Mommi is dying of fwustwation, cause she's the type who wants evewything all at oncet and she can't put dishes away, thewefowe all the kitchen boxes awe still hewe
she can't put all books away, cause she and Daddi painted bookshelve and they'we not dwy
she can't put clothes away cause we can't affowd to buy closets this momf

You can imagine he wine and xanax consumption , hehehehehehe

Meanwhile, the good news is things awe moving in the wight diwection and someday, we'll have ouw new home all done


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Fwiends continoo to be wondewful and call all the time to see what they can do to help, and I've stopped and sniffed lots of new fwiends in the neighbowhood

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I hope all of you awe well and know I think of you all the time, even if I don't come awound to youw bloggies!!!!!!!!!

I hope you enjoy the smileboxies at least.

Mommi sowt of collapses at the end of evewy day and becomes totally useless

smoochie kisses