a tired dog is a good dog

Friday, March 1, 2013

Pip and Puddles in Boo da Pest

The day has finally awwived fow Pip and Puddles to visit me hewe at the ends of the eawf ,Boo da Pest on theiw final leg of theiw BUCKET TOOW

 I was sooo excitewed waiting and planning all the things I wanted to show them...

  I cooldn't believe my eyes..oh, Pip looks soooo handsome!
 and Puddles, ummm, well, Puddles nevew disappoints, hehehehehe
 They had tons of luggage, so I suggested they change into something mowe comfowtabull, but it tuwns out, all 
thewe was in theiw suitcases wewe cheetos and beew, 

befowe we got to my fwont doow,I gots sum flowews and  we stopped fow a quick beew at the place acwoss the stweet, then dwopped off theiw things and headed to the Mawket Hall

 I figoowed they wewe hungwy aftew theiw twavels

 They wanted evewything, but settled fow some snausage and one of the hungawian specialities , called "LÁNGOS" ...it's fwied bwead wif salt and gawlic

it's pawfect wif .....what else?.....a beew, hehehehe

we got on the "Földallatti"...it's the oldest metwo in mainland Oowope and the showtest of thwee subway lines in Booda Pest wif the last stop being "Hewo's Squawe" 
it has statoos commemowating the founding of Hungawy, ovew a thousand yeaws ago,  and Museum of fine Awts and applied Awts on the two ends of the Squawe

(it's also on the edge of the big bootiful City Pawk)

ummm, Puddles was not impwessed, but I think Pip liked all the fiewce looking Twibal Chiefs who got togethew to settle and fowm a countwy

 Since wew wewe vewy close,
we decided to go to the Szechenyi Bafs that awe in the city Pawk

Boo da Pest has tons of natoowal Hot Spwings and so it is known as a city of Bafs
(not the kind whewe you get westled into a a baftub, but the kind whewe you soak in the hot watews, and get massages and stuff)

by the time we took the Metwo home, it was dawk and we wewe exhausted 
we couldn't wait to fall into bed

Aftew ouw slumbew pawty on the big bed, we woke up kind of late and  had bweakfast in bed befowe  setting off on mowe sightseeing

aftew cwossing "Erzsébet" bwidge, we climbed up the hill in Buda
and had a picnic  wif foods Pip and Puddles bwought fwom home
(I live on the Pest side)

hewe we awe wif one of the many statoos of St Stephen 
(the fiwst king of Hungawy, he was cwowned in 1000 AD)
Pip and Puddles wanted to get a bettew view of the "Szabadság"(Libewty) Bwidge
so they climbed on his howse

also on the Buda side is the Hapsbuwg Ewa Castle so we went to look at that
Puddles wanted to see the Mythical "turul madár", a biwd that's one of hungawy's symbols

 Buda is full of hills  and Pest is Flat..the view fwom the Castle distwict is pwetty pawsome, but once again, when I pointed out the Pawlament building acwoss the Danoobe, Puddles was unimpwessed

I hoped that some pastwies would not disappoint
so I took Pip and Puddles to "Ruszwurm" one of the oldest and best coffee houses neew Twinity Squawe on the Hill

fow ouw last night, I got us sum tickets to the Opewa
Pip looked smashing, vewy Deb oh Naiw..he told me it wemind it him of all the cultoowe in his hometown of Chic a Go
we wewe all weady to have a lovely evening, but wewe politely asked to leave doo to a distoowbance

I didn't cawe..i was just happy to be togethew wif my sweet pals
we giggled all the way home, stuffing cheetos in ouw moufs

the time to say fawewell came much too soon
thewe is nevew enuff time wif those we love, but I'm so vewy vewy gwateful that Pip decided to come see me on his Bucket Toow and bwing his "nuwse" Puddles

the memowies and love will last fuwwevew

till we meet again
smoochie kisses



tubby3pug said...

great visit

urban hounds

The Daily Pip said...

Who knew I was so tall when I stand upright on two paws! And how did you know sunflowers were my most favorite flowers ...they compliment the beer so perfectly ...

The Daily Pip said...

The sausage and Langos are delicious ...I feel refreshed and ready to take on the city!

psst Asta, I think some history and culture will be good for Puddles ...she doesn't seem very interested, but I know she is secretly enjoying herself

The Daily Pip said...

AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Just what my poor old paws need ...a soak in the hot bath. You youngsters can go exploring, but maybe I will rest here a bit. All I need now is a beer and more of that sausage.

Asta said...

Pip, I too was suwpwised at how tall bof you and Puddles awe when standing awound on two feetses...I hope the hungawian Beew meets yoow standawds

Asta said...

Pip, luckily, thewe is a westauwant at the bafs..I'll just go get you sum mowe snausages

Asta said...

twy the diffewent pools, the tempewatoowes vawy...maybe you coold give sum hints to the old guys who stand awound all day playing chess in the watew

The Daily Pip said...

Oh thank you, Asta. The beer and sausage are perfect. Maybe I will join these fellas in a chess game ...

WFT Nobby said...

Oh Asta, we knew we were in for a treat, reading about Pip and Puddles visit to Budapest, and we weren't disappointed. You really did show them the best of everything - food, monuments, metros, parks, an acceptable sort of bath, castles, all that yummy food.
But yes, I think you are right to put the "nurse" for Puddles in inverted commas. Oh yes, and by the way, what is wrong with beer and pastries...?
Toodle pip!

Asta said...

Pip, make suwe not to stay in the hottest watew..that's not good fow you, but the othews awe fine....
Bewtie, now that I twied beew wif the pastwies, I must admit, it's wefweshing

Cowspotdog said...

What a wonderful place to visit...you really do live in such a beautiful place and I think puddles needed a little culture....although I hear after her visit Cheetos sales have sky rocketed there

Unknown said...

Pawsome visit for Thelma & Louise, Asta. We love the indoor market and of course everything looks brilliant and my just thinking about the food makes my tummy rumble. Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly

Gus said...

woo hooo...Sorry I missed their visit. The fambly is going to St. Loulis next weekend. Is it OK if I come to visit.


pssst...You know how much I love that salty bread stuff!

The Daily Pip said...

(Shakes self off after stepping out of baths) regarding beer and pastries ....it's really all about the kind of beer. I find that a nice amber goes with buttery pastries ...

Asta said...

Pip, hewe, put on this wawm towelly wobe..it's still cold outside...i am so happy that yoo awe edoocamating me about the types of beews. I think it will change my life

Ranger said...

Wow…. you are such a good tour guide. What a great post!

Maggie Mae and Max said...


As always you is da hostess wif da mostest! What a great time Pip and Puddles had in Budapest! Well done!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae and Max

What Remains Now said...

What an AWESOME visit. Very good for Pip & Puddles to get a little culture. Truly enjoyed this wonderful tour.

GOOSE said...

You are the perfect host. Pip sure looks like he had a WONDERFUL time. That hot tubby thingy looked very inviting.

Lovable Lily said...

Oh Asta, that was a wonderful tour you gave Pip and Puddles! We're still laughing at Puddles in her nurses uniform.

Wish we were there to join you. It sounded like a great time!

Lily Belle & Muffin

Anonymous said...

OMD OMD! So much to see and do on their stop here! I can't believe she stopped the performance and I LOOOVE how she had cucumber slices on her eyes. Pip sure is handsome too! What a great visit!

Bocci said...

You have totally outdone yourself with this post, Asta! Fabulous!

Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs said...

Good friends and good food what more could you want. Budapest is lovely, we would love to visit one day.

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Asta Dahling you where such a considerate Hostess. You included some of EVERYTHING that your city has to offer. The Baffs must have been quite restorative fur Pip. The foods locations you chose fur them were PERFECT.. even though Pip did want to have beer with his pastry.
Leave it to PUDDLES to notice the Danube's true color... and to climb on EVERYTHINGY possible...
So sorry that you all were Tossed outta the Opera.. Pip probably thought you said OPRAH and was just a bit Confused.
Ernie and I Wish we could have enjoyed that MARVELOUS Breakfast in bed.
THANK YOU Asta Dear fur allowing us to come along.
PEEs... I don't think KULTURE is Puddles' Thang.

Mollie said...

Hilarious, that Puddles is so nawghty.. and she'z a bweeraholic..BOL xx00xx

Mollie and Alfie

The Daily Pip said...

You mean we weren't at the Oprah show???? I was hoping she might come out and give us cars or something

Asta said...

If only, if only Mw. Pip

My Mind's Eye said...

OMDS Asta you are a hostess with the mostest for sure. You took Pip and Puddles to the most beautiful places in your city. Mom and Dad visited Boo da pest in 2001. They were truly amazed at her beauty and delicious foods. So many great pictures but our favorite was the first one.
OMDs Pip and Puddles are way taller than I expected...they must be wearing platform shoes.
hugs Madi your BFFF

Marg said...

Oh Asta, that is the very best post. We so enjoyed hearing about Budapest. We also loved the cucumbers on Puddles's eyes. Now that is funny. All of it was just terrific. You did such a good job giving Puddles and Pip a good time. Hope you are feeling all right.

Corbin said...

What a fun trip! Pip and Puddles are going to sleep for DAYS when their tour is over after all this excitement!

rottrover said...

Well, we KNOW Pip had a wonderful time, even if Puddles got a little bored. That was a lovely visit. Butt she's a handful, isn't she?!?


Pippa Sheltie said...

I didn't realise that you stayed in Hungary, Asta! Wow, I really want to go there now!
I would like Buda, because it's hilly, but Pest would be nice too. You have taught me that the Danube river is near you!!! I always thought it was in France, but I'm a silly doggie!
You're country looks gorgeous (so do you!) and your weather looks great too!
Pippa :) woof

3 doxies said...

Ooooooh dear lawd has mercy, ain't we a sight fur sre eyes...we LOOKS GOOD standin' up....I likes dis.

Nobuddy told us to pack clothes...eeeeek! I was only makin' sure Pip had enugh stuffs fur da trip...I has to takes good care of him.


3 doxies said...

Ooooooh dear lawd has mercy, ain't we a sight fur sre eyes...we LOOKS GOOD standin' up....I likes dis.

Nobuddy told us to pack clothes...eeeeek! I was only makin' sure Pip had enugh stuffs fur da trip...I has to takes good care of him.


3 doxies said...

BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...da Oprah show...EVEN i knows what opera is. Not really, I had to wikipedia it but no buddy will knows.
Maybe there is sumptin' unders our seat.


3 doxies said...

Miss Asta, I could so gets used to dis breakfast in bed stuffs. Seen you do it and I had to try it out too...AND I LOOOOOOOOVES IT!!!!!!

Reckon I can still eat da cucumbers?


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

See... I just KNEW that Puddles thought she was gonna SEE OPRAH and HEAR Opera... she had to look it up to know what was what.
OH WELL, You DID try, Asta.
Guess you can take the Puddles outta the Country butt you can't take the Red Neck outta Puddles.

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

At LEAST Puddles didn't fib about looking it up on that
Wicked PEE D Ah thingy. RIGHT?

Ruby said...

OMD! That was a FABulous tour Asta gurl!! You really showed the fearsome twosome a great time there! I'm glads you brought a robe for Pip, there is nothin' more embarrassin' than steppin' out of the baffs all nekkid!!
Oh, all that foods looked fantastic! I'm droolin' all overs just lookin' at it Asta!! Ya know, Puddles might not admit it, butts I think she liked the foodables almost as much as her Cheetos! (thou, I did notice that she left orange paw prints everywhere she went! hehehe)
I'm so glad you kept them safe Sweet Asta, and I loved your FABulous tour of Budapest!!

Asta said...

Sheeesh, now I feel bad that thewe was nuffin undew the seats at the aopewa. How disappointing, hmmmm. Puddles I'm sooo glad you like the bweakfasts in bed. And ummm, mommi has ackshully eaten the coo cumbews aftew having them on hew puffy eyes, so I guess you coold too Puddles.

The Daily Pip said...

I have an idea ...how about we load up in sausage and pastries and then take this trolley car for a spin. I always wanted to drive a train ...now where are my glasses. Can't seem to find them ...Asta you better drive. Puddles come down from that statue and let's go for a ride

stellaroselong said...

we are learnin so much about all the different places pip and puddles are visiting..it was so exciting to read about your place asta...we loved puddles dress at the opera...
stella rose

Matilda the Boxer said...

You guys had SUCH a grreat trip! I've always wanted to see Booda Pest. I'm not so sure now that I've heard about that "city of bath" stuff, though!!

Asta said...

Pip, i made a deAl wif the dwivew. They'we cwazy about all things Amewi can hewe, so I slipped him sum Bud and cheetos and I now am in contwol of the twam...anywhewe you want to go, I have yoow back Pip

Asta said...

Puddles got that dwess fwom the set of "Anna Kawenina". I think she can wowk it. Se looked hot

Asta said...

That watew stuff is twoo. The Tuwks wewe hewe fow a couple of hundwed yeaws invading and stuff and they stawted building a bunch of bafs when they saw all the natoowal hot spwings and hungawians just kept on doing it tooo

Asta said...

Oooh, and Casey, don't wowwy..no one MAKES you baf. It's just thewe if yoo want to, so yoo can come to Boo da Pest wifout wowwying

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Oh wow what a wonderful visit and you showed them absolutely everything. Just a fabulous visit.. I hope to come to Boo da pest to see you someday too.. Hugs GJ xx

Duke said...

What a wonderful time you showed them, Asta. We just adore your face when Puddles wanted beer with her pastries! hehe
We love your header photo!

Love ya lots
Mitch and Molly

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

SHE was all excited because you took them to places SHE's been! We think you were lucky that you were only asked to leave the Opera...and not the country!

We know they had a fantastic time.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Sweet William The Scot said...

Oh Asta that was very informative how one side is flat pest and one side is hilly buda. I would love to try fried bread with salt and garlic. You have those wonderful bafs. I am sure Pip and Puddles are much more educated after visiting you.
Thanks for being a friends
Sweet William the Scot

Jans Funny Farm said...

What a fun visit. Be very, very glad you didn't have to ride in anything with Puddles driving!!!!! We learned the hard way.

What a wonderful visit, Asta. You are always such a gracious hostess.

Alien said...


Now THAT was an amazing stop on the tour. Loved the pictures!

Looks like they didn't do too much damage. You were lucky! :)


Millie and Walter said...

What a fun visit those two had with you. Why is it that Puddles always seems to find something to hang from? It was that bird statue for you and an elephant head for me.


Winston said...

OMD!!! Looks like you had a mawvelous time on you sightseeing tour!! Gweat job, Miss Asta, I' m suwe you questies made many wondewful memories on der bucket tour!

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

They had to actually STOP THE OPERA DUE TO CHEETOS SNACKING? Harumph...see my little catching that old Boston place on fire during the Nutcracker wasn't so bad...at least the performance was OVER...

What a marvelous tour you gave them. For as many times as we've Broomed over the city, I really had no idea what it looked like. (Maybe cuz it's always dark and we're sipping smoothies...) But how cool that Booda and Pest are flat and hilly combined. Wonder why that King 1000 AD guy snatched all that hilly land too? Do they grow grapes up there or is it too cold? Maybe he wanted it for the sledding hills? Must have been tough before those bridges were built!!

I'm planning on Brooming over tonight...perhaps we shall go out for that pizza without sauce, cheese OR pepperoni bread stuff? Oh, I have a puncture on my Broom tire, so be prepared for a bit of a crash when I land.


Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

OOOOHH...what a super dooper place Buda Pest is! And you gave a great tour to our buddies. Of course we knew Puddles would get in trouble yet again.

Mrs Mac said...

WWOW! What a great tour! I can't wait till I can come and visit!
As for Puddles, I can see why he gets that name if he drinks all that beer!!!
"Monument Shmonument" ROFL!!!


Tweedles -- that's me said...

oh what wonderful, wonderful good times!

Oskar said...

Asta, you showed them such a wonderful time. You are a fantastic hostess.

Nubbin wiggles,

Ziggy Stardust said...

Asta, my sweet pal, what a tour you gave them. You are such a gracious hostess. I am truly surprised that there was very little mischief. You knew how to keep them happy and full of beers and yummy foodables. You live in such a beautiful place. I hope I can visit you some day.

Loveys Sasha

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Miss Asta how fabulous. We felt like we were watching a wonderful movie all about Boo da Pest. Puddles and Pip just make us laugh. Thanks for sharing your beautiful city with everybuddy. Mum wishes she could sit and have pastwies with you too! Take care sweetie pie. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Piappies World said...

Oh wow! You sure got to tour them around Boo da pest, Asta! That was a lot of fun! The bath sure looked so cozy and relaxing. Sure hope you can send some treats our way.

Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Max, Wai-Pai & Forgie

The Florida Furkids said...

What a great adventure you had! We love Pip and Puddles....they visted us last week!!

The Florida Furkids

Anonymous said...

Sweet Miss Asta, you are a FAB u lous hostess. I loved all the sights and especially the foodibles tour. But PLEASE tell me there was some chocolate involved. I would not want to see your food pyramid topple, although beer and Cheetos provide a substantial base, as we all know so well. Even though Chocolate is usually forbidden to doggies, in the gossamer shimmer of Budapest, SURELY you would be magically protected? Just in case, though, it would probably be wise to have a chocolate tester on hand. If ever I should make it to Budapest, please consider it no imposition to ask me. It would be my honor.
Happy days!

Scooter said...

Hey Asta!
Wow, what a wonderful visit for Pip's tour! Looks like you showed them the bestest of your territory. I love those chieftans and I can tell Pip did too. Thanks for letting us see your adventure, my very good hostess furiend.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Scooter said...

Hey Asta!
Wow, what a wonderful visit for Pip's tour! Looks like you showed them the bestest of your territory. I love those chieftans and I can tell Pip did too. Thanks for letting us see your adventure, my very good hostess furiend.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Islay said...

Hi Asta - sorry to have been away so long - love your post!!!! I saw Eugen Onegin in that Opera House! If you make it to London or Paris, please let mum know. She would hate to miss having a coffee with yoU!
--Islay for charlie's Dogblog

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello asta its dennis the vizsla dog hay yoo ar a grayt toor gide it luks like yoo and puddles and pip had a wunnerful time in the mithikal sitty of boodapest!!! ok bye

kissa-bull said...

Oh asta your city is just bewootiful. We sure know puddles and pip had a tootful time! Our mommish fell in love wiff thecwhole hot water springs thingy. She so wants to visit!

Pibble sugars
The pittie pack

Anonymous said...

What a fabulous tour of Budapest you gave them! Laughed myself silly with the cukes on Puddles eyeballs BOL! Had me droolin with all the nommers you served them :) Asta you really know how to treat your guests - they must've felt like royalty! Well at least Pip probably did ;)

Waggin at ya,

PeeS: How's Asta's health? Keepin my paws crossed for her and lots of wellness wishes flowing your way.

Just Mags said...

Looks like you all are having great fun and lots of yummy food. Hugs and nose kisses

Smile With Your Tail said...

WHAT an adventure!


Wyatt said...

What a nice time you showed those dawgs. We know you to be the pawfect hostess, so we would expect no less!
And what a task, keeping Miss Puddles in line....You should have your own monument in Hero's Square, Asta!

Wyatt and Stanzie

The Black and Tans. said...

That brought back such lovely memories.

Molly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie

Misaki @ misadventuresofMisaki said...

What a fantastic time you guys had xxx

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

Thank you for your kind words of sympathy for the loss of our beloved Grrreta. Your thoughtfulness and friendship are truly appreciated.

Ambrose, Clarence, Teddi, Baskin, Abner, and Mom Michelle

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Anonymous said...

What a fun tour Asta! Thank you very much! kisses Kaci and Josh in Iowa!

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