Sunday, January 12, 2014

{sunday photo 2}

Happy Sunday

It's been a pretty uneventful day. Our church time has now moved to 1:00pm so that should prove to be exciting with Mia. So far it hasn't been too terrible.

Right now the Golden Globes are about to start.....
Kids are off to bed in T minus 30 minutes and counting.

Friday, January 10, 2014

{sunday photo: Jan 6th}

Ok, so it is a New Year.....which means another year of Sunday Photos. I am so glad that I started this 'tradition' to kick off 2013 last year. I believe that in the 52 weeks of photos, I only missed 1 (possibly 2) weeks in all. Not too bad! To kick off the tradition for 2014, I have to use photos that I took Monday. Hunter and I were in Florida last weekend, (more on that to come....) and didn't get home until Sunday night. So here are the kids enjoying another day of Winter break. In fact as it turns out, they got to *enjoy 2 additional days of their verrrrry long break. As Hunter and I regretfully had to leave the sunny and warm beautiful state of Florida--with temps in the 80s....we arrived home, only to be 'welcomed' with negative 30-40 below wind chill and 2 days of school being cancelled due to the dangerously low temps. 

We did get to experiment that day, however, with seeing what happens to boiling water when it meets -30 below. 

Gotta love Iowa.

Monday, January 6, 2014

{welcome 2014--keep calm and carry on}

What a welcome site 2014 is! It already got off to an awesome start and I am optimistic that it'll carry throughout the next 12 months. We rung  in the New Year by enjoying a fabulous spread that consisted of shrimp cocktail, Thai coconut soup (my favorite) and Thai lettuce wraps. I'm definitely thinking we need to make this be an annual tradition. We had it last year too, and oh wow is it goood.

After dinner we were invited over to a New Years Eve party at some good friends of ours, the Allison's. What made the night even more fun was that another awesome family that we love, the Scott's were in town over the holiday visiting and we got to hang out with them that night as well. The picture below is all the 'loot' the boys won from the game they played that night. Such a fun way to celebrate.

Toasting of the Martinelli's.

Little princess was up waaaay past her bedtime. She made it till about 10:00pm and was done. 

Reflections of the last year......

I'll give 2013 one certainly was memorable. 
It may sound simple and trite, but one of the best things that I did, was put together a quick little video collage (flipagram) of the past 12 months. You can see it below if you'd like. 

But what that video did, interestingly enough was open my eyes to all of the good and joy that occurred all around me during 2013. I'm not sure if it was the visual effect of seeing it all flash before my eyes, but it honestly caused a change to take place in my heart. I have carried quite a lot of bitterness, anger, resentment, frustration and a deep pain at what has taken place in our lives, and at times it has been so consuming and destructive that I have barely made it through the day. It was those deep seeded feelings of anger and resentment that caused the suffering--that in turn prevented me from being the person, mother, wife, friend etc...that I knew I was capable of being. 

I decided awhile back that those thoughts and feelings have no place in my life. They cause nothing but sadness and pain. Since then, much brighter and happier times have carried me through. Honestly, my heart is so full of gratitude at the many acts of kindness, generosity and love that has been shown on my family's behalf in recent months, that I have no room left for anything else. In the trial of my faith, and after many months of struggling and fighting my way through--I ultimately chose to see the light and happiness and life that was happening all around me. I allowed the Lord to heal my troubled soul, and again have hope for brighter days ahead.

A theme for the New Year..... will be the same theme that we implemented this summer. I bought a large sign that hangs in our kitchen and is visible to all. Again, it is simple and may be trite--but I have found myself many times looking up at it's words and allowing them to take over and bring me though a difficult day. 
Keep Calm and Carry On 

As simple as that phrase may be, it has proven to be a lot more challenging to actually 'do.' Come what may....we will Carry On in the year 2014. 

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Thursday, December 26, 2013

{christmas day}

Christmas morning is such a magical moment in time and just like that it is over. We really, really tried to make it last as long as we could this year. Each year that passes with these kids, it just keeps getting better and better. I read a quote the other day, and really tried to keep it's message in my mind as we enjoyed this special holiday as a family this year.

"You will never have this day with your children again. Tomorrow they'll be a little older than they were today. This day is a gift. Just breathe, notice, study their faces and little feet. Pay attention. Relish the charms of the present. Enjoy today, it will be over before you know it."

 The little princess had a very happy day. 
She loves the Pony and bead necklaces she got from her brothers. Just ask me if she has taken off her necklace since yesterday????

From us, the boys each got (desperately needed) brand new mattress', a new game for the Wii, a big puzzle, and a cool art supply set that includes, oil paints, pastel paints, brushes, water colors, etc...that you can see pictured below.

Santa brought Mia a brand new Little Mermaid car that plays music and lights up.
Ask me if she has stopped trying to ride it since yesterday??

Here are the boys opening up the gifts they bought each other from the Dollar store. They each earned $5 from recycling pop cans and were quite delighted at how much $5 really gets you at the Dollar store.

This picture makes me happy. 
Mia got her very own travel backpack with her initials monogrammed on it from grandma and grandpa Stewart.

These homemade suckers are to die for. I got a whole bag all to myself from one of my good friends. 
I don't share.

Christmas breakfast spread.

The boys putting together the human body and T-rex models they got from grandma and grandpa Morris.

Hunter and Tanner both got what they asked for from Santa. Hunter got his Star Wars Lego set and Tanner got his Skylander's set. I am honestly quite impressed every time I watch them put these sets together. They usually consist of about 400 pieces and somehow they are able to figure it out. Here is Hunter very proud of his handiwork.

And here is where I *try do my best to give thanks and express gratitude to our extended families. Our wonderful parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters and all those who have blessed our family this year with so much. We feel the love MORE abundantly and sincerely than you will ever know. Thank you for the wonderful and thoughtful gifts, cards and your generosity. We love you.

Merry Christmas All.
{Christmas Eve post is below}

{christmas eve}

:Christmas Eve:

Was spent making some holiday crafts by the boys, baking and decorating sugar cookies for Santa, and some last minute gift wrapping and preparations for the next day. Steve had to work from 8-4:30 pm that day, so as soon as he got home, we headed out for our Morris family Christmas Eve traditions. We have done pretty much the exact same thing each year that we have lived in Iowa. It has now become something that we all really look forward to, and takes very little effort and planning which is nice, since Christmas is such a big day.

We always go out to Texas Roadhouse for dinner which is a big treat since we don't go out to dinner there very often. Hunter loves their smoothies and Tanner loves the peanuts as you can see from the pictures below.

Next up is the Jolly Holiday Lights. It is about 3 miles worth of light displays and it is definitely the highlight of the night. The kids really love it and so do we.

By the time we get home it is usually late, but it is always my favorite part of the day. We get to set out Santa's cookies, open up one gift each, which are new Christmas jammies for everyone and have a little program about the Nativity. Here we are all watching a video clip titled "Good Tidings of Great Joy...." excellent Mormon Message video about the Nativity. We also listened to one of my new absolute favorite songs {Hallelujah by: Cloverton} it is simply beautiful and invites such a warm spirit of Christmas every time I listen to it. You can check out the link {here.} 

As a bright Christmas glow circles all around,
three little children await for what is soon to be found.
All dressed and ready for bed, 
as visions of Lego sets and dollies dance in their heads.

For Christmas morning will soon be here....

Sunday, December 22, 2013

{sunday photo 47}

In three very short days it will be Christmas. I *think that I am just about ready (or as ready as I'll ever be) for this coming week. Here my three little treasures are dressed in their Sunday best.

Pictures before church

And after.....

We had a snow storm roll through last night. Nothing too crazy for Iowa, but for whatever reason they decided to cancel the last 2 hours of church today. Seems a little strange after everyone had already arrived for the first hour--but the kids didn't complain too much when they got to come home and 'help' Steve shovel the snow.