Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Carson decided he wanted to play baseball again this spring. However, this season we decided to try out the Humble League. The past few years we played in the Kingwood League. He plays in the same league as a lot of kids in his school and class so that is fun. Plus the drive is a lot shorter. He is in the 8U League on the Rays! So far this season they have lost two games and tied one game due to having to call the game early. One of Carson's teammates (Brayden) got slammed by the ball which ended with him being taken off the field by ambulance. He is okay but not cleared to play for one week. He has an awesome black eye!  Monday night (4/8/13) they had another game.What a game it was! One Carson will never forget. He was doing well so far throughout the game. He had gotten on base every time thus far and nothing had come to him in the outfield yet. He stepped up to the plate and swung with all his might. BOOM! The ball flew through the air, dropped down just in front of the outfielders and rolled all the way to the fence. Immediately I am screaming, RUN, RUN, RUN! He rounds first and heads to second, then to third and the third base coach motions to run into home. He slid into home with a BIG HUGE GRIN plastered on his face and his arms in the air! Carson hit his FIRST HOME RUN! Here is a picture of his team after their first victory! All the kids wore eye patches to match Braydens black eye. Sorry the picture is blurry. The kids were so excited they wouldn't hold still!