Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Awesome Mormon Ad!

So I thought this was just too funny not to share. Enjoy!

Also, thanks to the Blands for pointing out that the Mormon Messages that come out each week are great for last minute Family Home Evening lessons.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Good Excuse

Yes I do have a really good excuse for not blogging for quite some time. Since word is getting around I thought I'd let everyone know - we are expecting another baby! I'm only 11 1/2 weeks along, but my stomach decided to expand rather quickly. I'm starting to feel a little better and hope to be back to as normal as possible soon.

I went to the dr. a few weeks ago. Everything looks good for the most part, and yes there is only one in there! Everyone in my family has a different opinion on the baby. Here is the answer you get when you ask what I'm having:

Alisha: girl
Bridger: boy
Carson: a lizard
Hailey: pretty much what any one else says, sometimes boy, girl, lizard, puppy, etc.

I think Carson might be a little dissapointed when a baby comes out of my tummy and not an animal! :)