So we've been here for 5 or 6 weeks now. I can't believe how quickly time has gone. I feel like we just got here. We've been so busy. Wes started work and is studying for the Bar. It's intense. The girls and I are busy doing you know, what we do.
Wes and I are the Sunbeam teachers in our ward! We love it. I really hope they keep us there forever. We have 7 boys and 1 girl in the class. Cutest ever. Not to mention , all the great stories we have after Sundays at church :)
Paisley is in Preschool two days a week. Tumbling once a week and dance once a week. She's a busy girl that needs to be kept BUSY. We're so proud of her and the great girl she is. She is such a big helper and she's learning a lot. She loves riding her big girl bike outside. We go out as much as we can to enjoy the sunshine. Paisley hasn't quite figured out how to turn corners with her bike. So whenever she gets to the end of the street, she gets off her bike, picks it up and literally turns it around to come back the other way. What a funny kid. She keeps us laughing. Her imagination is so wild- she has a pretend boyfriend who she "pretend texts" and "pretend calls" frequently. I don't think I like it too much :( She is still our free spirit girl. Love her love her.
Charlotte- HOLY DISASTER!!!!! Yes, she looks sweet doesn't she? Well, she IS sweet. HOWEVER, she's turning over a new leaf and coming into her own. She is into everything like a typical 19 month old. But I'm just not used to her being so wild. I thought when she was born, "oh good, a sweet chubby little rolley polley. She's going to be my calm child after Paisley."... wrong!!! She's just as spicy as her big sister. Heaven knows she has to be to keep up with her. Charlotte will NOT sit in a stroller, grocery cart, carseat.. NOTHIN! She wants to be OUT and running everywhere. Recently, she's been sick. Bouts of asthma and breathing issues again. Struggle. Getting over that, but she's now allergic or sensitive to something so tomorrrow we have a dermatologist appointment. Bless her sweet heart. Her sweet, crazy heart. Oh we love the sugar. Something super cute right now is that she is OBSESSED with SHOES!!! She wears our shoes around the house all day long. Especially my high heels :) And at Grandmas' house she goes shoe shopping in her closet. So dang cute! These girls are our whole LIFE!!! WHat would we do with out them.
I thought by this point I'd have it all figured out, down pat you know? Well, I don't. We are learning constantly and trying to do our best!!! Some days I wonder how we made it through that day, but we always do. At the end of the day, it's always worth it.
peanut butter faces, stinky feet, dirt under fingernails, rash bottom, scraggle hair, hot mess!!! I would not change a thing. love you forever :)