Seriously.. we were at the airport for 5 hours. Thats was FUN!! San Diego was such a FUN trip!! Our kids had a blast!! We spent Hunters birthday at the San Diego Zoo. He LOVED that!!!! Then We spent Chaz birthday at seaworld and ooh boy was that fun!! Hunter was helarious!!! He couldnt get enough of everything!!! The last day we were there we spent the day on Cornado Island. Chaz and I actually spent the last day of our honeymoon on the same Island. Its just a really pretty beach!!
Me and Hunter
Uncle Jordan and Hunter!
Chaz trying to push the stroller in the sand.. Probably the FUNNIEST thing ive ever seen!!!!
Abby very much enjoyed eating the sand!
Jordan was able to spend some fun time in the sun one last time before his mission!
Hunters party was fun but our camera pooped out during the party so these were all the pictures I was able to take! No worries though we got it taken care of so there will be PLENTY of pictures of him on his real birthday!!