Monday, July 20, 2009

Yellowstone 2009

Oh give me a home, where the BUFFALO roam...

Where the DEER and the ANTELOPE play...

(Sometimes the Antelope play with the Buffalo too...)

Where seldom is heard, a discouraging word. And the skies are not cloudy all day...

Hayden Valley
West Thumb Geyesers

As you can see, Ashlee and I spent the 4th of July weekend hanging out in Yellowstone and The Grand Tetons, and we saw some amazing things. Here are a few of our favorite pictures from the trip. We hope you enjoy them...

And these little furry guys were the absolute highlight of our trip...

We hope you've enjoyed looking at our pictures as much as we enjoyed taking them. It truly was an amazing vacation!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Oquirrh Mountain Temple Open House

"Temples really are the gateways to heaven.”
-President Benson