We've had a lot of fun things going on around here. Hamilton had his Joy School Halloween party on Thursday, which turned out great. Even though he wouldn't get in any pics. Sat. was our ward Trunk or Treat, the boys had fun and got lots of candy, but I didn't take any pics, bummer! Then yesterday we went and watched Bentley's school Halloween parade, he looked super cute and seemed to be lovin every min. of it with his friends. Hamilton was totally quiet the whole time, super amazed by all the costumes. Then last night we had are usual Halloween dinner and got all dressed up for a fun night out trick or treating! It really was an amazing Halloween, it was like warm, no coats and just the right temp. Bentley was super into hitting all the houses this year and getting tonz of candy. Hamilton was really cute this year too, he ran and ran all night to keep up with Bentley and was the first to get up to the door. He actually understood what was going on and was totally loving it. Once they got home they dumped their buckets out and started chowing. And Bentley loved loved loved handing out candy to everyone that came to our door. Then the sugar rush hit and they were wild and crazy! Sliding down the stairs on there bellies and screaming, it was quite the night of running out the sugar. But they loved every min. of Halloween, so that's what its all about!
Trav the Traverse Mountain Tiger |
Going up to someones spooky house |
Easiest costume I could come up with that goes with the big belly |