Thursday, December 29, 2011

30 Weeks

Santa Came!

This year was so much fun, Bentley was so excited for Christmas. We overheard him telling Hamilton what Santa was going to do and that if you hear him you have to keep your eyes closed tight so he doesn't loose his magic. It was the cutest thing! We finally got the boys in bed around 11 P.M. and they woke up at 7:00 A.M. Bentley was thrilled because he got the tool bench he asked for and he even got a chia pet, how did Santa know he wanted that!? Both of them loved Hamilton's race track, they said that was the fav. toy this year. And Hamilton couldn't wait to open his new Star wars game for the xbox that he asked Santa for. They ended up with a lot of Power Ranger stuff, which happens to be their fav. thing for the last 8 months. Its all they watch and play. They got a Toy Story 3 game for the xbox as well, and they have pretty much played that non stop since Christmas, they love it! And its great that it has 2 players and they both can play it really well. We can't forget how everyone ended up with Michigan gear this year, Love game day gear.

Christmas Feast

On Christmas Eve we headed down to The Grand America Hotel for our usual yummy Christmas dinner. Bentley loves eating there, they have the cutest tiniest little buffet table just for kids. So he feels real grown up being able to go through the line all by himself. Its always fun and gets you in the mood for Christmas with all the lights and decorations, it really makes it feel like Christmas.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Tis The Season

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Last night we sat around the table and made our annual Gingerbread House. The boys loved every sec. of it and haven't stopped eating off of it since we got done. Its just one of those things ya gotta do, right?

Fun Christmas Day

Sat. we woke up and went to Breakfast with Santa at our church. Our ward does such a great job, there was sooo much yummy food! I totally ate way too much! The boys had a blast with all their friends and they even got to see Santa. After lunch we went to Arthur's Christmas, that new movie out. It was ok, Bentley loved it though. And then headed over to Thanksgiving Point to see Santa's Reindeer and have some yummy dinner. It was a really fun day to get us in the Holiday spirit and I love Thanksgiving Point this time of year. It is so pretty with all the lights and beautiful decorations, it was such a fun night out with the boys.

Christmas Program

We went to Bentley's program at school on Friday, that was crazy! I was there 30 min. early and couldn't even get a seat up front. And it was packed, totally packed and Bentley is so short and small. It was really hard to see him, but he did an awesome job! He actually sang every song and was so excited to see us there watching him. He is just the cutest! He has really enjoyed all the Christmas things going on this year.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Family Pictures

While we were in St. George one day, we ran out and snapped a few pics of the fam. I think we got some pretty cute ones!

Monday, November 28, 2011


Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving, we sure did. I just love going to St.George this time of year and spening time with my family. We had a dinner with my whole family on Thanksgiving and were able to get together with Ryans family the next day. The kids played with all their cousins and had fun going to the park everyday. We also did a Polor Express Christmas party while we were there, so we are fully into the Christmas season! Can't wait to go see Santa in a few days and get our tree up.

Turkey Day At School

Last week I went in and helped with Bentleys Thanksgiving party. It was fun to see how he acts with the other kids, and see how much fun they have. The party was super cute and turned out perfect, all the ladies involved did a great job! I was incharge of the snack, which we decided to make a "Blessing Mix" and have the kids put it in a cornacopia "waffle cone." It was a hit, and turned out sooo cute, I will for sure use this idea again! Im pretty sure Bentley had a great time.
Bentley and his friend Belle, this is the 2nd yr they have been in a class together.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

25 1/2 Weeks

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Cute Little Band

So glad he has fun with his friends at Joy School! These cute little boys love to rock out.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Baby Blanket

Ive been workin hard on this blanket the last week. Our new little guy will have a room full of owls by the time he gets here. This blanket is so soft, I just love it! And its a bit bigger than the average baby blanket, so that he can love on it til hes 3 or 4. I just love owls!


Horrible pic. I thought we would take tonz, but ended up only getting this. aren't they all cute!
Our Besties came to town this week, so we headed out to lunch. We miss them so much and can't wait for the day they come back. It was so fun to see them and get all caught up, I wish we could get together much more!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

22 weeks

Oh boy, starting to feel large! And tired. Its getting harder to do things and im already wanting him to just be here. And I have so long to go.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween

We've had a lot of fun things going on around here. Hamilton had his Joy School Halloween party on Thursday, which turned out great. Even though he wouldn't get in any pics. Sat. was our ward Trunk or Treat, the boys had fun and got lots of candy, but I didn't take any pics, bummer! Then yesterday we went and watched Bentley's school Halloween parade, he looked super cute and seemed to be lovin every min. of it with his friends. Hamilton was totally quiet the whole time, super amazed by all the costumes. Then last night we had are usual Halloween dinner and got all dressed up for a fun night out trick or treating! It really was an amazing Halloween, it was like warm, no coats and just the right temp. Bentley was super into hitting all the houses this year and getting tonz of candy. Hamilton was really cute this year too, he ran and ran all night to keep up with Bentley and was the first to get up to the door. He actually understood what was going on and was totally loving it. Once they got home they dumped their buckets out and started chowing. And Bentley loved loved loved handing out candy to everyone that came to our door. Then the sugar rush hit and they were wild and crazy! Sliding down the stairs on there bellies and screaming, it was quite the night of running out the sugar. But they loved every min. of Halloween, so that's what its all about!

Trav the Traverse Mountain Tiger

Going up to someones spooky house

Easiest costume I could come up with that goes with the big belly

Monday, October 24, 2011

Must Be Fall

I love love love the Cedar Hills park by our old house. It is so beautiful in the fall. When we lived there, Bentz and I would go on a walk in the leaves every day. Today I decided to run the boys up there and let them play in the leaves before the big temp drop. They had a blast and were so cute, im glad I had my camera!