Sunday, November 2, 2014

Halloween 2014

Usually every year we all dress up in a theme. Well this year my kids finally have opinions.  So I sort a went with it and just let them pick. But Evan still has to do what I say so I made him go along with Ham. Bentley killed it. I was dying when I saw him all dressed up! Love it! And Hamilton and Evan made the cutest Paw Patrol dogs ever. This year I did the Halloween party in Hammys class. Then after school we went to see dad at work. Then of course did our usual dinner and trick or treating. It was a warm beautiful night. The boys had a lot of fun. And Evan was to die for! He would go up and knock on the door with the boys and always said thank you and bye to the people. Then he would run back said Daddyyyy and showing him what he got and put it in the bucket. Every house he was so kind and grateful saying thank you. He even walked out Hammy. Ham got tired and kept sitting and ditched out a few houses early. But little ev ran those little legs the whole time and went just as far and long as Bentley. Then they all 3 had a blast answering the door and handing out the candy. Bentley holding the bowl out and Evan saying bye to everyone. It was such a cute fun night. No wonder I love Halloween!

Friday, September 5, 2014

Back To School

I am so excited about this year. Bentley got a really great teacher and all his best friends are in his class with him. And Hamilton is in Kindergarten getting so big. He has all his best friends with him again this year as well. The boys are really excited to ride the bus to school together this year. They are so cute getting on the bus together and Bentley walks him over to the Kindergarten playground each day. Lots of luck cute boys do great things this year!

Hamilton was also the spotlight the first week of school. 
So he took a poster all about himself to share with the class. 

Hammy is 6

Hamilton has wanted to have his birthday for almost a yr now ;) and hes been pretty excited to have a Mario party. I can't believe Hamilton is 6 already! He is getting so big. I really didn't think he would ever get older than 4. I love my little ladies man. He invited 6 girls and 2 boys. And he was so adorable at his party. This year has been a really big year for little ham. He started driving a 4wheeler all by himself and He finally learned how to ride a bike! We never really thought it would happen, but that little man learned in about 20 min and was a pro. Can't wait to see what this next year will bring.

 His Bday lunch at costa vida

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Happy America Day!

This year we decided we would try something new. We headed up to Park City to celebrate the 4th. We stayed at the Canyons because on Thur. night they were having a big party. It was so nice to swim and change then just head out back behind the hotel for all the festivities. They had music and things for the kids. We had dinner and sat on the hill listening to music eating snacks and waiting for the fireworks. The boys had a blast! they thought it was so cool. When the fireworks started Evan got scared and layed on top of me and refused to look. But everyone else enjoyed them. Then we headed inside and went to bed. It was so nice. Then Friday we woke up and hit up the parade. I have never seen so many people and so much traffic. And we really weren't impressed with the parade at all so we may skip that next time. But it was a lot of fun being able to getaway and do a lot of swimming and have dinner on main street and walk around. It was a really fun weekend and were thinking we may need to turn it into an annual tradition.

Monday, June 2, 2014

2nd Grade Graduate

Wow its been a whole school year! I remember standing in the back of school everyday that first week of school. It being a new school Bentley didn't know a sole, nor did I. Bentley was so nervous but didn't really show it. So brave walking in there making new friends. I had no idea what was ahead and now I stood out there everyday this week helping with all the end of school projects. Bentley surrounded by tonz of friends and people saying hello as we walked through the halls. We did it!!! And it was a fantastic school year. Bentley has made the cutest most awesome little group of guy friends. I love love each one of them and they are total studs. They match Bentleys personality perfectly. We totally lucked out and got the most awesome teacher ever!! Mrs. Jacobs loved Bentley so much and totally got his personality. I was the party mom and had a blast working with her all year. At the last day of school I had to hold my tears back. It was so sweet to watch Bentley and his teacher say good bye to each other. And him saying good bye to his little buddies made me realize how lucky he is to have such great friends. I can't wait for the next school year and all the new friends he will make.

Pet day during the last week. Yeah Bentley took our goat! 

The crew!!! Kad, Bentley, Keaton and Logan is missing. 

Hamilton Graduates Preschool

This school year has been the biggest deal for me so far. Especially for Hamilton. I was so worried that moving Hamilton to a new school after he had just got settled in would be so hard for him. Much to my surprise Hamilton did amazing. Luckily we moved in across the street from his soon to be best friend and got in on a carpool right away. This year it was so nice having a carpool with these cute kids I was able to become great friends with the moms and I adore these kids. Hamilton loved his preschool every single day he came home with the cutest projects. And made so many great friends in his class. I couldn't be happier with how things turned out. And now after his cute little program he is ready for Kindergarten.

This is a few days before school got out. They celebrated the summer Birthdays. 

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Bentley got ran over by a deer

On Friday I got a call from Bentleys school teacher Mrs. Jacobs. She said there was a strange accident at school during recess with Bentley. I was so afraid to hear what she would say. I kept thinking hes bleeding hes broken something? Well apparently a deer wandered onto the play ground and there were these kids throwing rocks at it and chasing it. Bentley was playing football and had his back to the deer didn't know it was there and and the deer got scarred and head butted Bentley in the back. They said he was laying in the office he was ok just had a red mark and they were giving him tylenol. WHAT?! we both started laughing so hard. How often do you get a phone call like that??? She said he wanted to stay at school. A few min. later I get a call from the school secretary.... Um Bentley had a strange accident at recess.... I started laughing and said I had heart all about it. She was laughing and said thats the wierdest call she had ever made. She actually didn't believe him and thought he was telling stories. She knew something had happened because he was very upset and there was a mark. She went out to the play ground and talked to everyone and decided it was legit. It for sure happened. Bentley ended up calling and having me come get him. He said everyone in the whole school was asking him non stop about it. And everyone told him that its going to be such a great story for the rest of his life. Not many people get to say they were in 2nd grade at recess and got hit by a deer.


About 3 weeks ago we all went and picked out our 2 new goats. We have been so excited to get our new Nigerian Dwarf does. This week we were able to go pick one one of them. The other little girl can't go for 3 more weeks. It was quite the adventure throwing little Diva in the back of the car and helping her get use to her new home. She has been missing her mama so she has been crying a lot but is getting better every day. She also escaped her new home 3 times and had us chasing her down the street. But we are thrilled to have her. Who knew a little goat could be so sweet and loving. All she wants is to snuggle and be around us all the time. She will lay her head on my chest and fall asleep. Its going to be a lot of fun having her around Burton farm and can't wait for our next one to come home.

Mothers Day 2014

I am so lucky to have 3 little men around me. I love each one of them so much and I love being their mom. And I forgive Evan for screaming and loosing it and refusing to be in my pics :)

My Boys

My boys are so freakin cute!!! I can't get enough of these little dudes and I am so lucky they are mine!

Baby Bunnies

Our bunny Kate had her babies 3 weeks ago. We have been so excited and loving every min. of taking care of them and watching them grow. She had 9 babies and every single one lived and is healthy and doing great. She is the best little mom ever. Bentley begs every day to keep all of them but he knows we have to sale them. But we are keeping one.