I found out last night that I won't have internet access at camp. At all. Meaning...there won't be any new posts for three weeks. The rest of July.
I am so, deeply sorry! I've come to love blogging and everything about it, and I'm going to miss it so much - and all of you guys too, my lovely readers!
What makes it suck even more is that this morning I reached 100 followers, which, of course, calls for a contest. But since I won't be around for a while, I'm going to postpone it until I get back.
I may still have access to my email, but only because I have an iPhone, but unfortunately Blogger just does not work on my phone! And I have yet to figure out how to schedule posts, but after this, I'm definitely looking way harder into that.
I am SO sorry, guys! I swear, though, when I get back, I'll make it all up to you. :)
In the meantime...you can enjoy my wonderful blogger friend Brent's guest post right below this one!
Thank you guys so much for reading and understanding. I'll miss you guys, and I swear, I'll make up for lost time when I get back. I swear on my books (I know, I know. WHOA THERE, right? You all know that is a serious thing to swear on right there. My books are like, my life, so, you can totally expect me to keep that promise :)
Love you guys! And I can't wait to talk to you all when I get back!