Tuesday, May 3, 2016

This past week

We've had a crazy past week. Lots of away games. I've been to Seattle five times in the past week. 
Becky has done so good on defense! 
Austin and the boys.

Edward is Becky's boyfriend.

These two goofballs crack me up. This is the smile they give me when the camera comes out. 

Sunday, April 24, 2016

April 2016

We've had a busy month with lacrosse with both kiddos. Rebecca is doing really good with her cradling and shooting. We are so excited to watch her. 
She also knows how to relax while not a practice. 
Her jersey number is 22.
We drove a couple hours for her last game. It was in the Seattle area and Austin had a game in the same area the next day, so we decided to go camping. 
Becky made two shots on goal and ran really well across the field several times. It's very difficult to do while cradling. 

Austin made three goals and played well.

Maddie's family also went camping with us. 

Our family is so lucky to have such great friends within the lacrosse club. We all have a great time together and the kids get to hang out as well. 

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

March 2016

March was a very busy month for us. We had a lot of lacrosse games, Austin had his fourteenth birthday, and I went on a trip to Vegas to see my Mom.
Austin recieved honor of the game many times. You receive this at the end of the game for good sportsmanship.
This is Austin's birthday dinner with a few friends. We went mini golfing and had a nice lunch for his birthday this year. 

Becky has been doing so well in lacrosse. We are so excited to see her play this year. 
Austin's friend Chad came over a few weeks ago and they had a game night.
Over spring break Anytime Fitness put on a "Speed School", both of the kids joined. They really loved it. Austin's football coach is the one who taught the classes.

These are a few of the kids who attended.
Austin is now way taller than I am.

Becky and I enjoyed the sunshine and flowers in downtown Sequim last Saturday. 

Personal training with coach Kenny. 

Friday, March 11, 2016

February 2016

This week was a big week, Becka bean joined the girls high school lacrosse team! Woot woot!
There have been many hours of practice getting used to a girls stick.
I'm so excited to see her blossom into an amazing player. 
We enjoyed a little school in bed this week. She has been fighting a sinus cold. No fun!
Austin had his first away game this week. The team played well but lost. He plays "middie", again this year. 
The team is made up of nearly fifty percent first year players. 
Austin is in the blue and orange jersey. He does face off for his team. 
This handsome guy was checking me out during the game. (Insert giddy laugh here)
This is such a great picture for showing Becky's sweet disposition. Always happy and laughing. I'm a lucky Mom. 
This kid is always cracking us up.
As you can see, Becky is still playing her guitar. She is now doing piano lessons also.
This guy still loves me and I'm constantly so thankful. He is a good, hard working man, who puts his family before himself. 


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