Showing posts with label Roy Lichtenstein. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Roy Lichtenstein. Show all posts

Thursday, March 14, 2013

YAM: Dress like Pop Art Day!

So today was the first dress-up day for YAM, not counting the spirit week (MondayTuesday & Wednesday, Thursday & Friday ).  Today was dress like pop art day!  I went all out, and a few others did as well!

I, obviously, went all out for Roy Lichtenstein, as another student did!

This class decided they wanted to dot their faces as well...a few wore some popular logos.  The two boys in the bottom left corner went Andy Warhol and they wore the same outfit but in different colors!  I was happy to see that someone did that!

There were a few other great outfits, however underneath all that make-up, I was trying my hardest not to fall flat on my face and sleep.  I should have taken a sick day today, because now I've almost completely lost my voice again, but I bought my pop art outfit just for today!  I had to wear it!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Artistic Staff Development: Monday Meeting

Today's artistic staff development was successful!  No one complained...though there were some jokes about whose artwork might be worse than whose...and I found out we have quite a few artistic teachers on staff!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

YAM: Artistic Staff Development, Post #4

Here is part 4 of my 4 part YAM staff development post!  Last one!

7.  Roy Lichtenstein: Pop Art Ben-Day Dots:  Faculty will create this simple, up-close view of an eye, just like Lichtenstein!

Draw the eye with eye brow and lashes.  Paint with black acrylic.

Add a small piece of hair in the corner if desired...using a q-tip, add the skin-colored Ben-Day dots.  Lightly use the other end of the q-tip to add color to the eye.

8.  Keith Haring: Simple figures in action!:  Staff will create these simple figures based on Keith Haring, and see what students learned about when they painted our first mural in the school!
Draw the figure, add a horizon line.  Paint the ground and background.

Paint the figure.  Using the paint bottle, outline the figure and horizon line.  Add movement lines.

Add some texture to the ground!

9. Kandinsky: Simple Circles:  Last, but not least, I'll have the teachers do these circle paintings.  Pretty easy and self-explanatory.

On of the other teachers, who is very into art, made the comment to me that I should save all of the teacher's art and display it in the halls.  That way, they actually try, AND, it shows the public that they support the art program.  I think I'll be saving these and displaying them with the kids art in our art show this year!

Monday, February 18, 2013

4th Grade Lichtenstein Pop Art Portraits

Here are some of my 4th grade's finished pop art portraits!  (You can see some of the students holding their likeness here...)  I'm pretty happy with these.  For the most part, students took to the Ben-Day dots pretty well.  Only a few of the typical ones rushed through this or drew it out to be longer than it should have been.  I believe these took one of my classes 2 1/2 class periods to finish, and the other 3 class periods to finish. 

Before the February break, we started staff portraits.  Every student had to choose a teacher/faculty member to draw.  First, we are doing black and white drawings of half their faces (taking a photo, cutting it in half and gluing it to drawing paper) so that students can practice the drawing before we do the final copies.  When students draw the final portrait of their faculty member, they will have to do the entire face and they will get to choose if they want to do a purely black and white value drawing or a colored pencil value drawing.