Saturday, November 29, 2008

RetroAtelier - Lobby

Wow! I'm blown away by RetroAtelier. The anonymous photographers behind this site have devoted themselves utterly to recreating the various photographic styles of the early 20th century and have even organized them decades. (Update: Mariana writes to tell me that the Director of the site is a man named Alex Galushkoff) Marvelous stuff, and really, really well done. This one earns a place in the permanent links!


A big thanks to Mariana for this one.

George Platt Lynes

Male nudes from the 30s and 40s by gay photography pioneer George Platt Lynes

George Platt Lynes

Фотографии пользователя Icapturer -

Here's a nice set of images by a Russian photographer who goes by the name Icapturer.

Icapturer -

Thanks to reader Nicolas Taillard for this link. - Tomoš TRMAN Rucker

Classic figure study work by Czech photographer Tomas Rucker. - Tomas Rucker

Thanks to JJ for the link.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Hey! Only six weeks till Christmas. Have you bought your Art Nudes calendar yet?!

Michael Papendieck

Great variety of work by German photographer Michael Papendieck

Michael Papendieck

ALTphotos Photography Community :: For Creative Photography

Ultra-sharp figure studies and other goodies by Polish photogrpher Tomasz Urban

Tomasz Urban at ALTphotos

Riccardo Boldorini | P h o t o g r a p h y | Home

Conceptual work featuring defocused pornographic imagery by Italian photographer Riccardo Boldorini

Riccardo Boldorini

Nina Pak Arts

Digitally enhanced images in a romantic style by Nina Pak. (Figurative gallery)

Nina Pak Arts

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Joseph Di Sipio

Alt process lith and infra-red images by photographer Joseph Di Sipio

Joseph Di Sipio

Geoffrey Vail Brown

Reader Geoffrey Vail Brown wrote in to tell us about his new book and updated gallery of "The Asylum Nudes".

Geoffrey Vail Brown - The Asylum Nudes

Marc Hoppe Photography Fotografie Fotograf Akt Portrait Braunschweig Wolfsburg

Beautiful figure studies by German photographer Marc Hoppe

Marc Hoppe Photography