OK, time for me to editorialize a bit. While searching online galleries for links for this blog, I come across some of the same cliches over and over again. Over time, these have begun to drive me crazy and generally result in me immediately closing down the page, never to return again. The primary culprits are usually glamour or softcore porn sites hiding under a "Fine Art" heading. Sure, sometimes the lines get blurry, as with the Valery Bareta link below but that's the nature of art. I'm certainly not going to tackle the topic "What is art?". However, I do know I'm pretty tired of seeing the following:
1. Selective colouring on a black & white photo of lips, eyes, or a flower being held by a model.
2. A model who is completely nude except for some extravagantly tall high heeled shoes.
3. A model who is completely nude except for some extravagantly huge hat, usually red. (Also often combined with the high heeled shoes, and even in the worst case senarios, selectively coloured.)
4. Nudes with swords
Whew. I'm glad I got that off my chest. Now it's your turn. What in your opinion are the most over-done, ready to be put to rest forever cliches? Put your suggestions here
Worst Cliches