Friday, February 28, 2003


You are looking at the earliest posts back in the days before blogger hosted images, so all the photos had to be hotlinked back to the originating sites. Many of those sites have updated and changed resulting in broken image links. Also, Art Nudes used to have a different design template way back when. Unfortunately when the new design was put in place, much of the formatting fell apart resulting in the mess you see below. Nonetheless, many of the links still work and the closer you get to the present day, the better things look. There is lots to see, over 1,000 posts in fact. So brave time traveller welcome and enjoy!

MB July 14, 2006

Some beautiful and subtle work here by Swiss photographer Phillipe Pache. I love those brown tones he gets. Philippe Pache, photographe

Who knew there was another talented Weston? Kim Weston is the grandson of Edward Weston, Nephew of Brett Weston, and son of Cole Weston.

Kim Weston Nude Photography

Thursday, February 27, 2003

I'm a sucker for vintage nude photography. Here's a small gallery and biography of one of the early pioneers Auguste Belloc
Love him or not, the late Robert Mapplethorpe's place in the history of photography is undeniable. His nudes of both men and women are equally strong and beautiful. The Robert Mapplethorpe Foundation, Inc.
B/W figure photography from the German photographer Alexander Paulin. Very competent and technically strong work, although his models look a bit too much models.Paulin

Wednesday, February 26, 2003

Here's a series of photos with accompanying Spanish quicktime narrative that my girlfriend finds "unsettling & creepy". Doifel Videla
Looking for models? I've found two using this web site. Its search feature allows searchs by area, age, sex, modeling type, etc. Home Page
Monthly changing galleries featuring fine art figure photographers. There are13 photographers this month. Full access requires membership, but the monthly galleries are free. Michelle7: Fine Art Nude Photography
Let's face it, even for traditional film & paper photographers, Photoshop is becoming a common tool. With this in mind, here's a really good series of tutorials on various speciality PS tricks & techniques. EyeWire: Tips

Tuesday, February 25, 2003

Calvato...gritty, dirty, very German. Lots of this work is really fetish photography, but some of the photos have an interesting quality. calvato
"Cordner captures that space between breaths, where photography transcends documentation and morphs into the pure essence of being. A small moment in time where the subjects drop their natural defenses and instead of posing for the shot, seem to exist forever, not trapped by their image, but for once, finally freed within it in."
Lydia Lunch

Geoff Cordner Photography
Common questions about studio lights & photography
Film for beginners
Over-exposed images
Modeling lights-on or off
Rating the film at a different ISO
On which meter do I set the ISO?

Lighting FAQ's
Danish photographer Emil Schildt blows me away every time I look at his work. He does it all. He uses old techniques like cyanotypes and gravures as well as modern papers, he employs beautiful creative exposure and printing techniques, he uses crappy cameras and top of the line large format cameras, he does colour, he does black & white, and he's a master toner.

If you're looking for inspiration, click on this link and then bookmark it. Emil Schildt

Monday, February 24, 2003

Powerful, compelling, and sensual series of Black Nudes. Black & White Carbon Pigment prints, by Australian born Vee Speers.

"Nudes is not about colour or ethnic origin, but instead explores the language of the human form, and from one image to the next, I attempt to capture a range of emotions - an honest fusion of body and soul. .... I have no desire to place the character in an ethnic cliche, but rather to extract an essence of something more timeless and poetic."

Vee Speers Nudes
Geez... I'm absolutely floored by the dark allegorical montages of RGG. Don't miss this one. Robert Gregory Griffeth
Hey! It's Man Ray!

...and his very cool artist's statement
Antimo Cimino juxtaposes & overlays classical architectural and sculpture motifs over his black & white male nudes. :: Antimo Cimino Online Gallery ::
Polish Tattoo subculture! Personal exhibition of photographer from Bartek Rogalewicz. I had some trouble navigating the thumb nails, but it looks worthwhile from what I could see. [ r o g a l e w i c z ]
Wondering about potential censorship of your art on the web? Do you really have to put those "Warning! Nudity Beyond this Point" messages on your website? Check out the blue ribbon campaign for links to information and answers. EFF Blue Ribbon Campaign Home Page

Sunday, February 23, 2003

Recovering from my birthday party last night, so posts are spare today. Need more sleep...
Elliott Burke messes with his prints using selective developing with brushing and sponges, as well as reversal and toning and gets some visually interesting results.
Elliott Burke

Saturday, February 22, 2003

There's something about Melvin Moten I like. Although not technically perfect, his pictures have a frank honest feel about them. Perhaps it's the models he uses. They are obviously friends rather than professionals, and the rapport between photographer and model comes through in the pictures. His pictures are of individuals, not just bodies lit and arranged as abstractions. Don't forget to check out the other galleries on his site. Melvin Moten Jr.
I just added this one to my favourites. Scott Bonner has some sensational work in his portfolio. (and some not so great... but the good far outweighs the bad.) Lot's of fantastic creative printing and non-traditional presentations. empire studio
Hey! It's my 36th birthday today! I'll celebrate by learning how to insert pictures into my blog posts. This one is by yours truly.

The full size version can be found here

Friday, February 21, 2003

"I am stimulated to work with the nude body, because of the infinite combinations of lines which are present with every move" Edward Weston  Nudes
More beautiful vintage nudes. 10 galleries worth! I think these a great references for poses and props. (Beware there are a couple of hardcore pop-ups) 1900'S Erotic photos
Here's small gallery of vintage nude postcards. I love these. Tallulahs Vintage Nude Pose Files- Classical Nudes

Thursday, February 20, 2003

Here's an extremely thorough and useful article on using photoshop to improve the skin tones of your photos without losing sharpness & detail in the eyes and hair. skin
Here's a short but well written three part essay from on the evolution of figure photography between WWI & WWII and some of the influential photographers responsible.

Nudes 1920-1940

Part 1: Weston & Cunningham

Part 2: New Nudes in Europe

Part 3: Pictorial nudes

I've never been too crazy about the whole naked people laying around on rocks thing, but Eric Boutilier-Brown's environmental figure studies may make a believer out of me yet. Evolving Beauty
Joris Van Daele has extensive experience in photography and graphic arts. Joris Van Daele began training in design and photography under Bert Kloezeman and acclaimed painter Patterson Ewen. He has taken additional art courses at the University of Western Ontario and Fanshawe College. Joris Van Daele's photography has been exhibited in many shows; his first was held in 1969. The prestigious Royal Canadian Academy of Arts selected one of his photographs to represent "quality contemporary Canadian art" for the mixed media exhibition called Spectrum Canada which toured internationally. Currently, Mr. Van Daele has work on exhibit in NYC, LA, London and Woodstock and has been published in major magazines and books.

Hey, if he's got work on display in my old home town of Woodstock, you know he's good!

Seriously, there's lots of nice work to be seen at Joris' webpage.

the bare naked photo gallery portfolios page
Scott Hanson's work is worth a look.

Wednesday, February 19, 2003

Andreas Bitesnich does work that is really more related to fashion than art photography but pics like this make it all worthwhile. Here's the link to his main site. Andreas H. Bitesnich Photography
John Baker keeps obsolete printing processes like bromoil and carbro alive with intriguing results. Gallery

Tuesday, February 18, 2003

Wow. Laurent Elie Badessi's work defies description. Although they are fairly simple figure studies with uncluttered backgrounds, these photos approach the sublime. If you can struggle through the less than easy to navigate flash site, you'll be treated to some superb contempory photography. Laurent Elie Badessi photographs
Successful commercial/fashion/celebrity photographer Jerry Avenaim also does some beautiful figure photography. Check it out here. Click on the "Naked Truth" link. Jerry Avenaim Photography :: Fine Art Galleries
The B&W Forum is a friendly, strictly b/w photo forum with lots of knowledgeable regulars who are often willing to help with technical questions or provide an honest critique. B&W Forum
Another one of my photos, this time an old favourite of one of my best friends and best models. Kate with Peacock Feather
Biography: Nobody knows much about E. J. Bellocq, an unexceptional commercial photographer who lived in New Orleans shortly after the turn of the century. He took a lot of pictures of boats to pay the rent. He was an odd, indrawn, misshapen man, hydrocephalic and a dwarf. According to another photographer who knew Bellocq, "he had a terrific [French] accent, spoke in a high-pitched voice, staccato-like, and when he got excited he sounded like an angry squirrel."

Down to Earth Photos of Down to Earth Women: There is nothing particularly glamorous or titillating about Bellocq's photographs and, indeed, nothing particularly glamorous or titillating about the women who are its subjects. This is precisely what makes the photos so extraordinary. We see the women of Storyville, not all dolled up for their clients, but simply at home, being themselves. We see a variety of women -- younger, older, heavier, thinner, clothed, unclothed, seductive, distant, joyous, troubled, relaxed in front of the camera, decidedly ill-at-ease. We see the uninflated, yet powerful, presence of a group of women who, simply enough, worked as prostitutes in New Orleans shortly before World War I. We see these women photographed honestly and respectfully, appreciated for simply being who they are, notably separate from the glamorization and vilification, the whore stigma, through which prostitutes are constantly distorted by mainstream culture.

The surroundings in the photos are generally meager, even dismal -- plain rooms with flowered wallpapers, sometimes minimally decorated with college pennants or small mementos. The quality of the photographic plates reinforces the mood. Many are scratched, peeling, stained, or broken. Some have sections that are missing entirely. In most of the nude photographs, the women's faces have been crudely, almost violently, scratched away entirely -- perhaps by Bellocq himself, perhaps to protect their identities. And yet there is a basic kind of grounded sensuality that the women in these photos convey, quite different from the affectedly mirthful conventions of the classic pinup or the coy French postcard. It is the sensuality of women at ease with themselves and with the sexuality of their bodies, an ease that was hardly typical of women of their time.

Use the navigation arrow at lower right to see the other pictures.

Masters of Photography: E. J. Bellocq
The brilliant and VERY disturbing work of Joel Peter Witkin is not for everyone, but there is no denying his incredible talent. His studies of malformed individuals, cadavers, and other unusual subjects form grotesque tableaus of imagined mythology. JPW-pict#1

Monday, February 17, 2003

Another amazing Czech photographer! Here's a gooooorgeous (but small) portfolio of Frantisek Drtikol's photos from 1921-1931 Portfolio - Frantisek Drtikol
Spencer Tunick best known for his mass gatherings of nudes in public, also works with individual models. Personally, I think these are more interesting than the huge seas of goose-pimpled flesh that he is famous for. s p e n c e r t u n i c k
Jeff Klaum does striking photos of alternative culture models with a strong fetish theme s t u d i o 3 d o m . c o m
The freaking amazing Jan Saudek. Possibly the best living photographer working with the figure in the world today. J a n   S a u d e k - fotograf cesky´
This is where I buy all my gear. You should too. Camera Traders - Used Cameras & Equipment
David Piercey is a Victoria based photographer who does some really nice figure photography, but be sure to look at his other work too. David Piercey Photography and Design

Sunday, February 16, 2003

Here's one of my all time favourite Helmut Newton pics Newton
So what is this blog about? I'm going to try to concentrate on topics related to fine art nude photography but I'll probably also be posting links to articles on lighting, portraiture, photographic materials and equipment, technique, you name it. I won't be posting porn or traditional glamour links though. That stuff get's more than enough attention as it is. Watch for improvements and changes to the layout as I slowly get a handle on things. In the meantime...
Suggest a site!

...and here's one of my photos of EM from her online portfolio Torso
Elizabeth Mary is a terrific Vancouver Island BC figure model who I have worked with on a couple of occassions - Portfolio of Elizabeth Mary
Although not exclusively a fine art nude forum, Photosig is home to some amazing photographers and is easily the best photo posting board I have found. The feedback and photo rating system is a lot of fun. photoSIG Photo Critique and Discussion Forum
What better way than to start off with one of my own pictures? Until I get some of my newest stuff uploaded, I'll have to make do with some older favourites. This one is from about two years ago.
Elizabeth Mary
Welcome to the nascent proto-beginnings of the artnudes blog.