Wadah tambahan kepada blogspots "Catatan Si Merah Silu" dan "Berpetualang ke Aceh", khusus untuk berkongsi pandangan mengenai seni Melayu terutama senibina lama. An extension to the blogspots "Catatan Si Merah Silu" (Malay) and "Berpetualang ke Aceh" (English), specifically to share views on Malay art especially old architecture.
Tiga buku pertama yang ditulis dan diterbitkan saya.
The first three books written and published by me.
"Berpetualang ke Aceh: Mencari Diri dan Erti".
ISBN 983-42031-0-1, Jun 2006
"Berpetualang ke Aceh: Membela Syiar yang Asal"
ISBN 983-42031-1-x, Mei 2007
"Berpetualang ke Aceh: Sirih Pulang ke Gagang?"
ISBN 978-983-42031-2-2, November 2007
Buku keempat bertajuk "Rumah Azan". Diterbitkan April 2009 oleh syarikat Karnadya dengan pertolongan Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, buku ini memaparkan gambar-gambar cantik berserta cerita di sebalik masjid-masjid terpilih yang boleh dikaitkan dengan sejarah Melayu Islam dan pembentukan negara Malaysia.
The fourth book titled "Rumah Azan". Published in April 2009 by the company Karnadya with the help of Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, this book features beautiful pictures along with stories behind selected mosques which could be related to the history of Islam and the Malays and the formation of the nation of Malaysia.
Buku kelima saya "Ahlul Bait (Family) of Rasulullah SAW and Malay Sultanates" diterbitkan awal 2010. Ia merupakan terjemahan buku "Ahlul Bait (Keluarga) Rasulullah SAW dan Kesultanan Melayu" karangan Hj Muzaffar Mohamad dan Tun Suzana Othman ke dalam bahasa Inggeris untuk pasaran antarabangsa.
My fifth book "Ahlul Bait (Family) of Rasulullah SAW and Malay Sultanates" was published early 2010. It is a translation of the Malay-language book "Ahlul Bait (Keluarga) Rasulullah SAW dan Kesultanan Melayu" authored by Hj Muzaffar Mohamad and Tun Suzana Othman turned into English for the international market.
Like my fourth book "Rumah Azan", the sixth book "Kereta Api Menuju Destinasi" is also a coffee-table book which is published by the company Karnadya with the cooperation of Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (the main Malay literary body in Malaysia). Coming out January 2011 it features pictures and stories on the adventure travelling by train to all of Peninsular Malaysia along with the interesting places which could be reached this way.
Buku ketujuh saya "Jejak keluarga Yakin : Satu sketsa sejarah" pula ada sebuah coffee-table book atau buku mewah yang ditulis, disunting, direkaletak dan gambar-gambarnya diambil sendiri oleh saya. Keluar dari kilang Oktober 2011, buku yang menggabungkan sejarah keluarga dengan sejarah tempat-tempat seperti Singapura, Johor, Batu Pahat, Muar malah ada sejarah Pulau Jawa dan Inggeris sekali ini telah diulas dengan saya ditemu ramah secara langsung dalam program Selamat Pagi Malaysia di RTM1. Lihat artikel Siaran langsung ulasan buku "Jejak keluarga Yakin : Satu sketsa sejarah" dan temu ramah di Selamat Pagi Malaysia. Sedikit isi terpilih ada dipaparkan dalam Sneak peek "Jejak keluarga Yakin : Satu sketsa sejarah".
My seventh book "Jejak keluarga Yakin : Satu sketsa sejarah" in turn is a coffee-table book which is written, editted, designed and has pictures taken by me. Coming out of the factory October 2011, this book which combines family history with history of places such as Singapura, Johor, Batu Pahat, Muar and in fact the history of the island of Java and England has been reviewed with me interviewed live in the program Selamat Pagi Malaysia at RTM1. Look at the article Siaran langsung ulasan buku "Jejak keluarga Yakin : Satu sketsa sejarah" dan temu ramah di Selamat Pagi Malaysia. Some selected contents have been featured in Sneak peek "Jejak keluarga Yakin : Satu sketsa sejarah".
Untuk maklumat lanjut sila masuk http://www.merahsilu.blogspot.com/
For more information, please enter http://www.merahsilu.blogspot.com/
Terbaru : Siri novel "Berpetualang ke Aceh" kini boleh didapati dalam bentuk e-book. Masuk http://www.e-sentral.com/, klik kategori novel am dan pergi ke mukasurat 4. Anda juga boleh taip perkataan "Aceh" pada kotak carian. Atau terus klik Buku 1, Buku 2 dan Buku 3.
Latest : The "Berpetualang ke Aceh" series of novels could now be obtained in e-book form. Enter http://www.e-sentral.com/, click general novel and go to page 4. You can also type the word "Aceh" at the search box. Or click straight Book 1, Book 2 and Book 3.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Jeram di tengah kota (Ravine in mid city)
Teks untuk Nostalgia Sungai Muar (Text for Nostalgia of the Muar river)
OK... Two weeks ago I made a posting of pictures titled Nostalgia Sungai Muar (Nostalgia of the Muar river) without including the story because of lack of time. Now let me include the story ya..
Biar saya berterus-terang. Sebenarnya kebelakangan ini saya terasa amat malas untuk bercerita kerana terasa begitu penat membuat kerja-kerja berkaitan penerbitan buku ketiga saya "Berpetualang ke Aceh: Sirih Pulang ke Gagang?" atau BKA III. Tetapi penceritaan harus diteruskan. Maka inilah dia...
Adapun, semasa membuat posting gambar-gambar tersebut dua minggu lepas, saya sedang berada di sebuah Cyber-Cafe berdekatan Stesyen Bas Pekeliling, Kuala Lumpur setelah tertinggal bas jam 6 menghala ke Raub. Ketika itu saya bercadang hendak ke Kampung Janda Baik, Pahang tetapi saya akhirnya 3 kali tertinggal bas lalu bermalam di Kajang. Keesokannya barulah saya ke Janda Baik lalu bermalam di sana.
Sebenarnya, saya ingin bercerita tentang detik-detik nostalgia yang terbit setiap kali saya duduk berehat di tepian Sungai Muar. Adapun saya dilahirkan tahun 1970 di bandar Muar dan rumah tempat saya membesar sehingga remaja terletak sekitar setengah kilometer daripada kuala sungai terbesar dan terpanjang di selatan Semenanjung Malaysia ini. Maka saya selalu menghabiskan waktu petang berehat-rehat di tepian sungai sambil menikmati angin nyaman.
Hmm... Nampaknya saya memang terasa malas hendak bercerita tetapi memaksa juga diri demi kesinambungan bercerita di blogspot ini sebelum dapat menambah cerita-cerita lain nanti Insyaallah. Rasanya cukuplah jika dikatakan pada suatu masa dahulu, Sungai Muar bagi saya terasa seperti sungai paling besar di dunia. Sebelum saya keluar mengembara lebih jauh dan melihat sungai-sungai lain yang sama atau lebih besar di sekitar Semenanjung seperti Sungai Perak dan Sungai Pahang.
Malah saya juga telah melihat beberapa sudut sungai-sungai besar di Eropah seperti Sungai Thames di London, Sungai Danube di Austria dan Sungai Reine di German. Namun Sungai Muar tetap terasa begitu istimewa bagi saya. Mungkin kerana masa-masa remaja saya banyak dihabiskan di tepian sungai itu... Mungkin juga kerana ada sejarah lama yang berkaitan seperti beberapa peristiwa sebelum pembukaan kerajaan Melaka 600 tahun dahulu melibatkan lokasi-lokasi di sekitarnya?
In fact I've seen Europe's big rivers such as the Thames in London, Danube in Austria and Reine in Germany from many angles. Still the Muar river feels very special to me. Maybe because of the times spent as a youth beside it... Maybe also because of the ancient history related to some events before the opening of the state of Melaka 600 years ago which happened at some locations around?
Apapun, gambar-gambar yang diletakkan di bawah posting bertajuk Nostalgia Sungai Muar (Nostalgia of the Muar river) itu diambil berdekatan Kampung Bukit Treh sekitar 7km daripada kuala. Maka ia bukan bahagian sungai yang terlebar... Sekian.
Whatever, the pictures put under the posting titled Nostalgia Sungai Muar (Nostalgia of the Muar river) were taken nearby Kampung (village of) Bukit Treh some 7km from the estuary. So it is not the widest portion of the river... That's all!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Nostalgia Sungai Muar (Nostalgia of the Muar river)
Note: I'm actually running out of time as I must travel to a certain place. But there came the urge to put a few pictures here with the story to be made after I return to Kuala Lumpur ya...
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Rumah (house of) Yap Ah Loy?...
Lihat bangunan batu lama di atas yang agak mewah. Saya ternampak bangunan ini ketika sedang berjalan merentasi kawasan Medan Tuanku...
Look at this rather posh old stone building. I saw it while walking across the area of Medan Tuanku...
Bila saya bertanya pada orang sekeliling, mereka beritahu rumah itu adalah milih Yap Ah Loy atau ahli keluarga Yap Ah Loy... Saya pun tak pasti entah betul ataupun tidak. Yang pasti, saya tertarik dengan rekabentuknya...
When I asked the people around, they told me the house belongs to Yap Ah Loy or the family of Yap Ah Loy... I myself am not sure whether it's true or not. What's sure, I am attracted to its architecture...
Saya berpusing di sekeliling untuk melihatnya daripada beberapa sudut.
I went around to have a look from different angles.
Nampaknya ia sudah lama tidak berpenghuni tapi masih agak terjaga.
Looks like it has been vacant for some time but still quite well-kept.
Bangunan atau rumah ini sedang dibaik-pulih. Mungkin ia akan lebih menarik apabila siap nanti? Sekian! :]
This building or house is under renovation. Maybe it will look more interesting when it's done? That's all! :]
Rumah dan bangunan sekitar Tanjung Malim (houses and buildings around Tanjung Malim)
Ini nampaknya adalah sebuah rumah untuk kakitangan kerajaan. Ia terletak tidak jauh daripada masjid jamek Tanjung Malim dan bersebelahan dengan landasan keretapi. Untuk sedikit cerita tentang masjid itu, klik Masjid (mosque of) Tanjung Malim .
This looks like a house for government workers. It is situated not far from the main mosque of Tanjung Malim and beside the railtracks. For a story on the mosque, click Masjid (mosque of) Tanjung Malim .
Ini pula sebuah rumah yang agak menarik terletak di seberang sungai (lupa pula namanya) yang menjadi sempadan antara negeri-negeri Perak dan Selangor. Adapun Tanjung Malim terletak di dalam Perak sedangkan rumah ini yang letaknya sekitar 100 meter ke selatan sungai itu termasuk di dalam kawasan Ulu Bernam, Selangor... Hah, baru ingat! Nama sungai ini ialah Sungai Bernam...
This is a rather interesting house situated across the river (forgot its name) which is the border between the states of Perak and Selangor. Actually Tanjung Malim is situated in Perak while this house which is located some 100 metres south of the river is in the area of Ulu Bernam, Selangor... Hah, now I remember! The name of the river is Sungai (river of) Bernam...
Saya terus berjalan kaki menyusuri jalan utama ke selatan. Ternampak rumah yang sedikit tersorok ini pula.
I went on walking southwards along the main road. Saw this slightly hidden house.
Bangunan ini pula telah dijadikan sebuah restoran...
This building has been turned into a restaurant...
Rumah Melayu berwarna merah jambu ini diapit satu barisan kedai-kedai Cina.
This pink-coloured Malay house is flanked by a row of Chinese shophouses.
Ini pula sebuah masjid lama. Sila baca Masjid Sheikh Ismail di Ulu Bernam (The mosque of Sheikh Ismail in Ulu Bernam) .
This is an old mosque. Please read Masjid Sheikh Ismail di Ulu Bernam (The mosque of Sheikh Ismail in Ulu Bernam) .
Masjid Jamek (main mosque of ) Bidor
Gambar di atas adalah gambar yang digunakan dalam artikel bertajuk From Perak to Selangor... Time to start settling down itu. Ia diambil pada hari Jumaat 27 Julai 2007. Bacalah artikel itu untuk mengetahui apa yang sebenarnya berlaku...
The picture above is the one used in the article titled From Perak to Selangor... Time to start settling down . It was taken on Friday 27th July 2007. Read the article to know what actually happened...
Adapun saya pertama kali sampai ke masjid ini awal bulan September 2006. Ketika itu saya mahu pergi ke kampung ayahanda di Teluk Intan untuk menghadiri majlis pengembalian jasad Laksamana Muhammad Amin daripada Singapura ke Perak 9 September itu. Tetapi saya tertinggal bas terakhir untuk ke Teluk Intan lalu terpaksa bermalam di Bidor, di masjid ini... Sila lihat Pengembalian jenazah Laksamana Muhammad Amin ke Makam Diraja Perak (The return of Admiral Muhammad Amin's remains to the royal mausoleum of Perak) .
Actually I first arrived at this mosque early September 2006. Then, I wanted to go to my father's village in Teluk Intan to attend the return of the body of Laksamana (royal admiral) Muhammad Amin from Singapore to Perak on 9 September. But I missed the last bus to Teluk Intan and had to spend the night in Bidor, at this mosque. Have a look at Pengembalian jenazah Laksamana Muhammad Amin ke Makam Diraja Perak (The return of Admiral Muhammad Amin's remains to the royal mausoleum of Perak) .
Di atas adalah gambar kolah mengambil wuduk masjid. Teringat balik peristiwa bermalam di masjid ini, kalau tak silap pada malam 7 atau 8 September 2006. Ketika itu kawasan Bidor termasuk masjid ini baru sahaja lepas dilandar banjir kilat selepas hujan lebat membuat air melimpah keluar Sungai Bidor.
Above is the pool for making abolution at the mosque. Reminds me of what happened when I spent the night here, if not mistaken on the night of 7 or 8th September 2006. Then the area of Bidor including this mosque has just suffered a flash flood after heavy rain made water overflowed out of the Bidor river.
Ini adalah bahagian dalam masjid Bidor. Lihat mihrabnya yang mempunyai ukiran sperti lidah terjulur keluar daripada setiap sudut bumbung. Sekian ya...
This is the inside of the Bidor mosque. Look at the pulpit with wood-carvings like tounges hanging out from every corner of the roof. That's all ya...
Friday, October 05, 2007
Masjid (mosque of) Tanjung Malim
Gambar-gambar ini diambil 28 Julai 2007 setelah bermalam di masjid ini, Masjid Jamek Tanjung Malim. Untuk mengetahui apa yang sebenarnya berlaku, cuba baca From Perak to Selangor... Time to start settling down
This pictures were taken 28th July 2007 after spending the night at this mosque, the main mosque of Tanjung Malim. To know what actually happened, read From Perak to Selangor... Time to start settling down
Sepanjang perjalanan saya mengembara ke merata ceruk rantau, inilah kali pertama berjumpa sebuah masjid yang ada menyediakan khidmat photostat, siap ada Internet! Oh... Terlupa pula, dahulu pun saya pernah sampai dan tidur di masjid ini. Maksud saya inilah satu-satunya masjid yang saya ketahui ada perkhidmatan ini.
So far in my travels covring many nooks and crannies, this is the first time I came across a mosque which provides photostat service, along with Internet! Oh... I've actually forgot, previously I've been here and slept at the mosque. What I meant was this is the only mosque I know with such services.
Lihat binaan kubah-kubah kecil pada keliling bumbung masjid. Agak unik ini...
Look at the small minarets on and around the mosque's roof. Quite unique this is...
Hmm... Pusat perubatan Homephathy pun ada dalam kawasan masjid!
Hmm... A Homephathy medicine centre also exist inside the mosque compound!
Kawasan serambi yang agak luas...
A rather spacious verandah...
Bahagian ini menghadap jalan besar...
This part faces the main road...
Papan peringatan memberitahu masjid ini dibina tahun 1932... Nampaknya sama umurnya dengan masjid-masjid tertentu tidak jauh daripada Tanjung Malim... Mungkin semuanya ada kaitan? Cuba masuk Masjid Sheikh Ismail di Ulu Bernama (The mosque of... dan Masjid (mosque of) Ampang Pecah.
A plaque saying the mosque was built in 1932... Looks like the same age as certain mosques not far from Tanjung Malim... Maybe all of it are related? Try clicking Masjid Sheikh Ismail di Ulu Bernama (The mosque of... and Masjid (mosque of) Ampang Pecah.
This is a view inside...
Mihrab Masjid Tanjung Malim. Sekian! :]
The pulpit of the main mosque of Tanjung Malim. That's all! :]
Monday, October 01, 2007
Istana Raja Muda (The regent's palace), Teluk Intan, Perak
Greetings all... After resting for a week, came the time to make a new pictorial story... This time on an old abandoned palace in Perak. Come! :]
Look at this messy ugly-looking building... Say, if you haven't seen the title of this article above, what building would you think this is?
Itu dia... Satu pandangan daripada dalam...
There.. A look from inside....
Look again inside the house full of growth and foliage... Who would have thought once upon a time it was a palace for royalty!
And the palace didn't belong to just another royalty but the regent, a future Sultan or ruler of the state of Perak!
These pictures were taken during my last visit to Teluk Intan more than 2 months ago. A very dear partner called asking how I was... It happened that a few days before, she read a newspaper article on the Perak regent's palace abandoned at the town and asked me to pay a visit.
Maka pergilah saya pada satu petang 25 Julai 2007. Untuk pengetahuan, saya selalu juga pergi ke Teluk Intan kerana ia adalah bandar kelahiran ayah saya dan tempat keluarganya bertapak turun-temurun! Tetapi itulah kali pertama saya menjejakkan kaki di Istana Raja Muda ini... Kesempatan itupun diambil untuk menggantung poster promosi siri buku "Berpetualang ke Aceh"... Saja, suka-suka...
And so I went there one afternoon 25 Julai 2007. For information, I often visit Teluk Intan as it is the birth-place of my father and his family's place for generations! But it was the first time I set foot in this palace. So I took the opportunity to hang the promotional poster for the "Berpetualang ke Aceh" (literally translated as "The trip to Aceh") book series... That's it, just for fun...
I felt quite sad at the condition of the palace... Once upon a time, the town of Teluk Intan was the official town of residence for Perak's regents. But today's close royalties including the current regent, Raja Nazrin Shah ibni Sultan Azlan Shah seem more comfortable staying in Ipoh, the capital of modern Perak.
I'm not sure how old is this palace... What I do know, it was built when the British still occupies Perak. According to local stories, it was last occupied in the 1940s by Raja Muda (regent) Musa, father to Raja di Hilir (the royal who presides over the lower parts of Perak river) Jaafar.... Raja Muda Musa didn't become a Sultan as he died early. In fact his grandfather who is also known as Raja Muda Musa suffered the same fate! For information, Raja Jaafar is son to Raja Muda Musa who is son of Sultan Abdul Aziz, son of Raja Muda Musa, son of Sultan Jaafar Muazam Shah, the 23rd Sultan of Perak (ruled 1857-1865).
This porch area in fact the palace's overall architecture reflects British influence just like those at many old bungalows in Malaysia which used to be occupied by their high officials.
Itu dia, satu pandangan akhir pada istana tinggal ini... Harap-harap sesuatu dapat dilakukan untuk mengembalikannya kepada keadaan yang lebih elok, sesuai dengan tarafnya sebagai sebuah istana kepada Raja Muda, Insyaallah!
There, one last look at the abandoned palace... Hopefully something could be done to restore it to a better condition, befitting its status as palace for the regent. God willing!
Oh... Saya akan membuat satu posting tentang Teluk Intan di blogspot BERPETUALANG KE ACEH sebentar lagi. Sila lihat ya!
This is a picture of the said palace in the 1920s as shown inside the leaning tower of Teluk Intan. Not bad isn't it? That's all! :]
Oh... I will be posting something on Teluk Intan in the blogspot BERPETUALANG KE ACEH soon. Do have a look ya!
Dalam ruangan komen di bawah saya telah diberitahu bahawa istana ini sebenarnya diduduki orang hingga tahun 1980an, lebih tepat 1983 iaitu tahun Raja Muda Musa meninggal dunia. Kata-kata saya dalam perenggan-perenggan di atas menyebut ia akhir sekali diduduki tahun 40an sebenarnya adalah kesilapan pernyataan maksud kerana Raja Muda Musa ini juga adalah penghuninya ketika itu. Harap maklum...
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Sedikit gambar sekitar Bukit Chandan... A few pictures around Bukit Chandan
Ini adalah Masjid Ubudiyah, masjid utama yang dibina sejurus selepas bandar diraja Kuala Kangsar dibuka lebih 100 tahun lalu...
This the Masjid (mosque of) Ubudiyah, the main mosque built right after the royal town of Kuala Kangsar was opened more than 100 years ago...
Ini adalah istana lama yang telah dijadikan sebuah muzium...
This is an old palace which has been turned into a museum...
Perhatikan lagi... Satu binaan sebegini indah. Percaya atau tidak, ia dibina tanpa menggunakan walau sebatang paku!
Look again... Such a beautiful building. Believe it or not, it was built without using even a single nail!
Satu pandangan akhir sebelum meninggalkan istana...
One last look before leaving the palace...
Berehat sebentar di rumah seorang kenalan di Bukit Chandan lalu bercerita tentang kerabat diraja Perak...
Rest a while at an acquaintance place in Bukit Chandan and talked about the Perak royalty...
Sebuah rumah tinggal lama di sebelah Masjid Ubudiyah... Mungkin ia ada menyimpan cerita-cerita lama kerabat diraja Perak yang digelapkan? Sekian!
Oh... Posting ini adalah artikel yang ke 66 di blogspot ini. Kebetulan, 2 hari lepas saya telah membuat posting ke 181 untuk blogspot CATATAN SI MERAH SILU dan 121 untuk BERPETUALANG KE ACEH, maka saya akan berehat daripada bercerita buat beberapa hari ya. Selamat!
An old abandoned house beside Masjid Ubudiyah... Maybe it holds some old stories regarding Perak royalty which has been blacked-out? So long!