
Showing posts from July, 2014
#Kembali kepada fitrah.


Unforgettable July 17. MH17 tragedy breaks people's heart. I' m also, in my case, It's someone's heart. When u break someone's heart your breaking your own too. All these while I tried to avoid drama but in reality, My whole life was a joke. I made mistakes. And some mistakes u can't just washed away with tears so, I need to find my self back. My pure heart 7 years back Where do i go from here. Should i follow what heart says or to fulfill parents wishes, I just want to find the turning point in my life. And things happened for reasons, I pray to Allah for his guidance, for a better way of living. And to show me the person i care the most, the person i can't live without So i can wholeheartedly agree to the decision to what Allah has decided upon, In the holy month of Ramadhan.


While deleting benda2 dlm my old blackberry sambil dgr lagu ingrid michaelson, tetiba rs sentimental pulak. Aiseh. Seriously gila syg kt bb. My 1st n only canggih fon i ever have itu pn atas ehsan wan bg birthday present. Tweet, fb, whatsapp, bbm, memo ala2 diari hatiku pn ada.  Haha. Gila sentimental i tell ya! Skrg ni pn tgn dok update blog, telinga dok dgr lagu n both dr dua hp yg berbeza. Hmmm.

salam ramadhan

Alhamdulillah harini da masuk ramadhan ke 6. Cepat masa berlalu. Baru nk tune mood ramadhan tau tau da seminggu. Aku kah yg terlewat atau masa yg tercepat? Tajuk lagu sgt kan :) Mcmana sekali pn, selamat berpuasa untuk semua. Semoga dipermudahkan urusan ramadhan kita semua. Amin. #1st update fm android. Stressnyeeeee nk taip T_T tak berapa favor la guna android. Disadvantage utk org yg belajar typing skills dan jemari gemok dan sense-less sprti aku!