i'm one of millions people out there yang living in denial bila mana tragedi MH370 dipertontonkan ke mata dunia. dalam hati kecil ini, sentiasa memanjatkan harapan agar mereka ditemui dan masih hidup. harapan yang sebesar hama sekalipun kalau dikumpul bersama harapan berjuta manusia di luar sana, dah pasti menggunung tingginya. my heart says, i want them to be found alive. walaupun logik di atas kertas, cuma sebesar satu titik. brokenhearted. that's how i feel right now. but my tears won't come out. sakitnya terasa di dalam namun tak terzahir. i am no connected with them, the only connection that we have, as human being as muslim, as malaysian, as someone's daughter, as someone's sister is, we do have emotions. my thoughts & prayers are with the families. and frens. be strong. the whole word is with u. #orang kata, mereka yang mel...