tag again
julung-julung kali aku berblog di hari minggu. hebat deh~ aritu janji dengan chuppy nak jawab tag hari isnin. tapi nampaknya sebelum isnin da siap ni. sgt adv gtu.. huhu. ok here u go 1. List these rules on your blog. 2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog. 3. Tell 6 unspectacular quirks on yours. 4. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs. 5. Link the person who tagged you. 6. Leave a comment for each blogger. Ok, 7 facts about myself; which is yg biasa-biasa aje.. takmo ubuh yg extreme sgt.. hehe. i owez want to be an architec but tercampak jadi seketari. how do i changed is miracle beb! i am gud in art but consequently loosing my magic fingers sbb lama tak praktis.. huhu. i owez mistaken by people as a chinese.. even worst, as japanese.. sabau jela aku. aku 'hero' kat jalan raya tp org pertama yg ketaq bila terserempak eksiden.. ;p aku kan takut darah. pernah pengsan bila di ambil darah. senang cerita aku penakot laa...