Tuesday, November 23, 2010

It's a Girl!!

This should have been posted a month ago, but we are expecting a little girl on April 3(my 30th birthday)! We are so excited! I think Caleb will be such a great big brother. I'm a little worried about the adjustment at first,but hopefully it won't take long for him to love being a brother! I promise to put pics of the ultra sound up once we can get our scanner to work again. I will also post belly pics soon! Stay tuned!

He's 2!!!

I can't believe my baby boy is 2! He definitely acts it :) He is so much fun and we are so blessed to have him in our lives! For his birthday, Ben went a little crazy! We had it at Chuck E Cheese. Ben had an awesome cake made at a local bakery here. He loved every minute of it. He was dancing with the other kids and Chuck E, played like crazy, and ate lots of pizza and cake. It was fun and thanks to all those who made it a memorable and enjoyable day!!

Wild Safari

In Missouri there is a Wild Animal Safari where you can drive through and see and pet different animals like deer, zebras, donkeys, and bison. There is also a little petting zoo. Caleb was in heaven. He is obsessed with animals and can't get enough of them.

Pumpkin Patch

We took Caleb to the pumpkin patch for the first time this year. We went with my parents and Teaghan when they came out for his birthday. He loved picking up all the pumpkins and the little horse ride that was there. When it came to getting a good picture of the 3 of us though, he wasn't so cooperative.


This summer we went to Florida with some friends. Ben wanted to get some scuba diving in so we drove like 19 hours there and 19 hours back. I would never make that drive again with a toddler, but it was fun. We were only there about 3 days and spent most of them at the beach. Caleb was not afraid of the ocean at all this time, which scared me actually. He would just take off running into the water. He loved to sit on the sand where the tide came int and loved searching for all the shells. My parents were still there so we hung out with them a lot too! It was a fun time had by all!

My little cowboy

So for those of you who don't know, Ben and his buddy have begun a business adventure in cows. Yes you read that right, cows! I haven't seen the rewards yet, but I am promised in the next few years(which for me is not soon enough) i will. However, Caleb loves them! He loves helping Ben feed them and loves to call them up when it's time. He is not scared of them at all, although they are of him. It terrifies me when he runs up to them and they scatter. Here are a few pics of him feeding them!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

6 months

Ok so where to begin on catching up on 6 months! I promise I won't make it too long :) First, we have Thanksgiving. We had fun with friends this year. It was fun cooking the food and hanging out. We fried our turkey this year and boy was it delicious. For those of you not in the south, it is a very popular thing to do i guess.

The kids played all day and loved banging on the door when someone went to the bathroom!

Ben was working nights at Toys 'R' Us and so I had to bring Caleb shopping with me the day after Thanksgiving. I had every parent looking at me like I was the worst mother, but boy did I get some good deals. Caleb slept in his stroller most of the time. Toys 'R' Us was a nightmare because they opened up at midnight and there is only 1 within a 150 mile radius. It was freezing. Then we had breakfast, then Walmart, then Target. I finally went to bed around 7am and was back up at 10 when Caleb woke up.

Next is Christmas. We had Ben's parents down on Christmas Eve and Christmas day along with some friends of ours. They came dressed as Mrs. Clause and Santa. Caleb wasn't too sure of them until they changed.

Christmas morning we woke up to snow!!!! It has been a long time since I have seen a white Christmas.

It was more fun this year with Caleb since he could open his presents himself. The only thing is he was more interested in throwing the paper away. It was a long morning! The day after Christmas my parents came and spent a few days freezing and playing with us. New Years Eve we just hung out at home and played games and enjoyed some quality family time!

The end of January we finally got the answer to our prayers we had been seeking for what seemed like forever. Ben got a job!!! He was let go in August and so he was almost 6 months with no work. I had been working at H&R Block, but wasn't making enough to live on. We were so excited and grateful. That is when we moved up to St. Louis, MO. We still have our home in AR and go back to visit.

My parents flew Caleb and I out to Orlando to go to Time out for Women. We went a few days earlier to play at Disneyworld. Caleb was grumpy and had a fever that wouldn't go away and so I finally took him to urgent care to find out he had a viral infection. And even better at his age there is nothing they can do. So we would go for a few hours a day, but it wasn't the most exciting for him. He wanted me to carry him everywhere. The last day we were there, he puked all down the front of me and him while we were waiting for the parade to begin. So needless to say we went back to the hotel instead. But here are some pictures of him enjoying it :)

We have been enjoying the fun things to do here. For example the zoo. It is one of the best zoos in the united states. It is enormous. The best thing is its free. You have to pay for parking, but most of the zoo is free (there is a sea lion show, carousel, and petting zoo you have to pay for). It is so big we have been there twice and still not seen it all!!!

We have been to the science center. They had this cool dinosaur expo and Caleb really liked it. He loved digging for the bones!

For my birthday this year some of our friends came up and we went to the Arch! It was a pretty nice day and we had lots of fun!!

And for my dinner it was none else than Texas Roadhouse!

Easter morning we were having major issues with our camera so here are the ones that turned out. Ben had eggs filled with candy all over the floor and Caleb gathered them and put them on the couch.

A couple nights ago we went to our first Cardinals baseball game. I am still a Diamondback at heart and always will be, but since I can't watch them I have grown to like the Cardinals. Caleb loved it for the first 5 or 6 innings and then he had had enough(it didn't help that he has like 4 teeth coming in all at once).

I know I have said this before, but this time I have made a goal keep this current. It is much easier this way :)