Wednesday, March 26, 2008


For those of you who haven't realized it yet, Ben is a HUGE Florida Gator fan. Well this year in basketball they didn't quite make it into the NCAA tournament, but in Ben's defense they start all underclassmen (he always has to point that out). And as all you in Arizona know ASU got screwed in the whole tournament selection and didn't get in either. So both these teams met last night in the NIT tournament. For me it was a bittersweet meeting. Deep down I wanted to see ASU win, but for the sake of a happy household I needed Florida to win. Ben is not a happy camper when they lose. In fact, I kept telling Ben I was going to wear my ASU shirt, even though I don't have one. The Gators started out with a pretty good lead, but ASU fought back and in the 2nd half gained the lead. Lucky for Ben though, the Gators came back to win the game. It was an exciting rival for the Fuller household, considering it is a rare occasion when Florida and Arizona teams get to play each other! This is for Ben, GO GATORS!!!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


So, today my loving husband turns 29. Here are 10 things you may or may not know about him.
1. He was born and raised in Gainesville, FL
2. He is the 2nd youngest of 6 kids
3. He is only 20 credits away from his Accounting degree
4. He has to be the Florida Gators #1 fan
5. He is a huge WW2 buff
6. He is a nerd at heart and loves the Discovery channel
7. Almost every t-shirt he owns has a Gator on it
8. He has always been quite the little entrepreneur
9. He loves video games
10. He is the greatest husband

I love you so much and I hope you have a great birthday!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Tag i'm it

Ok, so I have been way behind on posting and have been tagged twice. So here they are

1st- Which one is more me?

Donuts or bagels? Definitely bagels, with cream cheese of course!

Rice or noodles? That is a toss up. I would have to say noodles. Mac and Cheese is my favorite!

Soup or salad? Salad. I eat one almost every day. But I do like me some tomato soup every once and awhile.

Mexican or Italian? Mexican in Arizona, Italian in Arkansas- there mexican food here isn't very good

Purse or Shoes? I would have to say shoes. Not much of a purse person

Morning or night? Night, but I sure wish I was a morning person. I would get so much more done.

Summer or winter? Summer for sure. I hate the winter and being cold.

Candy or chocolate? 99% of the time it has to be chocolate. I need some every day!

Going out or staying in? It depends on my mood, but I usually like to get out at least once a day

Laundry or dishes? Dishes for sure. I hate putting laundry away!!

Skirt or dress? Skirt. I can't remember the last time I actually wore a dress.

Flip-flops or tennies? Flip-flops and I used to wear them year round until I moved here.

Walking or jogging? Walking. I can't get into the whole running thing as much as I would like.

Hot chocolate or chocolate milk? Both. If it's cold hot chocolate and if its warm then chocolate milk.

Water or juice? Water. I'm not much of a juice drinker.

TV shows or movies? TV, but since nothing has been new I have watched a lot more movies lately.

Cats or dogs? Dogs for sure!

Diet or reg. soda? Regular. I can't get stand the taste of diet really.

Cake or pie? Chelsea: Pie, and usually it's a fruit pie. Strawberry is my favorite!!

Hair up or hair down? Usually down, unless I don't feel like dealing with it, then it goes up.

Mountains or beach? I'm all about the beaches. Give me a warm tropical place any day!

Pink or blue? Blue, I'm not much of a pink person, but I do wear it every once and awhile

Drama or comedy? I would have to say both. Sometimes I need a good laugh and sometimes I need a good cry.

Hamburger or hot dog? I love hot dogs, but I like a good hamburger every once and awhile too

McDonald's or Burger King? If i'm picking between those two, I would have to say Burger King. I love those Whoppers, but not a fan of all the fat.

Football or baseball? I love me some Diamondback baseball. Although I think I get stuck watching more college football than anything else.

Epidural or natural? Not sure yet, but I am sure it will not be natural. I for sure want some drugs!

Care bears or my little ponies? Care bears, but i'm pretty sure i watched both shows and had both to play with.

CD or radio? Satellite radio when i'm driving, but a CD when i'm at home.

Cinderella or Sleeping Beauty? Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty scared me when I was little.

I tag Jessica, Melissa, and Crystal

2nd- My 5's
5 Things I am going to do tomorrow
1. Do my spring cleaning
2. Visiting Teaching
3. Laundry
4. Decorate for Easter
5. Wish my hubby a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

5 Snacks I enjoy
1. Chips and Salsa
2. Yogurt
3. Apples
4. Chocolate
5. Jello

5 Places I have lived
1. Escondido, CA
2. El Paso, TX
3. Parker, CO
4. Chandler, AZ
5. Springdale, AR

5 Jobs I have had
1. T.C. Luigi's Pizza
2. STA Travel
3. Perfume sales woman :)
4. Loan Processor
5. Right of Way Agent

What would I do if I were suddenly a Billionaire?
I for sure would pay off my house and other debts. Put some in savings. Definitely re-decorate my house and buy new furniture. Buy some rental properties for Ben and open a restaurant. And of course put money away for my kids to be.

Ok for this one I tag Kami, Chantel, and Monica