Monday, December 04, 2006

Moving out

This is gonna be my last post for the time being since I'm moving out tomorrow and I won't be getting the Internet fixed up until I come back next year.

Anyways, just try to summarize everything in this post...

Finally got a house, a lil pricey but it's a nice place and I especially like the kitchen. Hahaha... I might just start practicing my cooking skills. Shouldn't be too bad right? Since I survived for almost 2 years already. Lolz...

But when I look at the bills I have to start paying... headache man... phone, electricity, water, gas, petrol, car service, garbage disposal... feel like fainting. Really as if I got married and starting new family. Hahaha... But I do kinda wish for that day to come?

Currently wondering if I should change my status to "Single and available". Hahaha...

These days I have been feeling empty inside. Tried my best to drown it out but didn't manage to. It comes back at night when I am lying in my bed alone... then the tears come. Sucks... I know I'm weak. But... this is a little too much for me to bear. It couldn't be that I miss KL that much since I was away much longer last year and I was fine...

I DO miss KL... just not THAT much until I can't function. I mean, I can still handle a job, pay bills and all that stuff. I'm even looking for a 2nd job... Anyone can offer me a good job when I'm back in KL? Just promoting work is fine with me. Lolz...

I guess I am still hurt from that time.

I mean, when someone says they love you and all, and although everything seemed to happen so fast, you were happy. You were really happy. But... then everything just falls apart and no matter how they try to explain to you, you just can't seem to see what went wrong...

What went so terribly wrong that you just can't seem to accept it no matter how hard you tried.

It's not like you don't understand it... you do! But your heart doesn't... it has just gotten used to the possibility that this person might just be the ONE.

And then they rip your heart out.

But it is still beating.

I've been doing alot of soul searching and somehow I could not arrive at an answer.

But, weird things happen.

There is a right time for everything.

I realized, although I felt that the whole thing was a dream, that I was just being played, just a toy for someone's amusement...

I realized that somewhere in that short dream, she loved me.

She really loved me.

Somewhere, somehow, when she said those 3 words...

She meant it.

That is enough.

Friday, December 01, 2006


Layer One: On the outside
Name: - r y u – (not gonna post my name here *bluekz*)
Birthday: 28th October (I’m missing a lot of pressies… *ahem*)
Current Status: It’s complicated? Hahaha… “Single, not available” better than “Not single, but available” right?
Eye Colour: Dark Brown
Hair Colour: Black with blonde streaks…
Righty or Lefty: Righty
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio (Don’t make me angry!!! I sting!!!)

Layer Two: On the inside
Your Heritage: Chinese
Your Fears: Spiders… Cockroaches… double the scare if I find them in my car…
Your Weakness: Erm… Naughty? Hehehe…
Your Perfect Pizza: Margheritta (I think this is how you spell it) anything with CHEESE~

Layer Three: Yesterday, today, tomorrow
Your Thoughts First Waking Up: Fuck. (hehehe… of course I got different thoughts depending on what I have to do that day la…)
Your Bedtime: Usually between 1-3am… Exam times then 6am la…
Your Most Missed Memory: Hmm… *himitsu* =P

Layer Four: Your pick
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi (Depends on where la… KL then I pick Pepsi, Aus then I pick Coke… Pepsi here SUCKS)
McDonald's or Burger King: McDonald’s! (Don’t like Burger King)
Single or Group Dates: Single
Adidas or Nike: Adidas
Lipton Tea or Nestea: Both~ XD
Chocolate or Vanilla: CHOCOLATE!!!!
Cappucinno or Coffee: Kinda confusing… isn’t cappuccino a type of COFFEE??

Layer Five: Do You...
Smoke: Occasionally
Curse: Reducing as time passes… but will suffer relapse when in physical pain XD

Layer Six: In the past month
Drank Alcohol: A few Jack Daniels Cola.
Gone To The Mall: Erm… Perth don’t have much that is considered Mall wor… but got I guess…
Been On Stage: Nope.
Eaten Sushi: I have to roll sushi everyday… what do you think???
Dyed Your Hair: Just did... but not much difference...

Layer Seven: Have You Ever..
Played A Stripping Game: Nope
Change Who You Were To Fit In: Hmm… yes I guess.

Layer Eight
Age You're Hopping To Get Married: When I can.
Layer Nine: In A Girl/Guy
Best Eye: Anything as long as it’s a normal pair of eyes and not like some of those Ah Lians who take pics with their eyes big big… so ugly…
Best Hair: Long (but not too long until reach the floor la… mop meh…)
Short Hair or Long Hair: Long.

Layer Ten: What Were You Doing
1 Minute Ago: Took cds from housemate.
1 Hour Ago: Sleeping.4.5 Hours Ago: Still sleeping…
1 Month Ago: Wah liao… wanna list all meh… kanasai…
1 Year Ago: Erm… I think I was in NZ…

Layer Eleven: Finish the sentence
I Love: Sleeping, eating, playing, watching movies, disturbing housemates…
I Feel: Hungry!!!
I Hide: My feelings…
I Miss: 16th September 2006.
I Need: Cooking skills… (hahahahahahhahahaha….)

Layer Twelve: Tag 5 People
Not gonna bother tagging anyone… if I’m bored enough, I’ll create my own tag =P

However, the only one I know who is bored enough to actually do this is Jingz. Hehe… so Jingz, if you read this, do la…

Saturday, November 04, 2006

My reply

As many would know, there is a blog on friendster which had insulted homosexuals by stating that it plain digusts him and that homosexuality is "wrong".

Those are just his point of view and he has the freedom to actually say what he wants and write whatever he wants in his blog. But if he had stopped there, I would have just brushed it off because I have seen too many people like this who just can't seem to get their head out of their asses.

But he just HAD to say that his writings are correct because they are not his point of view but he found all those information through "research". And basically this just pissed me off. Because in my head, this is a little kid who is claiming that the has found the reasons to why homosexuality is wrong and he even LISTED the reasons WHY people become homosexuals.

So, I asked for a list of references and here they are:

To -ryu- about the links, sorry there are none. Just reference books. I'll just
put some though, the list seems unbelivable long.
References: Straight or
Narrow? page 110-111; Archives of General Psychiatry 48, page 127; The Gay
Report by K. Jay and A. Young, pg 728; Sex in America by R Michael, pg 216; The
Wounded Heart by Dan Allender pg 127 or if you just want the list and other
resources, contact Jeff Olson, RBC Ministries. (PO Box 15, Geylang Post Office,
Singapore 913801)

I shall go through each of them...

1. Straight or Narrow? page 110-111; Archives of General Psychiatry 48, page 127

I am in high doubts of this article. I did some search for this particular journal but I could not find it. It was not online or in the library.

Not to mention that when I went to the main website for this particular journal (, I just couldn't find this article. You guys can go check it yourselves under the "Past Issues" tab. The volume is there, but the article is not. There is no page 110-111.

There are several reasons why it is missing: 1. The publisher realized that the publication's results are wrong or fabricated; 2. The author took the article off because he realized his results are plain crap; 3. The article has been refuted by other articles. Either way, it shows that the article is not of credible material. Therefore, that's 1 down, 3 to go.

2. The Gay Report by K. Jay and A. Young, pg 728

This one is one of the most hillarious excuse for a reference I have ever seen. The first thing I found out about this book, it that it was published in 1979!!!

Damn, if that wasn't enough for me to rub it into that idiot's little brainless face, I found out more information about the book:

  • As an informal survey, the respondents were self-selecting, which encourages those who are more sexually adventurous to participate. A miniscule response rate of little more than 1% exposes the work to the heavy influence of participation bias.
  • The respondents who perceived a bias on the part of the authors based on the questionnaires may have participated — or declined to participate — based on whether they believed their answers were what the authors were looking for.
  • The respondents who perceive a bias on the part of the authors may have inflated, exaggerated, or otherwise altered their responses in accordance with those perceived biases.
  • By relying on readers of a gay porn magazine for a significant bulk of the responses, the authors have virtually guaranteed an exceptionally heavy biased towards the opinions and experiences of those who are much more sexually adventurous. These are hardly your Redbook readers, or even your typical Advocate readers.
  • The authors, are Christian activists (need I say more?)

Information from,005.htm

If you're interested to find out more reasons why this book is a joke of a publication, go on ahead to the website.

2 down, 2 to go.

3. Sex in America by R Michael, pg 216

This is also one resource I can't get a hard copy from, therefore I'm seriously doubting where the little brainless idiot got all this information (I have an idea but I shall elaborate further on).

Not to mention that the book was about sexual behaviours of Americans. This was not specifically focused on homosexuals. And the main aim was to focus on the risk of AIDS and sexual conduct.

There are 2 very wrong things about this book that I can confidently conclude even without reading this book: 1. It's based on the American population, not everything can be generalized just because they are the country that actually bothered to do a research on sexual conduct... what does that tell you about the condition of the country? (Btw, this book was released in 1995); 2. It FOCUSES ON AIDS AND SEXUAL CONDUCT. I bet the only connection that the little idiot found between this book and homosexuality is one sentence which could have been "Homosexuals have higher risk of getting AIDS through sexual intercourse". And from that one little sentence, he somehow got the idea that ALL homosexuals will get AIDS and use that against homosexuals.

This is not a bad book. It is very informative and could offer alot of interesting facts. But about AMERICANS who are STRAIGHT and also about AIDS. This is not a good reference for information about homosexuals.

Here's 2 links I found information about this book on. The 2nd link is about the author.

3 down, 1 to go.

4. The Wounded Heart by Dan Allender (1990)

Again, I could not access much information about this book. I looked through several reviews and the sypnosis and also about the authors and I can conclude what I know in 2 sentences:

1. It is written in a Christian's perspective about sexual abuse.

Oh man, I can have a field trip stomping this book... First off, written in a CHRISTIAN's perspective??? Look at the blog entry that started all this crap in the first place, it was written in a CHRISTIAN's perspective who so happens to also be a little brainless idiot.

And it's about sexual abuse. Aparently, the book is about sexual abuse victims who are Christians and how they can overcome the trauma by placing their faith in God. But guess who are the sexual abusers, they're usually not strangers, they are usually family members. And in THIS book, the study is about Christian sexual abuse victims, so what does this make the sexual abusers more likely to be? Yeap, Christians.

2. It offers a "spiritual diagnosis".

Please show me research on "spiritual diagnosis". How do you quantify "spiritual diagnosis"? I know you can quantify qualitative information or interviews but how do you quantify "spiritual diagnosis"? If a research can't provide quantitative results, it is NOT a research.


I also have to state that 3 out of 4 of the references are books. Books released in 1979, 1990 & 1995. All more than 10 years old. They are still good reads (though I beg to differ on the Gay Report) but they DO NOT qualify as sources good enough to reference (especially if you're a brainless little idiot who does not know the consequences of his actions).

And also the place where he suggested I go to for more information is RBC Ministries. A FREAKING MINISTRY!!! OF COURSE YOU'RE GONNA GET ANTI-HOMOSEXUALITY ARTICLES THERE!!!

That is my reply to that little idiot. I know I shouldn't be calling him an idiot but this is MY blog. I did not use any profanity nor was I rude to him when I commented in his blog. I have much more brains than that.

I just found out that his blog has been suspended. And if this was done by any homosexuals or TBs that was flaming him in his blog, I am ashamed to be one of you. This is much too low. He has his right to free speech just like us. Just because he chooses to flaunt his brainlessness doesn't mean you should use profanities and flame him without basis.

That's all I have to say for now.

Peace to the world people... it COULD happen someday...

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