Our Princess Maya

Our Slideshow

Friday, March 5, 2010

Our Timid Girl

I have to laugh because it seems like Maya is certainly scared of anything bigger than her. I bought this gigantic pooh years ago and saved it for my kids. I've had him sitting up in Maya's closet and figured now she was old enough to have fun with Pooh Bear because she kept pointing to him in the closet and saying, "Pooh, Pooh!" Well, little did I know that she would be scared of him. She's warmed up to him now a bit, but when I pulled him out yesterday she wasn't having any of that. She kept looking at him and turning the other direction and saying, "No, No" with a concerned look on her face. I guess we need to slowly introduce her to anything bigger than she is.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Nigh, Nigh

Maya loves to pretend going, "Nigh, nigh" (Night, Night). Whether it's in Mommy and Daddy's bed, Grandma and Grandpa's bed, or on the floor with some blankets and pillows she loves to pretend. Whenever we're at the store and she sees a crib or a pack n' play she points to it saying, "Nigh, nigh!" over and over again. Guess I should stop taking her out during her nap time. :)

A Jumpin' Good Time

Jeremy has Monday's off from work so we use it as a family day. Yesterday he worked a little but after he got home we went to Jumpin' Jacks in West Jordan. We thought for sure that Maya would love it because she loves to jump on our bed and in her crib. But, I think we didn't get her used to the idea first...Jer just took her right in to the bouncing play areas. I can understand that the huge blow up toys would be a little intimidating to a 19 month old. Jer and I were thinking we wished her cousins were with her because we think she would do better having someone her own age/size to help her have more fun and entice her.

First bouncing area....not so sure.

Big slide....really not so sure.

Inside bouncing area...still not liking the idea.

I took her to this little step to get her used to the idea of jumping and she decided that was her place to bounce. Forget all the other play areas...she had a nice little spot to herself...except for when kids were getting in and out of there.

Maya in action! As she would jump she would say, "Bouncey, bouncey!"

Besides having a good time bouncing in her spot she would run back and forth between the drinking fountain and her "spot". She's got a fetish with the drinking fountains.

Just a little too short to reach.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

I love Valentine's Day! I know it's a hated holiday by most, but I love it! So, for Valentine's I made Jeremy this Valentine. Maya has blossomed in her talking skills. She's gone from talking her own jibberish to talking her own jibberish plus saying actual words. It's like it happened over night. One of the new things she says now is "I lob uoo!" (translation I love you). I thought it was perfect just in time for Valentine's.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

It's a BOY! Or is it?

Sorry it's been a while since I've updated...okay so it's been a long while. :) But, on November 25, 2009 we found out that we were expecting baby #2. We were shocked, but excited because we didn't think it would happen so quickly. We are due July 28th (about) so that means this baby and Maya will be almost...so close to two years apart.

On Thanksgiving we told the Van Gend side of the family. My family knew that I had made sugar cookies and wanted to eat some right after dinner. I tried to hide them for a minute because not everyone was downstairs. But, they kept asking where the sugar cookies were and when they could eat some. I tried to round everyone up but was unsuccessful. So, unfortunetly our announcement was made without everyone there. :( But, it was still a shock to everyone.

On November 28th we had Thanksgiving dinner with the Aragon side of the family. Rather than me fight the crowds I had my sister Stefani get this Big Sister shirt for Maya the day after Thanksgiving while she was at the mall. When we first got to our Thanksgiving dinner not everyone was there so Jeremy told the fam not to take off Maya's coat because she was cold and would get very upset. After the majority got there Jer told them it was okay to take off her coat.

We were so excited to find out what we were having and couldn't wait until our 20 week appointment to find out. Fortunetly, the doctor that I see offers a gender check at 16 weeks for a small price. Our appointment was at 8:30am and I was so happy because my sister was able to get the morning off work to watch Maya and my mom was able to skip out on a part of her meeting to come to the ultrasound. We got into the ultrasound room and was in there for about 20-25 minutes. They were having the hardest time finding what the gender was because the baby's legs were crossed and because the cord was sitting in between the baby's legs. They told me to go to my appointment with my doctor and then come back down. I was kind of upset because my mom had to leave to go to her meeting and I wanted her to be there to see first hand what the baby was. We went up to my appointment and while we were up there we got to hear the heartbeat. It was going pretty fast so with that said they told us that 60% chance it was a girl and 40% chance it was a boy....that kind of shot Jer's hopes down of it being a boy. So then we went back down and they STILL had a hard time telling what the gender was for the same reasons. But, they thought it was a BOY! Jeremy couldn't be more happy!! He's wanted a boy since Maya. I wanted a girl just because we already have all the girl stuff, but I'm happy with a boy too. But, we will confirm that on March 11th at my 20 week appointment. Hopefully the baby's gender won't change in 4 weeks. :)

Profile Picture...he looks just like Maya did.

Here are the best pictures they could get of his "manhood"...hopefully they are right. :)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Yet Another Successful Grocery Trip

So I've been using Grocery Smarts for a few months and have had HUGE success in savings and I decided that I would post my shopping trip for today. I bought all of this for $18.88 and saved $66.77.

I bought:
2 boxes of Wheat Thins
3 bottles of Kraft Dressing
3 bottles of Wish Bone Dressing
3 bottles of Wish Bone Sprizters
4 cans of peaches
4 cans of pinapple tidbits
1 bottle of Kraft BBQ Sauce
1 bottle of Mustard
3 cans of Skintimate Shaving Cream
2lbs of hamburger
3 1/2 lbs of chicken

I just love being able to buy so many groceries and save soooo much money. It's great!!!!

Friday, May 22, 2009

1st Time Bowling

Today was Maya's first time bowling. We went to Fat Cats with some friends of ours and had a blast!

Maya loved to push the bowling ball down the ramp herself....Daddy was so kind and loving to let her try on his turn.

Daddy and Maya. It was pretty dark in there so you can barely see anything in the background.

Johnny and Maya

Monday, May 18, 2009

Walk Down Memory Lane

Today we went on a walk down the Jordan Parkway trail. We love walking on the trail during the summer.

Mommy and Daddy trying on Maya's shades.

Winnie taking a rest.

Maya in her oh-so-cool shades!

Oh the life!!!!

Maya and Daddy

On the way home we had the windows rolled down and Maya's hair was blowing everywhere. I just had to take a picture! :)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mother's Day..

Happy Mother's Day to all the Mommy's!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Maya LOVES Grandma's Pankcakes....

Need we say more? :)

Oh No!!

Since Maya is so mobile now she is getting into everything. We have a small garbage next to our island in the kitchen and she decided that she wanted to see what kind of treasures she could find. And this is what she found.

Crib Photo Shoot

I watched Studio 5 one day and they talked about capturing motherhood with your camara and for the most part I keep the camara close by but here are some pictures that I took when she should've been napping...

Tulip Festival

Here we are at the Tulip Festival at Thanksgiving Point. My favorite flower is tulips so we decided that we would see what it was all about.

Maya's first time in the grass. She was not having any of that!!

Daddy showing Maya the pretty tulips to calm her down.

Pretty Maya!

Maya in her shades. Jeremy had to hold her hands down so she wouldn't pull off her sunglasses.



And more Tulips!

Maya wasn't too happy about the shades!

She's thinking, "Are you serious?!?"


One minute with the shades on....

The next with them off (racoon eyes)....she figured out Daddy and Mommy weren't watching. :)

Little Dutchees