are many explanations and reasons. And there are many people involved in this attempted human sacrifice. The man who tried to crush Hilath’s skull. The attacker’s friends,
helpers and supporters come next. And so on.
The accusations against him are the
same old Islamic accusations. He had written blasphemous things.
A bounty was set on his head and in addition to the hooris in
Jannah, the “jallaadh” would get a million dollars from the Islamic Republic of
Here in Maldives, the rhetoric is encouraging. Abdul Majeed Abdul Baari, The most
prominent Mullah of the Adhaalath party and Minister of Islamic Affaires has
publicly proclaimed that "Shari’ah law ultimately requires the killing of
those who leave Islam."
This means that anyone who killed someone who "leaves Islam" is doing Allah's work, following his commands.
Those who perpetrated the attack on
Hilath are also victims in many ways. They have not received a reasonable
education in school. They have no knowledge of world history. They are ignorant of their own.
Instead their heads are filled with the litany of grievances
taught in the Madrasas of Pakistan. The Muslims are in trouble because
Muslims are not Muslims enough and the Jews are to blame. These stories are spread around the country through a well funded campaign originating from Medina, Saudi Arabia.
In attacking Hilath they were doing
what was done in Mecca 1400 years ago. In their minds some of them are living
the times or Mohammed. There is this belief among them that the ideal life
on earth was practiced by Mohammed and his followers.
They are trying to
replicate it now in Maldives.
A famous episode in Muslim history inspires these people. The story of Asma bint Marwan.
She was a poetess who belonged to a
tribe of Medinan pagans. She composed a poem blaming them for obeying a
stranger (Muhammad) and for not taking the initiative to attack him by
Then in March 624, when the Allah-inspired Prophet heard what she
had said, he asked, “Who will rid me of Marwan’s daughter?”
This attack on Hilath was Allah
inspired. Shedding blood to please a god is nothing new.
The Mayans ripped out the
palpitating hearts of often willing people and offered it to Kukulkaan the "Feathered Serpent" God
They tried to kill Hilath to
please Allah the "Crescent Moon" God.
A statue of Allah the moon-god sitting upon a throne found
at Hazar in Palestine in 1950. The crescent moon shape is carved across the
chest. Many tribes had many gods that were placed inside the old hidhu temple
in Mekka. The crescent moon logo is
found on Islamic state flags, hats, books and religious artifacts.