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Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers


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Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Di Petang Spring Yang Cerah

Dah berminggu-minggu asik hujan, angin ribut, angin, mendung, sejuk, cerah sekejap-sekejap. Hari ni panas around 25°c- 28°c tapi angin kuat. Best je jalan-jalan kat luar. Well, takde la aku jalan-jalan kat luar nun. Esok weather forecast kata sejuk 16°c-18°c.

Late afternoon went to get some groceries & then sambil-sambil tu singgah Sussan, Portmans & Sportsgirl. Sambar some pyjamas & tudungs. Semenjak dah tukar style pakai tudung to suit my ICU rotation, I need more tudung yg sesuai. Seb baik banyak sales coz now dah spring. Orang-orang sini pakai tudung tu lilit kat leher, aku guna untuk pakai tudung lah. Score murah gila!

Malam ni kena stay up sket coz esok malam kerja night shifts in ICU. Bengong la jugak ada ke patut compulsary kena datang teaching in the afternoon when I start at 8pm & abis kol 9am esoknye. Hampes je.

Anyways, ni gambar-gambar semak-samun yg aku amik kat luar rumah.


Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Salam Aidiladha 1434H

Salam Aidiladha 1434H to all. Maaf zahir & batin. Semoga semuanya diberkatiNYA. 

credit google

Hari tu raya mcm tak nak raya je coz of my exams. Adik aku H3 datang visit, and that was already good enuf. Spoke to family via phone/ skype. Called nenek. Aku masak sket2 for 3 org makan je kat rumah ni. Then malam gi melawat some friends kat satu rumah je then balik. Visited TTM sekejap. How sad. Takde tv raya takde lagu raya kat radio. Cuma kat computer harapkan youtube & my ipod je la. Jadila tu. Buat mengubat rindu.Tahun ni tak beraya kat rumah in laws even because of my exams & then kerja all weekends after that. 

This time dont really celebrate it either. Been working in the past 3 weekends, so macam letih gila bila dapat some off days during the weekdays. Talked to parents & family via skype. Dengar lagu raya via youtube & tgk movie omputih kat tv. Most rakan2 plak sedang study for their coming exams yg pelbagai level. Encik suami pon kerja. So ala kadar makan makanan semalam semalam punye je. Tengok jap lagi kalau aku rajin, I will masak sth kot. In the meantime mebbie nak gi tgk documentaries & do some laundry yg dah menimbun tu.

Thursday, October 10, 2013


Apsal la buruk bebeno layout ios 7 nih. Baru jap ni update ios on my ipad. Not only the system, Banyak yg aku kena update my ipad ni. Isi kandungannye dah sepahsepah. The charger pon dah kejap kaput kejap on. Kena beli baru.

Btw, anyone knows how to switch off the app yg dah guna so that it is not running still in the background walaupun kita dah tukar app? This is to jimat battery. IOS yg lama boleh double click button then hold the icon lama2 then close by clicking 'x'. Yg baru ni macam mana eh?



Okay, dah tau.
Double click button tengah tu. Then slide mini screen ke atas, not the small icon. Ooo macam lagi senang je.

Perasan tak the folder view lagi kecik, nampak 9 icons max on 1 page & ada pages to swipe across the folder. Dulu like 12 ke 15 ntah n takde pages in 1 folder.

And kalau nak adjust screen brightness or ipad volume just swipe ke atas je on ur very bottom screen. Dulu kena double click button tgh then swipe ke kanan.

Then kat page safari ada toolbar apple, disney, espn, yahoo! yg menyibuk so my safari screen is smaller now. I have to find a way to get rid of it. Menyemak je.

And kat front page ipad wall paper tu, yg locked toolbar kat bawah tu bckground dia dah tak lutsinar. So the wall paper is smaller than before. Ish.

Wednesday, October 09, 2013

ACEM Primary Exams dah selesai


Sat my primary exams viva on the 19th Sept hari tu, and passed. Sangat-sangat lega dah selesai primary exams and now onto nak selesaikan the final hurdle of being in the basic training. Lepas tu I will be in my advanced training of Emergence Medicine, in sya Allah. 

In the meantime, I want to focus on getting that balance in my life. In the past 1 1/2 years right up to the viva, my life was kind of an upside down roller coaster. Aug 2012 sat anatomy & pathology primary exams. Didnt pass Pathology unfortunately. Then Feb 2013 sat the pathology, pharmacology & physiology pulak. Unfortunately didnt pass physiology. Emergency college changed the primary exam format for Aug 2013. Dulu for each subject you have to sit the written exam then dah pass, baru invited to sit for the viva pulak, which is separate for each subject. So 4 subjects (anatomy, pathology, physiology, pharmacology) equal to 8x exams. Now for each subject you sit the written exam like before, but after passing all written exams baru boleh sit the combined viva. The new viva format pulak, 1 station will have 4 questions (1 question for each subject), and there will be 4 stations in total. So in Aug 2013 I sat the written physiology exam, passed, then sat the combined viva & alhamdulillah passed.

My certificate yg kemek2 pasal basah kena hujan while in the mailbox

Bersyukur sangat-sangat. So traumatizing, that all the plans I had before passing, the plans of what to do once I pass my exams, semua still stalling lagi coz still traumatized by the primary exams. Lega, that now I can focus on my clinical & research aspects of my work & also my advanced training stuff, tak payah risau kena study the boring raw basic sciences stuff. I can start focusing on my exit exam, which will be in 3,4 years time pulak. I can take it easy with my everyday life & enjoy the warmer season now. Rasa macam kepala ni lebih ringan.



This post was supposed to be up on Monday. I was working nights in ICU over the weekends & sambung lagi Monday night. Tidak berkesempatan.

Anyway, here it is. 

Every child will say their dad is the greatest in their lifetime. Well, mine is the greatest dad in the world. I cherish all the time with you, the wise words you say, the things you do and everything else. May you be blessed with all the best in the world and much more. Semoga panjang umur & murah rezeki & bahagia selalu & diberkatiNYA. 
I am sorry I'm not there to celebrate your special day but yeah, dekat di mata & dekat di hati always. 
Happy birthday, abah!
Love you. 


Monday, February 11, 2013

Doakan daku..

Assalamualaikum, salam sejahtera.

I really need a lot of doa's & luck here. Friday will be my Primary exams (Physio, Pharmacology, Pathology). At these very last few days prior to exams.. yg aku mampu hanyalah banyakkan doa & berserah je lah. 

This will determine wether I go into my advanced emergency medicine training or still being a senior in my basic training (which means repeat lagi exams in Aug/ Sept nanti).. huhuhu...

Doa-doakan daku ye.. :'( And terima kasih banyak2 for the doa's.

Ni yg rasa macam nak tukar carrier jadi PA ke cikgu tadika ke.. Why am I leading this misserable life pon I donno la.. sigh....

InsyaAllah, hopefully all is well & I am strong... Amin.
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