Hujan. My pokok cili & strawberries yg berjaya diselamatkan buat masa ini.
This time akunyer detox juice made of grapes, blueberries, strawberries, blackberries & coconut water/ pomegranate water. Sedap!
So, I was working over the weekends. Started at a weird time ever: 5pm. Abis midnight. Not complaining, coz it means aku just kerja 7 jam je.
Sabtu: one of the bosses started a buddy thing, where a registrar buddies with a resident.
Cases yg best on Saturday: dengue fever in an Aussie who works in East Timor tapi pulang bercuti di Melbourne. Funny & almost embarrassing coz I had never seen any dengue fever in my whole life. Surely, I've heard of people dying of dengue haemorrhagic fever kat M'sia but tak pernah tengok depan mata sendiri. Now I know. Then ada this patient with myeloblastic disease with massive hepatosplenomegaly; liver & spleen dia besar gilaaa! Good textbook cases that day.
Sunday: aku was working in green stream. A locum boss was in charge of green. As much as she was being very supportive & nice, aku rasa cam dia kurang percaya kat aku. Semua patients yg aku d/c dgn dia, dia nak jumpa & manage kalau boleh. Hahaha, kelakar coz tahun lepas aku cam whinging that aku tak nak manage pt by myself. This year aku komplen plak boss nak tau pasal pt aku. Oh well, we need to have balance & check to ensure safe medical practice.
Anyways, interesting cases semalam: nasty distal radius & ulna fracture in a 7 year old boy, kami reduced kat ED under ketamine sedation. Somehow kat sini diorang berhati-hati guna ketamine. Not like in 3rd world countries where ketamine is readily available. Orthopaedics registrar datang buat reduction. Then this wound on a forearm of a 13year old. My boss suruh aku ajar sorang intern ni yg tak pernah buat stiching lagi sejak dia start ED. Its a straight forward 2 inch wound so boleh la aku suruh dia buat. Tapi lepas 2 stitches dia buat, si parent ni tetiba tak kasi plak, nak aku plak yg abiskan. Aku dah la busy dgn other patients. Tapi aku abiskan jugak la. Its a shame la parent tu tak kasi that intern buat. They have to learn somewhere & the best way is to do it themselves in an uncomplecated straight forward clean wounds like this, which we dont get all the time. Other cases are not so interesting but not difficult at all: suicidal lady, removal of a piece of broken glass from someone's foot, sprain toe, anaphylaxis, another wound in a 2y.o. girl.
Malam ni aku kerja nights straight until Thursday night, abis pagi Friday. Aku kena gi tido in the evening for a few hours so that tak ngantuk first night nanti.