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Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Selamat Hari Tanpa Tembakau Sedunia hari ini 31st May 2011.
Say no to ROKOK okay everyone. Ni segment dari Encik Ben Ashaari utk hari ini: http://www.benashaari.com/2011/05/segmen-24-jam.html AKU KATA TAK NAK, TAK NAK LAA!

I grew up with abah enforcing cigarettes memang a big NO!, dia siap bubuh no smoking signs around the house. So dari kecik until now being a doc myself I have got a whole list of why I HATE ROKOK so much.

1. Sebagai org Islam, rasanye dah byk kali kuar fatwa with all the dalils & discussions yg rokok ni HARAM!

2. Rokok itu busuk & kasi gigi + kuku kuning lagi jijiks.

3. Bazir bakar duit. Rasanye kalau kumpul2 duit yg guna utk bayar duit rokok kalau org tu rokok sehari 20batang selama 10 thn.. fuh.. boleh beli sebiji rumah agaknye. Membazir tu amalan setaaaan!!

4. Dari segi pathology, time postmortem lepas org tu dah mati, seriously menjijikskan. With the lungs yg hitam clogged with tar & all sorts of racun, blood vessels dia tersumbat & hitam jugak, jantung yg sangat rosak, buah pinggang yg smashed & hitam, liver yg dasyat, etc.. seriously jijiks.

5. Semua org tau yg rokok ni punca pelbagai penyakit.. COPD, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, kidney diseses, brain diseases, etc termasukla psychosocial issues. Selalunye org2 yg isap rokok ni either oblivious ignorant or rasa diri dia kebal immune.

6. Bagi aku org yg merokok ni sangat selfish. Lantak pi kalau kau memang tak sayang diri sendiri nak sakit sendiri & hidup merana. But very very selfish & such a useless moron kalau kau tak pedulikan org yg sayang kat kau. Bila kau sakit kau nyusahkan keluarga. Bila kau mati kalau kaya-raya & mati sekelip mata tak perlu jaga di saat-saat akhir tu takpe la jugak takde la family terabai, tapi ni nyusahkan keluarga yg selama ni bergantung kat diri kau for support. Bengong!

7. Again about them being useless & selfish. Aku terpaksa berdepan dgn org yg tgh isap rokok or lalu depan org yg isap rokok rasa cam nak ludah je kat muka diorang. Kalau korang nak sorang2 kasi hitam ur heart & lungs sila buat kat tpt lain yg takde makhluk Allah swt yg lebih menghargai ciptaanNYA. Aku tak perlukan korang ni nak kasi hitam organ dalaman aku. Org yg tak smoke tapi dok dekat org yg smoke akan kena penangan adverse effect just like those who smoke. This is proven by many studies.

Again about them being useless & selfish. Seriously menyusahkan aku & doctor2 lain nak treat those patients yg sakit disebabkan rokok. Aku menyampah gila, kejap2 datang spital sakit itu-ini terhegeh-hegeh nak kasi sihat balik. Masa tahun2 sudah org suruh berhenti time tgh sihat degil amat. Now nyusahkan the healthcare system nak treat something thats not reversible.. pendek kata.. toooooo late, mate! Pas tu boleh lagi demand kerajaan mintak healthcare kasi free nak treat these people. Tak layak! Bazir juta2 duit taxpayers money nak treat these not-worth-it patients. Kalau guna duit kau sorang takpe, ni guna duit rakyat jelata lain.

Again about them being useless & selfish. Pencemaran alam sekitar & memusnahkan bumi. In short, menyusahkan makhluk Allah yg lain juz coz ur selfishness & retarded acts.

10. Tak kira la kau sapa kat dunia ni (even doctors sekalipon), kalau kau merokok ( and amik other substances including alcohol ) kau memang tak layak utk terima apa-apa nikmat kehidupan seperti kasih-sayang, respect, etc. Org mebbie tak bersikap kurang ajar kat kau pada pandangan kau, tapi dalam hati (kalau org tu tak menghina kau or doakan kau cepat mati) org tu mungkin tgh berusaha utk kesiankan ur stoopidity & supaya kau cepat insaf utk kesejahteraan mahkluk Allah yg lain.

Tu dia...
U guys can say I'm heartless or kureng ajar ke apa, realitinya korang yg isap rokok ni memang selfish, stoopid & slack (dalam perkataan yg sopan buat tatapan umum).
Harap-harap segera la insaf.. kalau tak sayang makhluk lain dalam dunia ni, blajar la sayang kat diri sendiri tu sebelum terlambat...

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

bedsay =)

Happy XXth birthday untuk aku pada 25th May 2011.

Cake & cookies idaman aku tak kisah yg mana coz aku cuma suka ratah icing sugarnye saja. Hehehhehe.. dan jugak coklatnye kalau ada coklat, dan jugak cherrynye kalau ada cherry. =P
Ucapan untuk diri sendiri...
sayangi diri sendiri dahulu sebelum menyayangi orang lain, coz when all things fall apart hanya diri sendiri yg left to stand for yourself...

Love me..
(posting long overdue :P hehe).

Monday, May 16, 2011

Al-Fatihah buat arwah nenek...

Pagi tadi dapat phone call & sms frm my parents, that my dad's mum meninggal dunia before Subuh tadi.

Al-Fatihah buat arwah Hajijah bt Kasim. Semoga rohnya ditempatkan bersama-sama orang-orang yg beriman & dicucuri rahmatNYA.

I doakan my dad stay strong. I will alwiz doakan u & mum & our family & the rest of umat Islam sentiasa diberkati Allah swt.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Ambo ride

Semalam punye la busy kat ED. Initially tak le busy mana, and I had to see one of the DEMTs (Director of Emergency Medicine Training) about my coming exam. That already took almost an hour, which was fine coz it means less time on the floor. Hahahaha.. bunyi agak pemalas kan? Memang sangat-sangat demoralized lately (... erk.. slalu pon gini).

First patient I took was a stroke patient. Symptoms was dysphasia. Mid-age lady in her 60s. Admitted under neurology.
2nd one was another stroke. Wah, back to back stroke cases aku dapat.
Youngish man 50yrs old, came in with total right hemiparesis, aphasic, poor comprehension, projectile vomiting. Hantar straight to CT scan of the brain + perfusion scan (circle of Willis), but he only got the plain CT brain. Kureng betul radiographer tak buat perfusion scan. Turned out to be dia ada haemorrhagic stroke: large left subcortical bleed injecting into the ventricle.. in another word, bad bleed that causes irreversible damage.. needs to be evacuated.

The wife was present, kesian, diorang takde sapa kat bumi Aussie ni coz both r frm the UK.
Anyway, he was stable all through out ED stay. We had to transfer him to St. Vincent's hospital coz kat spital aku takde neurosurgery specialty. First time aku ikut as an escort in a patient transfer. Dok dalam ambulance.

Seriously kagum & excited, even though seram jugak coz takut patient to crash on me while on the way. I guess the only things yg aku mampu buat as a junior doc at that point ialah airway management & aku boleh intubate (Alhamdulillah). Sebelum bertolak tu aku dah sediakan all the resuscitation drugs in my hand + the resus bag (yg berat nak mampos) dah sedia ada to come with me for the journey. The bosses kasi aku taklimat & nasihat sebelum pergi coz aku tak pernah pegi ikut inter-hospital transfer ni. The deputy of ED puan prof cam ragu2 nak kasi aku pegi coz aku sangat junior in my training. Tapi the bosses yg suruh aku pegi tu relax je ckp this is a perfect opportunity for me to learn. Thanks bosses for believing in me (at the time when I really needed the support).
Sepanjang perjalanan gi St. Vincent's aku sentiasa check his blood pressure. Despite him doesnt have blood pressure issues, he was hypertensive on presentation up to 220/115, which is quite a common complication of a haemorrhagic stroke. We gave him hydralazine, GTN patch, those brought down the BP to a stable 170/100, even though we alwiz like the BP to be below 160 systolic & 90 diastolic. Tapi at the same time tak nak drop the BP too quickly too much coz tak nak other unwanted complications to the already injured brain.
Oh ye, one nurse yg looked afta the patient kat ED kata I deserve a pat on the shoulder coz berjaya masukkan a large bore cannula 16G kat patient tu masa sumer org failed to get another access. Bangga la jugak :P Selalunye case yg critical like this we like to have 2 secure IV access, 1 has to be a large one of minimum size 18G.

St. Vincent's hospital is in the city, sampai-sampai je aku sangat kagum dgn hospital besar banyak tingkat tu. The neurosurgery registrar sambut kami dgn baiknye, he was nice on the phone. Naik terus ke tingkat 10. Cantiknyeeeee ward kat spital ni. Nice view of Melbourne city. Rasa cam nak tukar specialty training supaya dapat dok kat tingkat atas2 of the hospital to have this kind of beautiful view. Terlupa kejap pasal patient haemorrhagic stroke aku ni. Hehehe.

Anyway, it was a short trip from Box Hill Hospital ED to St. Vincent's Hospital. ~15-20minutes je, despite the ambo was running at the speed limit coz hujan lebat. And my hospital kasi aku taxi voucher to come back to ED, and my au$40 worth of trip back was free. =) Seram gak tunggu sorang-sorang kat luar ED St. Vincent's tu for the cab. St. Vincent's terkenal sebagai catchment hospital for psych + substance abuse people. Habis baju aku bau asap rokok coz masa tunggu kat luar tu ramai sungguh org kuar masuk hisap rokok kat pintu luar despite kat situ besar gila sign takleh merokok.
The whole trip pegi-transfer-balik took only ~1 hour. Boleh dikatakan my only exciting case on yesterday shift. Sampai ED Box Hill dlm kol 11pm. 1 jam je lagi until my shift nak abis.

The whole case is kinda a sad one, but very satisfying personally & professionally, and aku bersyukur aku involved in this. I cannot imagine if that happens to my family, let alone my partner. Na'udzubillah. Sedih jugak aku memikirkan how that wife nak look afta her husband yg dah non-verbal & sebelah badan lumpuh, with no family support around. Kalau orang tanya aku sekarang sanggup tak aku jaga a family member kalau jadi cam ni, of course, aku sanggup. It will be difficult, no doubt. But for love, I'll do it, and semoga Allah swt bagi aku & my family kekuatan if this ever happend.

Aku doakan semoga all of us diberi kesihatan yg baik, keimanan yg kuat supaya kami tak lupa kepadaNya, and diberi kesedaran jaga diri baik2 for now. Amin.

Now kena get ready to work.

Monday, May 09, 2011

Recap minggu lepas

Wah, dah masuk bulan May. My month =) *winks* Jangan lupa 25th May ini (hehehhehhee, kenyit2 mata sambil sengeh2 ngada2).

Anyways, busy gila last week at work. Team kerja malam tak best. The replacement that the HR got
(finally!) tak best. Patients yg aku jumpa pon tak best, except the one yg kena hantar pi ICU due to septic shock. Handovers frm the evening docs lagi la ntah apa2. Heh.

On Saturday evening I went to visit Dr. HAK sempena esok ni dia nak gi buat rotation 3 bulan di Bairnsdale which is ~3+ hours frm Melbourne, ntah brapa ratus km mebbie dlm 300km kot. Tak tau la aku dpt visit dia ke tak kat Bairnsdale whoop whoop nun coz aku pon dah nak exam in August, which is
the end of her rotation there. And segala social activities buat masa ni rasa dah terpadam dari my list of wants for now. Kesian jugak aku ngan Dr. HAK terpaksa pegi ke whoop whoop nun, as semua org tau whoop whoop is a bit mencabar dari segi orangnye, kemudahannye, socialnye, unless if u r not wearing tudung lah kan.

Aku asik tido tak menentu recovering frm night shift baru ni. Pagi ni bangun kol 4am. Lepas solat Subuh aku dok memasak coz mlm tadi penat gila tak jadi masak. Teringin nak makan roti canai dgn kari ayam.

Kari ayam dgn sayur goreng

Sejuk bangat minggu lepas & minggu ni. Walaupon ada matahari tapi brrrr... sejuks. Lapis2 aku pakai plus heater pon on jugak. Ni last night aku snapshot the weather forcast minggu ni. Tengok yg aku bulatkan tu apsal rasa sejuk even tho temperature dlm belas2 °C. Harap-harapnye pokok2 cili aku tu hidup la sampai next seasons.Oh ye, layan je la gambar2 yg aku amik kat garden aku sempena minggu lepas yg sangat sejuk, rasa cam winter dah.

Tak tau pokok besar apa kat front lawn
2 jenis bunga yg sama
Pokok renek
Pokok jiran sebelah yg dah togel, tinggal bunga2 tu je
Okay, time to study. Petang ni start kerja kol 4pm abes midnight. Minggu ni kerja evening shift until Monday depan. Quiz pasal neuro + muscle stuff on Thursday arvo ni. Huhuhuhu...

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Bila pagar makan padi..

Sebenarnye tajuk tu aku nak bubuh, bila HR/ admin buat onar.. hehhehe.. tapi cam obvious sgt plak.

Minggu ni aku kerja night shifts abis pagi Jumaat. Malam tadi bengong sungguh. HR tak ganti doctors for night shift this week. Padahal diorang dah tau yg sorang tu on annual leave, and lagi sorang tu plak diorang dah ada org tapi diorang double shifts kan dia & bila dia tanya HR ckp gi kat lagi satu spital je. So tinggal aku & sorang lagi senior registrar kerja last night, menghadapi all the silly cases plus beribu2 patients waiting. Most patient yg aku jumpa sumer had been waiting for 6-8 hours already. Memang menyampah abis jugak esp. bila ada patient's family yg sengal2. Hahaha. Tapi tu setiap hari lah kan. Yang lebih menyengalkan ialah hal HR bodo tu, & some nurses bengong jugak pemalas. Kesian 1 consultant was called in to work the whole night. Kesian jugak 2 evening registrars stayed 3-4hours longer than they should, diorang dah kerja non-stop for 10hours already that evening. Sure mereng time diorang balik rumah kol 3-4 pagi tu.

Okay ayat aku mmg ntah apa-apa. Kesimpulannye utk kali ini:
= HR bengong dlm hal cari replacement for the leaves, despite they've known this for months/weeks.

Kutuk2 the nurses, the system & the AU government tu lain kali je la aku sambung. Hehhehehe. Dah byk kali pon aku kutuk diorang dlm blog ni.

Anyways, now nak get ready gi kerja. Hope malam ni ada la replacement for docs. Kalau tak mati la lagi like last night.
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