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Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers


Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Maternity tickers

Peluang korang nak berbakti kat aku =P

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Last day of Spring 2010

Kalau ikut calendar, today is the last Spring of 2010. Masa first time aku sampai Melbourne zaman muda remaja dulu musim Spring in 2000. Kira punya kira, this Spring is my 11th.. waaahh... lamanyaaaa!!! Tua dah aku nih!!! Sepanjang spring tahun ni more towards the sejuk side. Banyak hujan. Aku still pakai socks & baju lapis-lapis dok rumah. Di other night just when I thought I didnt have to switch on the heater in this new house, wooohh... aku tak boleh tido coz it was toooooo cold! Ntah berapa temperature masa tu, I woke up around 3a.m. to get the blow heater from the back room. Beku beb! But today Alhamdulillah panas, sangat best coz aku dah buat laundry ber-round-round. Seb baik kering semua.

Banyak lagi tak kemas & susun kat rumah nih. Its the right weather untuk menaikkan semangat aku utk kemas-kemas (and study). Tapi tetiba teringat hari ni kena hantar timesheet. Aaaaiishhh.. so terpaksa la pegi hospital for handing in my timesheet. Tu la masalahnye timetable random cam gini. Time nak kena hantar timesheet ialah mostly time yg tak convenient utk aku. E.g. hari ni kena mintak hubby drive pegi spital (since dia park depan kereta aku & kami malas nak alih kereta since he's starting his new job tomorrow).

Muka tak bleh blah perasan cun.. wek wek.. hahahahahaaa...
saja gatal nak amik gambar dalam kereta tadi. Tu la jadinya
kalau off lama sangat.. mereng jap
On the way back singgah ke housing agent in Oakleigh to hand in our bond claim form. Alhamdulillah dapat in full amount. Singgah at one of the many cafes around there. Woh, tempat ni penuh dengan Greeks! U kno la Greeks.. hehehehehe...

Had decaf cappuccino & hubby had his latte.
Wajah kacak hubby terpaksa disorokkan atas sebab-sebab privacy
Tried this homemade macarons. Boleh la tahan.
Aku suka yg rose & strawberry tu
Nuthing much done kat rumah lepas tu. Laundry. Blog. Restaurant City kat FB. Kemas-kemas seciput lagi. TV. Aku takleh tido la plak ni. Mebbie sebab cappuccino yg org tu kasi bukan decaf kot.
Kembung dah perut aku makan salami & minum warm milk. Problem betul aku kalau tak kerja ni, masalah takleh tido la plak. Ubat-ubatan ada je setia menanti dalam laci sebelah ni. Tapi tunnngguuuuu....

Oh ye, comel tak T-Shirt potato chips kami? =P

Berani matikah kau? Harrusss.. Blog Aku Best!!!

Kebosanan settling the new house & the old house during my days off since last week. Patut aku update blog kan. Cerita banyaaaaak, gambar pon banyaaak nak bubuh sini. Eh, silap, patut study la kan. Aku kan kosong je pasal ICU ni. Haaaa.. Penyakit "M" lebih banyak buat masa ini. Hampir botak kepala & nak tercabut urat-urat kat badan nih.

Ternampak entry ni kat blog Ben Ashaari, belasah sajaaaa. Link dia kat sini: http://www.benashaari.com/2010/11/berani-mati-blog-aku-best.html

  1. image

Latar belakang blog:
Started on the 2nd March 2005. Masa tu termakan idea adik aku yg masa tu di asrama. Tapi biasa la, tergendala kejap. Sedangkan assignment uni pon malas nak type, apatah lagi buah fikiran/ kisah kehidupan seharian. Makanye, entry pertama aku ialah a short note ntah apa-apa pasal concert Nickelback yg aku pegi pada tahun sebelumnye. Mengah betul. Serious, aku tengok balik pon rasa nak ludah je.

Blog ni dapat booster balik masa aku tengah buat surgical night shift, hasil pengaruh TTM & Lybeau. Biasa la, benci night shift cover ward, bila ada masa lapang masa tu sure aku jenguk blog orang & update blog. Seperti biasa malas gila jugak nak update selalu, TTM & Lybeau la kasi idea nak kick start balik blog ni, e.g. fesyen gi kerja ke (ni idea TTM), story kat spital ke, etc. So start balik pada 9th April 2009 dengan entry poyo pasal cuaca. Hehehehe.

Masa awal-awal aktif semula, most of my entries were melepaskan perasan kat orang tu, kat orang ni, kat nurses la, kat cuaca la. Biasa la. Macam anak remaja yang tau nak melawan tak pikir panjang. Tau nak ngamuk je. Cam tu aku nyer blog personality masa tu kot. Ayat berjela-jela, bahasa pon, tak melambangkan kewanitaan timur. Aku sendiri baca pon pening! Dari segi pembaca pulak, awal-awal tu the blog was intended for my family yg jauh di mata (tapi dekat di hati), and of course my fellow close friends (ada yg jauh, ada yg dekat sini je ha). Tu la yg main hentam saja isi kandungan tu. Dari segi rupa, amatla simple, widgets were very very minimal. Masa tu cuma ada follower, archive, profile, bloglist.

But I guess, this blog has matured with me as time passes by. I've mellowed down. Kiranye aku ni matang agak lambat la eh. Dah tua baru nak sedar diri.. ahaks! I've noticed that pembaca/follower semakin ramai (walaupon tak seramai other bloggers.. tapi tak kisah, orang suka orang ikut & Alhamdulillah & thanks for following, orang tak minat orang tak ikut). Cerita still about my life here di perantauan ni & also about my job yg kadangkala sangat mencabar jiwa raga. Now pon dah pandai main-main widgets & edit layout kasi lawa sket. Aku still kekalkan the simple layout & look coz aku sangat suka yg simple tapi indah. Tenang fikiran aku yang dah sedia sebu serabut hari-hari ni.

Dari segi nama plak. Awal-awal dulu nama dia ikut nama address blog ni. Biasa la takde idea lagi & malas nak pikir originality. I think middle of last year kot aku tukar nama kepada "SodaPunch&RojakBuah" ikut kegilaan aku with air gas & mocktails & rojak buah. (Aaarggh... air liur meleleh teringin rojak buah!! Mana nak cari gerai mamak tengah-tengah malam buta di Melbourne nih!!). Malangnye aku nyer gastritis (or orang M'sia panggil gastrik) makin teruk since last year menyebabkan aku dah kurang minum air gas. Tapi nama glamer tu dikekalkan saje. Malas dah nak tukar-tukar.

Haaa.. terperinci tak cerita pasal blog aku ni? Hehehe.. tak abis lagi nih, takut senget je korang nak baca..

Kategori blog:
Mostly personal. Ada sapa kesah nak baca hal-hal idup aku yg memang seberapa ni? Korang-korang la. =P

Usia blog:
Kalau ikut tarikh entry, 2nd Dec ni genap la 5 tahun 9 bulan usia blog ni. Kalau ikut tarikh dah-mati-idup-balik, 9th Dec ni genap la 2 tahun 8 bulan. Kalau ikut aku yang narcissistic or dalam erti kata lain, gila-glamor-gila-kuasa-aku-je-yang-bagus, aku ikut la umur tua 5 tahun lebih tu. Veteren = bijak! Hehehehhe.

Tujuan buat blog:

Like what I wrote on the profile details.. memandangkan aku hidup di perantauan, aku tulis kisah hidup & buah fikiran aku initially untuk tatapan orang-orang tersayang (family & close friends) di sana & di sini. Now still coretan hidup & idea-idea mengah aku, tapi now jugak untuk korang-korang yang sudi buang masa berharga korang baca blog aku yang sangat la bestnye ni. Sila-sila (tapi jangan lupa disclaimer kat tepi tu okes... hakciptaterpelihara & kerosakantidakterjamin katanyaa).
Oh ye, teringin sangat nak jumpa geng-geng blogger lain samada di M'sia atau di perantauan like me. InsyaAllah.

Apa yang bestnya blog anda tu:
Ooohohhooohooo.. mesti la best gilaaa. Hahhahaa.. sapa tak nak ngaku blog sendiri sangat best. Yang merendah diri tu cover line je, tapi dalam hati sure kata "uuiihh.. blog aku la paling best dalam dunia nih!" Hehehehhe.. jangan tipu!
Blog aku best la kan. Pasalnye simple tak semak langsung, entry yang honest even though some of them being changed untuk sebab-sebab tertentu. Those who know me akan kata this blog is pretty much the way my mind works.. boleh la tu.. sket-sket. Aku tetap misteri.. hehehehhe! Pas tu takde lagu otomatik yg meng-lag-kan komputer setiap kali org bukak blog ni, takde widget-widget berat lagi mengah. Tensen gua bila bukak blog org lain tapi ada lagu-lagu otomatik, kasi webbie-study-konon yg aku pasang lag. (Sorry buat yang ada ni, ulasan ikhlas aku). Pendek kata sejuk je mata memandang blog aku ni kan. And bonus, ada links to bahan bacaan yang best buat panduan hidup (list tu akan ditambah) selain daripada links ke blog-blog yg best (tapi blog aku best lagi). Dulu takde iklan kat blog aku ni, tapi skali lagi member suruh bubuh, aku bubuh je la sah-sah kasi lagi best blog ni.
Hahahhahahhaa... Wokeh, tu versi bangga-riak-tak-sedar-diuntung-nak-kena-lepuk punya jawapan untuk soalan ni.

Versi merendah diri lagi perasan mulia: Blog saya ni simple, putih macam buku skolah menengah, links berguna untuk masyarakat, tersusun, widgets berguna dan entries yang jujur ikhlas sederhana ringan. Sesuai untuk tatapan masyarakat majmuk 1Malaysia & sedunia. Hanya pembaca yg mampu menilai dengan nilaian yang comel-comel. Ahaks.

Sasaran trafik untuk tahun depan .. SEHARI berapa UV:
Hmm.. hal ni aku kurang pakar lagi. Agak-agak ratus-ratus sehari tahun depan tercapai tak? Cukup tinggi ke untuk blog personal cam ni? Aku sangat jarang check traffic nih. Kurang amik perhatian kat traffic & iklan Nuff tu (sorry Nuff). Agak-agak apa angka yg sesuai dengan diri aku yang perasan bagus lagi narcissistic ni?

Okeh, sekian saja entry berani-mati-tak-tau-malu dari saya.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Dapurku berasap akhirnyaaa

I told hubby that I would start cooking earliest on Wednesday, 1st Dec. Kasi masa utk kemas dapur & sempena him starting his new job on that day. As well as it is the first day of Summer as per calendar. Kami ada banyak beli cured meat from Dandenong semalam, got some hot chicken salami, hot turkish salami, pastrami & smoked silverside. Makan dgn some lettuce, carrot, timun & bread/ rolls/ wraps. Ringkas & cepat.

Tapi nampaknye hari ni tak tahan dah. BOsan dah makan luar or instant stuff. Hari ni hubby nak sangat makan chicken soup with rice. Disebabkan dapur dah kemas sket-sket aku pon start la my first ever masak in this house, and most importantly in the past 3 or more weeks. Hahahaha...
Simple je pun, my mum's chicken soup. Rice. Steamed vegie. Ikan bilis & kacang goreng yg TTM buatkan masa awal-awal pindah dulu ada lagi, so bantai skali. Best aaaa makan kat meja makan baru & kerusi makan baru :)
Alhamdulillah... berasap akhirnya dapur rumah aku nih. And after soooo long tak masak, lepas masak tadi, waduh, penah seh.

Ni plak gambar kat front lawn, & kat cloth line blakang rumah. Gambar-gambar lain dalam rumah/ garage tu lain kali, bila dah kemas nanti mungkin baru taruk. Kalau bubuh now alamatnye pecah la kepala korang tengok. Hehehehe...

Pokok mint. Thanks to TTM's in laws/Dr D's relatives :)
Daun kesum. Thanks to TTM's in laws/ Dr D's relatives :)
Pokok cili besar. Again, thanks to TTM's in laws/ Dr. D's relatives =)
Semua aku letak kat front lawn. Kat blakang tu ruang kecik,
so aku nak reserve utk tpt jemur kain & utk bbq par-taayy.. hehehhee...
Tak tau bunga apa kat depan rumah ni. Tunggu bunga dia kembang nanti.
Banyak betul tanah kat rumah baru ni. Kena merumput selalu la nampaknye
Sarang labah-labah. Gigih aku & hubby dok sapu setiap hari
guna penyapu coz slalu halang aku nak jemur kain. Tu pokok kat blakang tu
aku rasa nak cantas saja.. tunggu la...
Hopefully tomorrow weather bagus, aku dah menyampah tengok bakul laundry tu penuh kan main.

Bye Bye house

Went to the old house again for sekian kalinya. Cuci rumah (upah cleaner akhirnye), check rumah, amik saki-baki kotak2 & pots.

Okes, layan gambar-gambar from the old house buat kali terakhir :)

Pokok bunga ros depan rumah lama tu
Pokok rosemary (herb) depan rumah. Most dah kena cantas oleh
tuan rumah masa last day kami amik barang. Kesian
Pokok tepi rumah yg aku suka sangat. Tak tau apa nama.
Comel, the buds look like biji padi
Pokok yg mcm loceng kat backyard, tak tau nama
Fern gergasi blakang rumah
Pokok tepi rumah, tak tau nama
The same pokok, cuma dari bawah je
Again pokok tepi rumah yg aku suka sangat
Ni bay leaf kat depan rumah jiran yg kosong jugak tu
Rumah sebelah punye semak
Pokok bunga ros rumah sebelah
Rumah sebelah punya, tak tau apa nama tapi cun
Kereta aku parking kat driveway. Penuh dengan kotak & pasu
Kereta hubby kat blakang rumah aku. Pon penuh dgn kotak2.
Tu dia ngada-ngada tak nak aku amik gambar =P
Aku cam terperasan masa kami nak bertolak tu he looked at the house with his sad eyes & sed "Bye bye house". Ada bunyi cam iklan GE Money yg rumah diorang kena himpap pokok tu. Aku takde la sedih sangat. Masa check rumah tu dah clean tu la rasa cam sedih sket je. Otherwise, biasa-biasa saja. Aku lagi suka rumah sewa baru kami :)

Oh ye,
untuk memelihara confidentiality & hakcipta tuan punye rumah aku tak bubuh la gambar dalam rumah ni. It is not ours anymore (it never has, at least dulu menyewa rumah ni).

Bye bye old house...

Saturday, November 27, 2010

A week in samurai

It is supposed to be "A week in SUMMARY". Heheheh.. tapi still, rasa cam berperang dgn masa & tenaga & duit jugak.

- Alhamdulillah, internet masuk semalam. Mati kutu takde internet sepanjang minggu ni. But percaya tak, pasal takde internet, aku study ICU stuff. Hehehhehe. Nice eh.

- Moved in to a new rental house, just the street behind our old place. Belum ada rezeki nak buy a property yet. Well, this new house still in the same suburb but it almost feels like we moved to a totally different suburb. Quieter coz a little bit far from the Monash Freeway. Closer to Princess Highway + Chadstone Shopping Mall, just by a margin. Also feels more neighbourhood friendly.

- Cleaned the old house. Sewa cleaner yg buat luar dalam. Aku still kerja so susah sangat nak focus on the details to clean it. Alhamdulillah clear dah. Cuma nak angkut pasu-pasu & some boxes from the shed. Also bola sepak kepunyaan Dr. S & Dr. D yg diorang tinggal when they visited ~2yrs ago. Garden a little bit 'hijau' coz of the hujan. Aku cam dah malas nak tebas anything now. Dah serah kunci yesterday.

- Bought our bed base/frame yg kami idam-idamkan selama ni. Also the tv stand and the dining table set, again yg kami idam-idamkan selama ni. Went to some furniture shops but finally resorted to Ikea coz itu je yg kami mampu takat ni. But we love our new buys to bits. Yay!

- Rumah baru ni still in a big mess. Kami kemas sikit-sikit. Kinda hard to clear up things quickly coz of work. But its getting there. Really love this place. Terasa mcm a proper home if to compare with our matchbox before this. But, yeah, convenience & comfort come with a big price lah. Especially here in Australia.

- Aku dah lama tak masak, agak-agak dah dalam 3 minggu kot. Sejak start bungkus-bungkus barang from the old house hari tu until la ni. So, my aim is definitely to clear up the kitchen coz aku dah tak sabar nak masak niihhh!! Abis duit aku makan luar je. And loya dah asik makan maggi & roti & pisang je. Thanks to TTM & her family kasi kami makan masa pindah hari tu.

- Very interesting things & cases in ICU in the past week. Seriously terasa nak pursue my career in ICU, but I also like ED (only the purely emergency cases Cat 1 & 2 e.g. trauma, arrest & acute surgical cases). Mebbie the fact that orang pandang hina ED but worship ICU, that kinda drives my narcissism self to want to do ICU or dual training even though ICU is very hard!! So, nanti bila one of my favourite bosses who is a dual specialist (ED physician & also an Intensivist) balik from his Europe leave, aku nak have a chat with hime about this.

- VIP night at Chaddy on Wed 24th Nov 2010 hari tu. Went with Dr. HAK & Dr. MJ. Just beli basic stuff utk rumah like shampoo dah abis. Chaddy tutup midnight. Penuh gila. Kalah KLCC Suria time cuti sekolah. Stuffy. Tu la yg tak beli banyak. Tambahan pulak aku kerja. Yg 2 org lagi tu tak kerja so they were there very very early of the day.

- Today, as in now, aku kena pegi bersiap coz we are going to hubby's best mate's wedding in Daylesford. Another opportunity to watch a Christian wedding. Hari tu yg aku pegi in March tu was more of a Chinese/Western wedding. So now mebbie a proper Christian wedding to see. 2hours drive from here. So kena bertolak awal. Macam biasa la, aku dalam hati sure ada bibit2 tak sedap hati coz knowing the partner of hubby's best mate tu, aku terasa cam aku bakal dipinggirkan/dipandang sinis nanti. But, I'm hoping for the best today.


Sunday, November 21, 2010

Long week of cleaning & clearing up things

Alhamdulillah, we finally moved all the heavy/big stuff to the other house. Very much thanks to dear hubby & dear friends who went out of their way to help out.

The new house is pretty much still in an array but it will be an enjoyable time unpacking, its like opening prezziees la. The old house however, is such a wreck. Kena bersungguh-sungguh bersihkan rumah tu. It will be a big challenge nampaknye. Nasib baik ada until this Friday to hand in the keys. I'm working on Tuesday until Thursday. Hopefully I wont be too tired after work to come over & do my best to clear the house with hubby.

Anyways, there wont be much of an updating for the next few day I guess. Busy tukar address, utilities termination, etc. Other than trying to clearing the houses, I'll be working as well AND internet is only coming by the end of this week (so they say). If there's a post, it will be short & sweet :p

Doakan kitorang sihat-sihat sentiasa & semoga Allah swt kasi kami the strength & kemudahan on clearing the houses :)
Cheers all.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Sikit je lagi

Abis dah house inspection for the potential tenants. Not that bad actually. It went on for ~15minutes. Aku & hubby suruh sumer org bukak kasut. Aku tak suka kasut in the house.. its disgusting.
Aku terbangun kol 11++ am tadi even tho tido lepas Subuh around 6am. Paksa diri sambung tido coz kalau tak mati la aku dah la kerja 13hour shift pas tu meeting kol 10am plak tu. Abis. Dah paksa2 tu, still takleh tido. Still bangun kol 1++pm. Sakit badan coz smalam bertungkus-lumus kemas & angkat2 barang. Nak tak nak terpaksa la bangun jugak sambung kemas-kemas apa yg patut. Makan pon ala kadar je. It is such a beautiful day but both of us had to clear the house quickly before that inspection.

Sikit je lagi nak packing-packing ni. Seronok plak aku. Tinggal dapur & some toiletries/baju-baju guna minggu ni. Then dah abis angkut barang kena cuci this whole house plak :)

Ni gambar saja je amik while having a short break tadi. Lovely weather, rasa cam nak baring kat backyard with my sunnies, yellow hat & some ice tea or soda punch :)

Banglo labah-labah kat pokok tepi rumah aku :P
Ni plak istana bahagia labah-labah lain kat depan dapur aku..
Besar gilaaa.. cam dlm cerita hantu.. eeuuuwwww!!
The shared driveway. Ni depan rumah sebelah yg dah kosong
Aku minat betul ngan bunga purple ni, mcm kacang rasa nak makan
Ntah bunga apa, jumpa celah semak-samun tadi
More white roses. Tak sihat mcm kat rumah LG, tapi byk plak bunga dia
Jenis pink rose yg baru berkembang minggu ni kat depan rumah
Bunga ros jenis lain, lagi besar daripada yg putih tu.
Hubby dah kasi amaran jangan jadi beruk jumpa bunga.. hehehehe :P
Macam tau-tau je dia apa aku nak buat bila aku tunjuk dia bunga2 tadi
Tak tau pokok apa kat backyard aku ni. Tapi bunga dia nampak cam locen kecik-kecik
Anyways, better get ready now. Dah kol 6 lebih2 ni. Jap gi kol 8pm start. Alamatnye Maghrib & Isyak kat spital je la. Doakan malam ni tak busy kay, so that aku ada kesempatan utk rehat sekejap. It is going to be a looooong night..

Salam AidulAdha 1431H

Selamat Menyambut
Hari Raya Korban 1431H

ampun maaf zahir & batin

semoga ibadat kita lebih diredhaiNYA,
semoga rezeki & hidup kita lebih diberkatiNYA

apabila menikmati juadah hari raya di sana,
ingat-ingatlah kami di perantauan ini :)

All out with the house

Lama gila rasanye tak update blog ni. Busy long hours (~13hours per shift) kat ICU nun, bila balik je terlalu letih to sambung packing. Semalam Isnin. Ni aku tengah stay up coz malam karang aku night shift start kol 8pm, abis esok pagi sampai 9am. Aku ada appointment dgn my ex-Boss kat Anaesthetic tu kol 10am. Aiyoo. Harap2 ICU tak busy & aku ada opportunity utk lelap kejap so that otak aku tak pecah masa aku drive balik rumah balik pagi nanti. Ni kerja malam saaaampai la Khamis malam.

Aku cuti satu hari saja hari Isnin smalam. So pagi pegi breakie kat Porgie and Mr Jones. Rindu nak makan situ. Layan gambar jap. Sejuk minggu ni. Aku dah terpack semua socks aku. Abis la kaki aku sejuks sepanjang minggu ni.

Pintu courtyard Porgie + MrJones
Courtyard dia buat kami rasa cam makan kat kampung je. Best.
Kegemaranku: smashed avocado ape ntah
Ape ntah nama breakie ni. Tapi rasanyee... aaahhh..
bahagia je.. itulah kesimpulan aku lepas makan gourmet breakie dish ni
Hubby's smoked salmon dgn salad epal. Yuuummmyyy!
Roti skali dgn salmon tu
Lepas tu all out la abiskan mana2 tak pack lagi. Pack kejap je, nak bersihkan habuk2 tu yg tension tu. Dapur belum lagi tackle. Packing tu satu hal. Nak cuci rumah tu satu hal lagi. Sheeshh... Petang ni si agent yg 'bijak' tu buat house inspection bermakna jemput potential tenants tengok rumah. Bengong betul. Patut buat inspection lepas org tu dah cuci rumah. BIasa la mata duitan. Aku & hubby nak buat sekadar termampu je la. Nasib la rumah ni tak bersih sangat. Sapa suruh buat inspection time kritikal tengah busy packing ni kan.

Tadi masa rehat sebentar, baca ni kat The Age. Article pasal docs over-investigate/refer coz of the law system kat sini. Aku setuju jugak, and aku jugak rasa its part of the patients expectations where with even mild non-serious symptoms pon diorang expect medications + investigations + referrals to specialists, which most of these are very unnecessary, wasteful & can sometimes be dangerous to their own health. Ni url dia: http://www.theage.com.au/national/legal-fears-increase-medical-tests-20101114-17spq.html

Selasa hari ni adalah Aidiladha kat sini. Selamat menyambut Hari Raya Korban la ye. Sedih la jugak aku terpaksa tido bersungguh-sungguh utk kerja malam raya nih (kalau kira hari raya kat M'sia lah kan, tapi kalau kira hari raya sini kira kerja malam hari raya lah)! Huhhuuhuhuuu..

Thursday, November 11, 2010

ICU first day.

First day formal job in ICU today. Seperti biasa kalau first day mana-mana pon aku akan terpinga-pinga tak tau nak buat apa, well, mebbie not in ED or surgical team. My consultant today memang best. Dia ajar banyak menda & he's cool :) Hari ni Thursday, takde ICU registar around coz they are at teaching. So ada 2 HMOs in ICU. Satu aku yg first day on the job, satu lagi yg dah 1bulan kat situ & obviously bagus. Seb baik dia setuju handle ICU while I would go to the codes. The big boss today suruh kami pegi registrar teaching so that kami boleh belajar. Best la dia.

Unfortunately, as much as he wanted to teach us ICU stuff, terlalu banyak codes today. Dari pagi tadi until I left around 9++pm ada la kumpul-kumpul dalam 9 Code Blue. Aku start tengah hari, so shift aku ada la dlm 5 kot. Haa.. amek kau! Nak sangat METcall/Code Blue... haaa.. kan dah kelam-kabut. Haha.

Penat la jugak bila dah balik rumah tadi. Gila banyak codes.
Anyhow, I enjoyed my day in ICU today. The staff are all nice & helpful. The bosses are nice. Will let u guys kno how I'm going along the way.

Atm, I feel kinda tak best coz takde masa nak belajar at home. Aku suka kalau bila aku balik rumah & I'm motivated to study. Which how I feel at the moment. But also, at the same time all I think about is how to clear up the house before Tuesday. So I guess, in this coming 2wks mesti study aku terbengkalai sementara until we move. I havent packed my ICU books but setiap kali ada masa sure aku akan kemas rumah or rehat sekejap.

Sementara itu, sila baca ini article. Like I've mentioned many times before, this is about the funding of Australian healthcare system and how this actually impacts the system itself & the patients' care. Sila baca the comments made here, aku tak hantar any comments coz malas.

Ada lagi satu interesting reading kat Yahoo US. About the environment. How whales are also affected by the global warming & thinning of the ozone layers. Poor them. At the same time, I wish I could join the research team on whale watching & join their research. Or join any research team on the environment or anything. Best la research jobs. (Yup, as much as I like documentaries, I also love reading articles... I just wish I had more time or the job to do this).

Another interesting article on junk food that doesnt have to be garbage from The Age that aku sempat baca tadi, memandangkan hidup aku 2 minggu ni penuh dengan junkfood. Bukan apa, sangat la busy sampai malas nak masak. Makan pun ala kadar & nak cepat. And this will continue for the next 2 weeks nampaknye.

Hopefully aku survive ICU OK. Esok sampai Ahad ialah 13hour shifts. InsyaAllah.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Keji sungguh!!

Hari ni temperature boleh tahan best. Tapi mendung. Tak kisah la tu, mendung pun takpe, asalkan tak sejuk kan.

Kami merayau-rayau kat OfficeWork & Bunnings to get some tapes, marker pens, kotak2 free, etc. Terjumpa some interesting brands at OfficeWork.
Sapa je la yg reka nama ni kan. Tak tau la dari negara mana, tapi aku assume kalau tak Japan, mesti dari Korea, tak pon Hungary ke. Aku takde la gi belek-belek made in so&socountry. Nak cepat tadi. Tapi sempat jugak la sambar camera yg memang dah sedia ada dlm handbag ni. Lama dah perasan brand ni, tapi slalu tak terlintas nak snap gambar kat depan-depan org ramai tu. Hehhehee.. Banyak lagi selain daripada dalam gambar ni. Malas nak gi snap setiap satu je.

Filing system Keji
Kotak arkib Keji
Luggage strap, Keji lagi
Penyusun pintu Keji
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