Ok, kenapa aku suka komplen bikin semua org bosan? Buat masa ini aku memang tgh banyak energy utk aku suka komplen. Katalah apa pon sebab aku rasa apa yg aku cakapkan ni memang logical.
Sebab, to me, semua orang patut deliver their roles at their very best. Most people make a lot of effort to do their part right, it is very disappointing when that other party is crap kan. And I know setiap kali aku kerja, I always give my best. And kalau terkurang tu, aku rasa aku akat stress out to make it better. So aku rasa bila aku dah give my all like that, aku memang expect other parties to play their roles right. Aku menyampah gila kalau org lain being shitty or dumb in their roles.
Banyak org kata biar je la, dah dia bodo nak buat cam mana kan. Memang la dah dia cam tu, takleh nak buat apa. But does that mean that other people hafta telan je kebengongan itu? To me, memang kena komplen slalu coz kalau diam je its like giving them the green light to be slackers & inefficient. Aku tak expect pon diorang ni jadi perfect bagai, semua org ada kekurangannye. What I expect is just do the work betul2 & use the brain yg Allah swt dah kasi tu, supaya tak nyusahkan orang lain. Kekurangan yg ada patut dijadikan kekuatan utk memperbaiki diri supaya we can work around it. Nak jadi malas, sila la malas2 di rumah. Malas2 kat tpt kerja amatlah tidak dapat diterima, coz its on the expense of others. Sila hormat others ye.
Hehehe.. there. Ada bunyi cam mak nenek tak?
Last kopek, kalau dah komplen byk kali tapi tak lut jugak, hmmm.. cam mana ye? Ntah la, tak tau la nak give up complaining or not. Sometimes aku nasihat orang to just slow down & take a deep breath. We can only do so much, then the other person punya responsibility to act right. And make sure what we do is the best we can give so that our part is clean, and the other person tu yg slack.
Heh, pandai je aku ni nak nasihat org kan? Hahaha. Biasa la, blaja dp pengalaman hidup, esp. legal system here. =P
Ok, ciao. Ada panggilan pager ntah apa2 ni.
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