Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Last day of Winter
As per the weather in reality.. sejuk gilaaaaaa!!! Musim hujan now + angin kuat. Aku still tido pakai thermal & a few lapis baju. Aku still gi kerja pakai sweater, with thermal underneath, & a jacket on top. Aku still pakai berlapis-lapis scrubs each time masuk theatre.
Its all relative kan. Walaupon temperature kat thermometer tunjuk early teens, still sejuk nak mampus now. Tapi if that is the same temperature in summer, it might not be perceived as too cold kot.
Anyways, penat gila. Managed to get some spinal anaesthetics done, plus some arterial lines, walaupon aku amat clumsy pagi tadi.. mebbie coz datang kerja lambat kot. No intubation today coz had to all spinal/ local. The only GA that I could have done I had to pass in preparation for the meeting this arvo.
Big case last night + 'pink sheet' meeting (macam root cause analysis) petang ni. I was supposed to present the case, as told by the Anaesthetics Head of Dept before lunch, just a few hours before the meeting. Kelam-kabut la aku nak gather all the info, nak talk to the family yg understandably very upset about the whole thing. The case ada byk issues, mainly about duty of care, NFR issues, communication mishaps, etc. Gila aku nak prepare the power point, dah la the Head tu byk songeh. Last-last the 2 big bosses that are quite important in the case couldnt come, stuck in sth. Walaupon aku seram-sejuk sepanjang meeting tadi, kecewa jugak la aku tak dpt present the case. Duh! Penat aku. Kena dtg balik meeting in 4wks time. Kalau buat now kan senang, I just wanted to get it over & done with. Huh..
Anyways, balik pon dah lewat gila. Seb baik meeting tadi ada food & one anaesthetic reg blanja aku hot chocolate (NyaaaammmM), walaupon aku kena tunggu 1/2hour before bukak puasa dalam meeting tu. Hubby pon ada meeting tadi & he grabbed some food, so senang sampai rumah je ada food tak yah tunggu aku yg balik dah lewat gila.
Salam Hari Merdeka
Semoga negara aman makmur & maju sentiasa
Semoga hati & jiwa kita juga aman makmur maju jaya
tanpa dijajah oleh anasir2 tidak diingini
Hari ke-19 puasa di Melbourne. Hari ke-20 puasa di Malaysia. Lagi 10 hari nak raya. YAAYYY!!
Sedih kami di Melbourne bukan cuti kebangsaan. Hari ni tak cuti. Kalau tak bleh gi shopping or lepak2 baring-baring kat ruang tamu ni. And nak tengok bunga api!! Hehehe. Yaaa.. aku masih gilakan tengok bunga api until now.. that part of me is still amazed at those beautiful fireworks..
Anyways, selamat bercuti everyone. Take care.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Buka puasa bersama Lybeau & TTM
"Eh, apehal nih...".
Cari punye cari akhirnye jumpa the in charge tgh lepak2 makan. Dia ckp takde list coz surgeon ada hal apa ntah so moved the list to Sunday. Hmmhhh.. kalau esok, mmg aku takkan ada kat spital la coz dah ada 2 anaesthetists (consultant + registrar) dah utk esoknyer list. My boss dah tau & takkan datang pagi ni. But dia kata bleh je aku visit ED or tunggu if there's any ortho wd come up. Aku pon pegi la merayau-rayau satu sepital cari patient. Nak gi lepak2 minum coffee takleh kan.
At about 0845hrs aku called my boss, tapi dia tak angkat plak but I did leave a message. The in charge nurse kata dia gi jogging. Haha. Ye la tu. Aku mintak-mintak la dia call balik suruh aku balik. But at the same time aku kinda sad takde theatre coz that's a list worth of intubation, LMA, arterial line, spinal anaesthetic, etc.. rugi.. rugi..
Then at around 0915hrs he called the theatre charge nurse asking her to send me back home coz dia kata dia takkan datang kalau ada case even. Waarrgghhh.. terhegeh-hegeh la aku tukar balik ke my street cloths sumer.
Dalam kol 10 cam tu called hubby suruh dia kuar dari katil, bleh kita gi shopping nak bawak balik M'sia nanti. So, tu la, kami gi DFO jap beli Pyrex set, then gi Chaddy jap beli barang dapur for buat kuih buka puasa malam tu.
Ada hot/cold pack lagi. Cool kan. Bekas dia tu ha dlm gambar kat bwh tu.
(Psss.. mak nak tak yg ni?)
Malam tadi buka puasa kat rumah TTM, bersama-sama dgn Lybeau jugak. Lybeau made her very yummy sardine roll. Tak sempat amik gambar coz dari awal nampak dalam bekas dah terliru. So ngap2 dulu baru teringat nak amik gambar.. ish ish ish. Nanti aku nak blaja buat.
TTM buat ayam bali dia, nasi jagung, roti jala + her favourite kari kambing. Nyaaammm.. AJK air buat air teh, Alhamdulillah :P Tak sempat amik gambar jugak coz isi perut dulu sampai takleh napas baru teringat camera. Hehehehhe.
Salute to hubby coz tolong banyak.
Dah tinggal separuh baru ingat nak amik gambar.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Officially a Trainee
Sedih dan nak abis anaesthetic rotation. Damn HR cut my anaesthetic rotation by 3wks.. thats 3 wks worth of airways + spinal anaesthetics + art-lines. And.. entah ngapa aku rasa cam refreshing je ari tu on call buat respiratory job, ward job, kerja yg aku nyampah selama ni.
Anyways, got this big letter from ACEM, Australasian College For Emergency Medicine. Its saying I'm officially a trainee of the college. Ada la papers about the training, what required of us trainees, the assessment structure outline, etc. Aku blom abis baca sumer tu pon. Balik kerja tadi ngantuk plak, sejuk bangat!!
Ticks for ED:
- flexible lifestyle, good for female docs, starting now. While other specialties u'll get comfortable when u r a consultant. Ni tak termasuk GPs. Hehehehe.
- variety in things u see everyday.
- u learn new things everyday.
- multiskill.
- fresh first hand patients.
- no strings attached in ur patient management; no clinics, no follow ups.
- quick investigations + their results.
- kena pandai in all coz u take the most papers in ur exams either in primary or final exams (even though 2 of them not too in depth like anaesthetics exams).
- lively ED, so u dont get lonely.
Minus points for ED:
- most other docs (kecuali GPs) memandang hina kat ED. ED docs bodo la kononnye, diorang je pandai... Sob sob sob... tercalar jiwa aku yg narcissistic ni...
- if u hafta work weekends night u boleh sakit jiwa.
- banyak issues in ED stem out from this stoopid government policy that involves funding to the healthcare system especially the ED, hence affecting ED management & all. Disebabkan issues bodo ni la lebih lagi docs tak suka ED =(( ... "Dengarlah rayuan jiwaaaaa... kami tak bersaaalaaaahhhh..."
- menyampah dgn rubbish patients in ED, plus those who have unrealistic expectations on ED, plus rubbish referrals from GPs.
- $$$ takde la sehebat specialists lain, tapi boleh la hidup.
- when u become a consultant, u worry not about the ED patients but also ur colleagues, the department itself, funding from government, funding from government, funding from government, funding from government... and so on. While other specialties, they worry about their patients and how to get more $$ into their pockets so to say..
- if you work in ED aaaalll the time, sometimes ur motivation can go down a bit coz of the points above & also coz u feel like u r missing out on learning other things in other specialties.
Banyak lagi aku rasa points for pros & cons of ED training. Dulu aku rasa tak sabar2 masuk training ED ni. Semenjak dua menjak ni.. aku terasa jiwa aku kacau sket in pursuing my career in this. Plus aku still rasa nak study menda lain like engineering or some studies in business/ management.
Susah hati aku now...
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Hail storm *AGAIN* and pannacotta
Aku singgah jap kat Woolworth kat Warrigal Road sana, on the way je pon, to get some fruits. Fruits kat rumah dah abis. Sejuk gila. Aku dgn bijaknye tak bawak coat gi kerja tadi, ingat bleh tahan dgn jumper je. Silap besar. Anyways, kuar je dp Woolworth aduhai, lagi lebat nampaknye hujan ni.
Masuk je dlm kereta.. waduh.. waduh!! Tung tang tung tang hujan batu. Aku cam dah berdebar2 dah. Dalam hati.. "Ya Allah, berhentila cepat hujan batu ni... tak sanggup sakit jiwa lagi pasal kereta..." Disamping mendoakan aku & hubby selamat sampai rumah ptg tu.
The hail storm went on for another 10minutes. Jarak Woolworth & my place cuma dlm 5min drive je, tapi I took abt 15minutes to get back home coz kena drive cam kura-kura. Jalanraya licin plus penuh dgn ice on the road, dan jugak ada some parts banjir. Huhuhu.. abis la kereta aku... Dag dig dug jantung aku berbunyi sampai balik rumah. Kat halaman rumah aku putih je, penuh dgn ice. Takde la aku nak amik gambar jalanraya putih tu coz gi kerja mana la bawak camera kan.
Hmm.. esok pagi je la aku check kereta aku tu. Harapnye takde la lekuk2 tak diundang. Huhuhuhu...
Anyways, made some pannacotta last night. Pannacotta is a traditional Italian dessert. Ala-ala agar-agar susu gitu.
Se tak minat aku kat most made desserts, aku still suka menda2 lembut cam agar2 & kuih2 melayu. Cam nenek tua takde gigi la jugak kan. Hehehehe.
Seb baik TTM kasitau brand cream yg halal kat sini. Ni recipe dia. I used serbuk agar-agar beli kat M'sia instead of gelatine, and also vanilla essence beli kat M'sia instead of vanilla bean.
Vanilla bean panna cotta
http://www.taste.com.au/recipes/15191/vanilla+bean+panna+cotta- 1 1/2 cups (375ml) cream
- 1 1/2 cups (375ml) milk
- 1 Masterfoods vanilla bean
- 1/2 cup (115g) caster sugar
- 2 1/2 tsp gelatine powder
- Sliced strawberries and blueberries, to serve
Place the cream and milk in a saucepan. Use a small sharp knife to split the vanilla bean lengthways, then scrape the seeds from inside the bean. Add the seeds and bean to the saucepan. Slowly bring to the boil over a medium heat. Remove from the heat and set aside for 10 minutes.
Discard bean from cream mixture. Add sugar and return to a low heat. Cook, stirring, for 5 minutes, or until sugar dissolves.
Place 2 tbs of boiling water in a small heatproof bowl. Sprinkle over gelatine. Bring a small saucepan of water to boil. Remove from heat. Sit the bowl of gelatine in the water and stir until dissolved. Cool slightly, then stir into the cream mixture.
Lightly oil 6 x 1/2 cup (125ml) dariole moulds or ramekins. Place on a tray and pour in cream mixture. Refrigerate for 4 hours.
To serve, break the seal by inserting a small knife between the panna cotta and the mould. Turn onto a serving plate and shake to release. Serve dish with fresh berries.
Rasa sedap, but kalau ikut sukatan gelatine recipe ni, keras jadinye my pannacotta tu. Nampaknye next time kena kurangkan la sukatan tu. Aku tak suka texture agar2 yg terlalu keras or terlalu lembik. Yg Dr. AI buat hari tu just nice, yg dia buat first time dulu kat Frankston was perfect. Kena try lagi la nampaknye. Lepas ni aku nak main buat je ikut sukatan sendiri, flavour + colour sendiri. Tengok apa jadi lain kali tu nanti. Kurangkan cream ke, tambah menda2 lain apa2 yg patut ke.
Aku takde mould yg sesuai, jadi aku bubuh dlm mangkuk Correlle aku yg paling cute tu. Dapat la 3 bowl. Hmm.. nampaknye aku makan utk 2 org nih. Recipe kat atas tu utk 6 org. Hehehe. Anyhow, aku rasa aku nyer tetap sedap & cantik gitu. Hahahaha. (Yesssss... ada alasan nak gi shopping lagi la lepas ni.. hehehehehe).
Hubby kurang minat menda-menda susu ni, but aku suka susu (good source of protein + calcium especially dah tua-tua ni kan tulang kita progressively degenerate/ mereput).
So, tu la balik kerja tadi beli some fruits, nak bagi pannacotta aku nampak cam dlm gambar kat webbie tu. Yummy!!
Lagi comel daripada yg dlm gambar atas tu kan.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Mendaki gunung Docklands
Balik kerja tgh hari tu, rehat kejap, then straight to the kitchen to make some kuih. Cita-cita besar nak buat kuih lapis + onde-onde. Tapi buat onde-onde pun dah terhegeh2, so terpaksa la batal buat kuih lapis. Resepi ikut Mat Gebu punye. Ni first time aku buat onde-onde. Dulu masa student, member2 yg tolong buat dough dia, aku tukar rebus or golek2 atas kelapa parut je. Hehehe.
Yg reject tu ha kat blakang nun.
Anyways, sampai kat ground floor of Dr. AI's place, terkejut beruk kitorang tengok both of the elevators were OUT OF SERVICE!!! AAaaaarrgghhh!! Takkan nak balik kot, but at the same time, takkan nak panjat tangga sampai ke tingkat DUA PULUH DUA!!! Huhuhuhu...
Aku masa tu punye la tension rasa nak pecah kepala pon ada jugak. Dr AI ckp dia pun pernah panjat sampai atas masa black out hari tu. Huhuhu.. Hubby & I pun panjat jugak la, tak nak kecikkan hati mereka2 yg dah jemput tu.
Bila masuk kawasan tangga & aku tengok atas di antara celah-celah tangga tu.. I was like.. "Ya Allah!! Tinggi ya amat!" Rasa nak nangis pun ada.. Panjat je la sambil mulut aku tak abis2 bebel "Nak balik, nak balik", with breaks every 2 storeys. Called them to let them know our progress at every 2 levels, kena masuk balik ke kawasan lift sebab dalam staircase tu takde line. Tapi dah sampai level 14 takleh masuk coz pintu kunci. Bila dah sampai kat level 22 seb baik at the very corner ada reception, terpaksa call si budak-budak tu coz diorang janji nak tunggu kat atas skali utk bukak pintu tapi takde pon. Aku tension sangat tu bukannye apa. Most people who kno me tau aku ni sedikit gayat. I stressed out gila kena panjat tangga tinggi2 tu, tak sanggup nak tengok bawah/atas in between the staircases tu. Rasa nak demam pon ada. Kesian kat hubby kena tahan aku membebel sepanjang naik atas tu. Membebel bukannye apa, nak hilangkan gayat je tu.
berpinar-pinar biji mata aku..
On the way up ada la gak kami terserempak dgn org2 yg nak naik & turun. Nampaknye sumer bersimpati atas nasib kami kena naik way up level 22. Yg paling tinggi kami jumpa ialah a couple nak naik ke tingkat 16. Tingkat 22 memang paling atas utk apartment tu, tapi kalau ikut tangga bleh naik sampai bumbung, mana tau ada org nak bunuh diri ke, amik angin atas bumbung ke apa.. aku dah pening-pening lalat dah takut hubby terasa nak naik atas lagi, which is lagi at least 4 flights of stairs. Aku ckp kat dia aku tak nak naik atas lagi dah...
Seb baik Dr. AI buat panacotta as requested. Terubat la jugak lenguh2 kaki mendaki gunung tu.
Friday night. We cooked dinner together. Aku ckp kat hubby yg aku dah kuarkan daging & tugas dia cuma tengok recipe & masak. Bukan apa, nak ajar dia masak tgk recipe so that nanti bila2 aku takde rumah dia bleh survive with decent food. Aku bukak webbie resepi Mat Gebu utk daging negro suruh dia baca.
Then dia bising tak faham the recipe. Harharharharharhar!! Dah agak dah. Hehehheee.. Dia bising kata aku pilih resepi ikut tekak aku, bukan ikut tekak dia. Pas tu dia bising kata resepi tu racist la blablablalbla. Harharharharharharhar!! Racist menda, dah nama dia cam gitu, dah tu nama negro tu bukan pasal kita tak suka depa sebab kita suka la kita bubuh nama tu.. hitam manis sedap gitu. Still dia tak puas hati. Dia ckp aku nak panggil daging tu daging negro & kasi dia lagi trauma, silakan. Dia panggil daging lain. Kakakakkaka. Aku cakap buat je lah. Dah ada tutor 1 on 1 pon dah kira untung tau. Kakakakkaa. Dia kata its unfair la, itu la ini la. Aku cakap dia kan pandai, dah abis uni, dapat kerja bagus, sure boleh baca recipe punye kan. Then dia ckp balik aku ejek dia bodoh. Eh, ke situ la plak. Aku balas balik, budak pandai la kena self-directed learning, kalau budak kurang bijak kena la ajar satu, satu kan. Kakakakkakakaka.. bengkek la jugak dia melayan aku. Last last aku ajar la jugak dia sket-sket.
Seb baik jadi. Aku buat kerabu simple je guna mangga muda, carrots, kacang panjang, cili sket, shallots. Hubby suka kerabu, he sed he could just it this in substitute to rice :)
Today we didnt do much. Hubby tido lepas subuh tadi until tengah hari. Ni sumer pasal penat panjat gunung mlm tadi tu la. Aku bgn awal coz seronok matahari memancar kat luar. Seronok dapat buat laundry byk2 and jemur di luar sana. Bukan selalu dapat sunlight in winter ni. Study sket2. Masak simple dinner.
Glad got to talk to family in Malaysia, even though adik kecik aku tu dahaga sangat2 puasa ni sampai siap pesan kat abang dia kalau ada org call sila ckp dia takde rumah. Kakakakkakakak. Aku dpt la jugak ckp dgn dia melepas rindu.
TV & news are full of news/ goss about the election. Seb baik aku takyah gi mengundi. Hubby je pegi semalam while I was at work. Esok ni sure org sibuk ckp pasal election kat spital.
Sapa la agaknye akan menang kan.. si T.Abott tu ke or si J.Gillard.. hmmm.. sapa-sapa pon, hopefully they will actually be more logical & prihatin on healthcare system la hendaknye.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Kuih lapis takde rupa
Hari ni aku bersemangat nak try buat kuih lapis buat kali pertama. Dapat ilham dari Puan Serai kat Perth nun (ikut ayat TTM). Resepinye amik kat link yg Puan Serai suggest tu, dari Tulip. Thanks dua-dua, Puan Serai & Tulip.
Dalam resepi tu tulis loyang besar utk 40 org, so I thought resepi tu utk 40 org la kan. So dgn bijaknye aku halved the ingredients.
Nak tau apa jadi? Ni ha..
Dengan semangatnye aku ke Myer tadi to get some loyang yg boleh muat my kukus. Seb baik ada sale + aku ada Myer reward card. Dah sampai kat section dapur ni, melilau jugak mata aku tengok itu-ini. Mana la tau ada menda yg best bleh beli.. hehehehe.. 'Ter'sambar satu kuali Tefal, jugak tengah offer. Opps..
Balik ni nampaknye aku kena basuh sumer loyang baru beli tu & kuali Tefal, pas tu buat-buat cam kita dah ada menda ni lama dah. Mintak-mintak la hubby tak banyak bunyi nanti. Hehehehe...
Oh ye, aku baru perasan ada unknown missed call kat fon tadi lepas mandi. Aku check inbox, takde plak tinggal msg. Berdebar-debar jugak takut sepital call coz aku on call hari ni. Lagi skali masa aku kat Myer. Jatuh jap jantung aku masa tgk screen 'unknown number' tu. Fuh! Seb baik masa angkat tu rupanye hubby (terkantoi aku kat Myer!). And dia rupanye yg called when I was in the shower. Aku menci betul dgn 'unknown numbers'.. as much as aku nyampah being on call.
Esok balik kerja aku nak try buat lagi guna full recipe plak, coz petang ada jemputan buka puasa kat rumah Dr. HAK. Harap-harap jadi lebih cun dp yg ni.
Signed my life away..
Harap-harap the next few weeks of anaesthetics aku selamat jugak.
Semalam settle interview with the DEMT + another fellow consultant for Emergency
Betul ke ni yg aku nak buat.. boleh ke aku study utk exams next year... boleh ke aku buat registrar job ni...
ED training, or whatever training pon, it comes with dedication + hard work. Everyone knows that. Just like one of the anaesthetists sed to me the other day.. exams are just exams. The actual experience + what you actually make do of what u learn are the most important. Aku willing to do all that, just need to improve myself dari pelbagai segi. I'm glad now at least dah ada pathway to go through in the coming years in terms of my career.
Yet, I dont know if this also means that I'm signing myself up for years of dumps & misery. Many of my doc friends hate ED so much. The people who work there sometimes hate their job as well. Simply because of again, the government policies + funding to hospitals. Kalau tak pasal these 2 major influences, I'm sure ED would've been more likable.
Sampai je rumah aku terus tido sampai hubby balik. Letih gila. Pagi tak makan, just had Cheerios + coffee. Dinner pon aku tak mkn, just some chocs + nibbles. Malam tido awal jugak. Drained.
Hari ni aku mintak hubby photocopy the forms & post it. Hopefully sampai dengan selamat & selesai sudah. Lepas ni aku bleh la kot pegi ED tutorials if work permits. And hafta register for the exam papers quick.
Oh ye, semalam aku half day. Doing ortho cases in the morning. The first case went well. The second one didnt. Had issues with his breathing. The patient desaturated very quickly, kemungkinan besar dia punya ETT dislodged up to the cord. Mungkin salah aku gi inflate the ETT tu salah kot. Lagi la masalah since my boss terblock dia punye right phrenic nerve so right hemidiaphragm dia tak functioning, plus dia takde right upper lobe coz removed due to cancer. Aku plak kelam kelibut nak nak kena ventilate the patient where my boss had a look inside using a bronchoscope, ada gak kena marah coz ventilated the patient ntah apa-apa. Then kena panggil another boss from next door coz dia dah exhausted. The surgeons pon ada issues with fixing the shoulder, ada bleeding plus ntah apa-apa lagi. In the end we didnt stop the operation half-way.
The anaesthetist I worked with for the list that morning terkenal dgn kegelabahan dia & thoroughness. Dia marah byk nurses masa case ni (hehehe.. padan muka, sapa suruh masuk time org tgh kelam kabut tu), aku pon byk gak kena marah. Mebbie pasal dia stressing out about the patient kot. Tapi biasa la aku, kalau kena tegur sket, sure jadi monyok, kadang-kadang siap nangis lagi. Apa ntah.
Mebbie tu la pasal seharian semalam aku cam down je. Luka berdarah..
(Gambar tribute to CartoonStock.com)
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Doakan aku..
Doakan aku selamat pagi ni coz will be working with anaesthetist pagi ni yg sangat hampas. Doakan mood dia baik hari ni.
Huhuhu... Jantung aku dah berdebar-debar sejak pagi semalam bila baca timetable.. its like.. 'Ya Allah!! Ya Allah!!'
Hyperventilation, palpitations...
Dear self,
Aku doakan diri aku selamat pagi ni bekerja dgn anaesthetist pagi ni yg hampas.
'Ya Allah, selamatkanlah aku Ya Allah.. hanya kepada Engkaulah aku bermohon, dan hanya kepada Engkaulah aku kembalik'.. amin.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Blog Ben Ashaari
Sekali lagi rombakan kabinet bloglist Ben Ashaari. Aku buat je lagi skali. Saja suka sibuk-sibuk di alam maya ni.
Oh ye, Ben, ini adalah blog peribadi, hasil nukilan saya yg berada di perantauan.. tapi hati ini tetap dekat di Malaysia =)
Buang masa di pagi bulan puasa =P
1. Bekas kekasih saya adalah:
siapa itu..
2. Saya sedang mendengar:
Bunyi jarum saat kat jam dinding, tv Yo Gabba Gabba (apa ke hal....)
3. Mungkin saya patut:
Tido saja lepas jawab tag ni, tapi takleh lama-lama... Manyak menda nak kena buat oooii... kemas rumah yg serabai ni dan jugak study.. dah lama beno tak study.. sembap je rasa.
4. Saya suka:
Spend time dgn org2 yg disayangi, internet, tv, radio, kitchen, tido, makan, jalan-jalan buang masa, amik gambar, driving, gardening, arts, blablablabla.. byk sangat, just like other human beings.
5. Sahabat-sahabat baik saya:
Alhamdulillah (ikut jawapan Lady).
Biar sikit asal baik belaka.
06. Saya tak paham:
Sesetengah manusia itu... lebih tak paham manusia takterhormat itu :P
Oh ye, saya tak paham bahasa jugak. Kekekkeke...
7. Saya kehilangan:
..semangat, disiplin diri, motivasi, etc sejak dok Aussie ni.
8. Ramai yang berkata:
..errr.. "Selamat berpuasa"? now kan bulan puasa.
09. Makna nama saya:
10. Cinta itu adalah:
mainan jiwa.. hahahahahahhaa.. apa-apa je la =P (susah betul soalan2 tag ni)
11. Di suatu tempat seseorang:
Sedang nyenyak tido sambil berlagu-lagu gitu *wink*. Aku pon patut lelap kejap, sengguk-sengguk dah ni.. urrgghh..
12. Saya akan cuba:
tido jap lagi, pas bangun nanti cuba jadi a better person than yesterday =D (cita-cita mulia tu kan. ehhehehe)
13. Ayat SELAMANYA membawa maksud:
Sampai bila-bila (ikut jawapan Lady), also thats wat it feels like answering this survey.. huhu..
14. Telefon bimbit saya:
Tak best, tapi hubby tak kasi beli baru kat M'sia nanti. Nanti aku curi dia punye fon... hhehehehe...
15. Bila saya terjaga dari tidur:
baru la segala idea utk jadi productive akan singgah kat otak.. dgn syarat cukup tido & ada cahaya matahari kat luar ataupon bilik suam-suam kuku (tak la sejuk beku cam now).
16. Saya paling meluat apabila:
hal2 yg berkaitan dgn YgTakTerhormats, also kalau patients/nurses/other docs/services/cashiers are hampas.
17. Pesta/Parti adalah:
Best kalau makanan best & halal. Bising2, lampu2, crowds, songs are all bonus je =P
Lain dp u Lady, u romantic gitu... =)
18. Haiwan yang paling comel yang saya pernah temui ialah:
My Pingu!! =D hehhehehe.. also Billy & Tommy some 14-15 yrs ago, and my 3 fishes bela time student,I named them after 3 ppl.. they kno who they are.. ahaks!
19. Peringkat umur yang paling menyeronokkan bagi saya ialah:
Zaman persekolahan menengah kalau kira seronok study. Kalau seronok bersosial.. mebbie skolah menengah gak & now kot =P Dulu aku tak brapa pandai berkawan..
20. Hari ini:
Hari ke-4 puasa Ramadhan 1431. Alhamdulillah, Allah swt kasi peluang aku go through this day. Aku berazam nak jadi a better person today than semalam, and esok jadi lagi bagus than today, dan seterusnye.. InsyaAllah.
Jawapan lain: Hari Ahad.. apa nak buat ye.. malasnye laaa haaai...
21. Malam ini saya akan:
Tidur awal coz esok nak kena makan banyak sket, nak kerja dah.
22. Esok pula saya akan:
Sambung rutin harian biasa sejak start Anaesthetic rotation ni.
23. Saya betul-betul inginkan:
Tido yg best.
Jawapan lain: Family, cahaya matahari, sedikit lagi masa terluang (kalau kurang buang masa kat internet), dan jugak duit yg banyak (ikut lagu poyo I Want To Be A Billionaire tu).
24. Ketika anda lihat wajah anda di hadapan cermin pagi ini:
Tak suka dark circles tu... eh, ada kedut sket2 la... (gundah-gulana nih!).
25. Pusat membeli-belah atau arked permainan:
Dua-dua boleh tak? Tambah lagi: spa, hotel, theme park, sports centre, pasar malam/tani, restoran.. errr, masjid jugak okay. Cinema je tak minat.
26. Makanan Barat atau Jepun:
Semua lah.. Hehehehe.. variety is life :)
27. Bilik yang terang atau gelap:
Terang, nice, cozy, wangi.. kalau utk bilik tido tak kisah terang or gelap, tapi kena wangi & cozy & kemas =D
28. Makanan segera adalah:
Keperluan asasi =D
29. Ayat terakhir yang anda katakan pada seseorang?
.. Okay..
30. Tag ini datang dari:
Curi kat Lady of Leisure. Blog dia ada kat bloglist sebelah tu =P
Okay aaa Lady. Nanti wa curi lagi yg lain2. Hahahhaha.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
That side of me: Arts<->Life
Aku kerja half-day tadi, swapped with a colleague coz she had some other things to do today. I kinda didnt mind it coz I knew I would be working with a nice consultant, plus doing the Ortho/ Trauma list somehow enjoyable. Mebbie sebab suasana theatre yg senyap, cuma 2 theatres je bukak with very minimal people around. Tenang sket fikiran aku.
Boss kali ni ialah seorang anaesthetist yg aku tak kenal, pendek dp aku, tapi baik. Dia ajar aku stuff, friendly & considerate (tak berlagak nak mampos cam sesetengah anaesthetists tu). Yg aku tersuka pagi ini ialah masa tgh buat dynamic hip screw (a type of hip replacement) tetiba dia kasi aku cawan dia & duit AU$20. Terpinga-pinga aku jap. Rupenye dia suruh aku gi rehat & beli coffee utk dia dlm cawan dia. Dia ckp jgn kasitau org lain, tapi gi tanya anaesthetic nurse apa minah tu nak. Hahaha. Baru aku paham dia nak blanja team dia rupenye. Aku malas la nak citer aku ni puasa, so aku amik je la duit tu & went to Hudson's Coffee across the road. Jalan sambil bermalas-malasan, sambil enjoy the sunlight kat luar spital (takde la terperuk je dalam bangunan kat negara matahari sembap ni, sampai vitamin D level aku pon critically low jadinye). Bought him a cappuccino & myself a juice. Nurse tu dah kenyang so dia tak nak coffee. Cool!! Bleh aku minum buka puasa nanti or time sahur esok pagi. Semalam masa training pon byk makanan, tapi aku sebat air Pepsi saja. Tak sempat rasa, hubby dah abiskan lepas buka tadi. He must have been eying it since last night aku kuarkan dp bag kerja aku & masukkan dlm fridge. Sheesshhh... Kalau dia curi aku punye juice ni nanti, siap la dia...
She gave me this paper for the envelope, for the card that she gave me. Soooooo sweet!! Thanks Ly. Rasanye aku takleh nak tunjuk the card here without asking for her permission eh, sebab bukan aku yg buat. Envelope ni aku buat so boleh la letak.
Aku teringat masa zaman skolah dulu, aku rajin gak buat scrapbook. I think it all stemmed out from abah & also my first origami class at the Pustaka Peringatan Kuala Lumpur sana. Abah ada belikan byk stuff for us play with, plus byk jugak yg aku beli sendiri. Ada yg aku suka-suka je korek & gunting dari mak & abah's old magazines yg diorang sayang (ampun mak, abah!). Abah pon best dlm hal-hal paper arts ni, especially origami. Dia slalu buatkan kami katak kembung, bola, etc dulu-dulu. Seingat aku jugak, abah ada some gunting & whole punch khas utk paper arts. Tak tau mana pegi (harta karun aku byk dah MIA since adik2 aku conquered my bedroom).
Aku suka menda2 crafty ni. Aku memang gila stickers, papers, stamps, ribbons, buttons, subang lekat (ingat lagi tak?), beads & sequins, drawings, etc. Sanggup berhabisan to get these materials. Mana ntah peginye all my collections. Dulu aku ingat lagi, aku sanggup dok kat library during my recess time just to read & blaja origami. Pastu buat some of them in the classroom sampai some teachers got annoyed at my not-paying-in-attention-in-class dan juga sampah-sarap yg aku buat hasil dp origami aku. Mak pun mesti pening kepala coz aku & adik2 slalu buat sampah kat rumah.
Aku paling suka buat envelopes + boxes, coz to me they are practical plus zaman tu kan zaman snail-mail. Lepas tulis surat, surat tu akan dilipat secara creative, then masukkan dlm sampul creative aku jugak. Hahaha. Kiranye sapa lipat kertas paling creative dulu, dia la paling cool kan. Aku jugak slalu dapat top 3 dlm buat kerja kursus Alam dan Manusia, Sejarah, Geografi & Kemahiran Hidup. Sanggup tu nak stay up sampai pagi2 buta nak siapkan kerja kursus walaupon aku benci gila buat the research, content, etc, zaman tu. The hiasan part je yg paling best. Takde la hadiah apa yg dpt dulu, tapi the recognition, tu la yg digilai ramai masa tu. Maklumla, budak skolah kan, gila glamour je semua. Hahhaha.
Gila glamour punye pasal, aku sanggup jadi art AJK utk majalah skolah sampai la ke university. Zaman skolah dulu tak guna computer utk design the pages. Kami lukis, kaler, tampal2, watsoever, pas tu hantar ke printing company.. jadilah majalah skolah. Bangga beb kalau hasil karya seni masuk majalah skolah. Aku tak teringin pon nak hantar karya sajak ke, cerpen ke, komik ke, tapi yg penting aku nyer page designs kena ada. Hehehehe. Sampai adik aku mintak tolong buat front page utk magazine pon aku sanggup nak glamour punye pasal, padahal dia yg jadi art/ creative AJK masa tu. Cheating betul, suruh aku plak! Ramai member2 aku kata aku patut jadi architect, tapi masa tu cita-cita nak jadi doctor/scientist sebab saja nak lain dp yg lain even though I was already a weirdo enuf among the other kids.
Masa mula-mula kenal hubby dulu pon, many many years ago, aku ada buat satu scrap book for him (that I think melted him away.. hehehehehe). Tapi bila baca balik apa isi scrap book tu, rasa tebaaaal je muka. Merepek-repek je dlm tu. Hahaha. Satu hari nanti bila aku rasa tak brapa malu aku bubuh gambar scrapbook tu kat sini.
Bukan hal-hal kertas je aku suka. Buat gelang, rantai, cincin, jahit-jahit, bertukang, bag (abah slalu buatkan aku bag masa kecik-kecik dulu, especially bag ngaji) pon aku gila jugak dulu. Siap jual gelang/ rantai lagi dulu (masa skolah rendah la). Boleh dikatakan all arts aku suka lah, termasuk gardening if u consider that as a landscape art. Now, if only I could overcome my malas of cooking sure seni masak aku akan jadi hebat kan. Hehehehhee....
Pendek kata aku suka art & life, especially yg ada unsur-unsure sejarah (walaupon dulu aku ni tak berapa gemar blaja Sejarah dulu). Sejak masuk tertiary education especially dengan teknologi internet ni I feel like I've lost that part of me. Dah kerja ni lagi la takde masa nak buat apa-apa. Kalau ada free time now, sure nak main game kat FB or blogging pas tu rasa bersalah coz tak study utk mengurangkan kebengapan. (Aku memang salahkan internet di atas ke-lagha-an aku sepanjang-panjang ni.. heheheheh).
Teringat kata-kata sorang doc yg aku jumpa masa first year tu, dia kata kita kena make time for life kalau tak kita are dead before the time...
So, I think, its time to start something here. Suatu hari nanti aku akan bubuh sini some of my handy-crafts, especially my origami boxes & scrapbook (or people call it layouts).
Friday, August 13, 2010
Kerana kacang...
Aku ternampak kacang murungai ni kat supermarket tu la, aku amik la dlm 2 batang. Masa bayar kat counter terjadi la satu perkara yg kasi aku panas hati rasa cam nak bunuh orang pon ada jugak. Si cashier hampas tu tanya aku nak potong ke tak kacang tu. Pas tu dia terus patahkan kacang murungai aku tu, walaupon aku cakap NO. Aku cakap aku tak nak yg patah tu & suruh dia cancel yg tu, & aku amik baru. Dia mula-mula tak nak kasi, aku dah ready nak gaduh dah. Aku insist jugak, then dia baling je kacang tu kat lantai on his side of the counter. Masa nak bayar final dia boleh je kurang ajar jerit-jerit kat aku mintak duit. Tahi betul si cina tu!!! Dah la masa aku mintak bakul awal2 tu dia bleh campak je bakul tu kat aku. Tahi kan?
Cam gitu la sakit hati setiap kali shopping kat pasar cina kat Box Hill or pasar vietnam kat Springvale nun. Tapi nak makan sedap punye pasal, sabar je la. Hmm.. tapi bila ingat2 balik kat M'sia tu, ramai jugak peniaga yg kurang ajar. Aku just tak paham apsal people hafta be rude when dealing with other people.
Sabar je la.. tak nak mencemarkan bulan Ramadhan yg mulia ni dgn rasa panas hati kat manusia2 tak layak tu.
Anyways, Alhamdulillah dah hari ke-2 kami umat Islam di Australia berpuasa. Nak bangun sahur pagi2 kalau tak kerja, aku terasa cam seksa semacam pasal sejuk gilaaaa. Kalau kat KL nun, bleh ajak family makan roti canai or McDonald utk sahur. Kalau kat sini toksah mimpi la. Prepare makanan sendiri je.
Ni sakit kepala ni, mebbie pasal tido lepas sahur tadi. Selama ni puasa tak tido, terus siap2 pegi kerja tak plak sakit kepala. Esok2 kena berhati-hati sket.
Hari ni aku on-call, hopefully no calls sepanjang bulan puasa. Esok aku kerja half-day, swapped with a friend, so that dia bleh kerja on the weekend that aku balik cuti nanti. Hopefully the consultant I'm working with tomorrow ialah seorang yg baik, InsyaAllah.
Bukak puasa hari ni makan mamak style; with roti canai segera berbentuk 4 segi brand Petaling Jaya, kari daging with kacang murungai, kentang, karot & cauliflower, serta sayur goreng bendi campur kacang panjang sama kentang. Puas makan sayur :) Lauk ni akan tahan sampai esok punye sahur & buka puasa. Kalau roti canai dah abis, kami slalu makan kari tu dgn meehoon or spagetti, buat mcm meehoon kari or mee kari :D
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Salam Ramaddhan 1431
Salam Ramadhan 1431 to all Muslims in Malaysia, lambat sehari to wish coz u guys dah puasa semalam.
Salam Ramadhan 1431 to all Muslims around the world.
Semoga ibadah kita diberkati Allah swt.
Take care all.
Sunday, August 08, 2010
Recap minggu ni
Sampai sana dah lambat coz of waiting for Lybeau & gang, diorang ada hal earlier kat Sunday School anak diorang. Ramai gila org kat restaurant tu. Kami kena makan kat courtyard. Lovely courtyard. The waiters & waitresses are all very nice. Hari ni sangat sejuk + berangin, tapi ada la some sunlight to compensate that. Terketar-ketar kami tahan sejuk. It got slightly better when the coffees arrived. Food were yummy as alwiz. Akan dapat 10/10 if ada hashbrowns.. ehhehehe.
mushrooms + extra poached eggs
Alhamdulillah almost all the anaesthetists I was working with sepanjang minggu ni semuanye nice. Nothing spectacular happened I suppose, except for a few spinal block yg berjaya.
I was working yesterday on the Ortho/ Trauma list, lucky got to work with my favourite anaesthetist. Dia best & baik & very supportive. He's one of the most junior anaesthetists kat spital tu. And aku lagi suka kerja dgn dia bila dpt tau dia pun kurang gemar dgn the head of anaesthetics department. Hehehhehe.
Aku kerja separuh hari je semalam. Bila balik ingat nak buat sth productive tapi aku gi bantai tido petang. Buruk tul perangai. Malam aku wanted to eat sth different like noodle or pizza or sth else. Went to Clayton to get some pizzas kat tpt ni. Kami kurang gemar sket gi this particular place coz the cashier takde manners/ inter-relationship qualities. Tapi coz pizza dia halal, boleh tahan & harga ok kami pegi jugak. Aku rasa lepas ni aku nak merajinkan diri buat pizza sendiri la plak.
Anyways, dalam perjalanan balik ke carpark aku called home. Sambil jalan2 tu aku bleh tergolek dog kat parking sampai lutut aku calar & darah. SAAAKIIIITTT!!! Seb baik lutut je yg sakit. Bila balik tu terkial-kial la aku bubuh Betadine & band-aid. Takde gauze plak nak cover the luka.
Oh ye, semalam aku officially merdekaaaaa!! Hahahahhaha. Gumbira. Mak & abah kata, lepas ni takyah bayar denda lagi.. =P (Malu aku kat diri sendiri!!)
Patutnye nak gi cinema mlm smlm coz ada tix percuma, tapi lepas dinner baru perasan tix tu ckp not for Saturday evenings. Cheh! Keciwa hubby tak dpt gi tgk movie. Dia nak sgt tengok Inception. Aku.. hmm.. mungkin akan tido dlm cinema. Maklum la, aku ni not a movie person. So we decided to play boardgames instead. Cita-cita besar nak main 4 games (out of the ribu-raban games yg kami ada.. heheheh). Tapi main Sorts berjam-jam sambil tgk tv, lama-lama ngantuk, so we retired early.
Friday I was on-call for the spital. Agaaaain, the spital called me in the morning coz 2 ED people called in sick. Hish... liars, tu mesti tak sakit tu. Since its the 'Big August' kan, aku mcm boleh agak je yg menda cam ni akan berlaku.. huhuhu... malang betul aku on-call on Fridays.. urrgghhhh... Bosses in ED mintak aku stay until 11pm, aku ckp.. tak nak la coz aku kerja pagi Anaesthetic, aku nak rehat. Pastu they made me work til 8pm!!! Hampas betul.
Seriously untuk kesekian kalinye aku BENCI GILA on-calls!!!!!
Friday night aku bukak email. Dapat email from ACEM kata diorang dah accept application aku for training & tinggal final approval je pending coz nak tunggu credit card payment. In the meantime aku kena sign memorandum dgn head of training kat spital tu before next month. Terharu aku baca that.. Alhamdulillah.
And oh.., K.Y dah selamat melahirkan baby boy on Friday morning thru LUSCS (sebab placenta praevia). Alhamdulillah. Semoga everything is well for them, semoga dicucuri rahmatNYA.
Petang tadi lepak rumah Dr. HAK nak study. Kami dah janji nak kena study betul2 ni. Ingatkan dia sorang, rupanye ada lagi org kat situ dgn anaknye. Hmmm.. aku ni kalau dah kecoh2 cam tu susah la nak study. Dgn tvnye, dgn sepah-sepahnye. Hmm... I kinda can tell from Dr. HAK that dia mcm "hmmm bila la org tu & anaknye nak balik ni, dah la aku yg kena hantar diorang balik..." Kesian Dr. HAK. Aku study sket je tadi pun. Harap2 masuk la apa yg aku study tadi.
Hubby kuar dinner with his school frens. Aku dah kenyang makan nasi lemak kat rumah Dr. HAK tadi. Burpz.
Now kena study lagi since tadi tak cukup study & esok pagi aku dgn this anaesthetist yg terkenal garang... brrrr.. seram sejuk aku now...
Thursday, August 05, 2010
Dinner malam ni
Had an arvo off, balik awal plak tu. Aku tergerak hati nak gi ke Box Hill Centro to get some groceries. Aku slalu hilang kawalan kalau gi Asian groceries. Excited tengok barang2 kegemaran ada dijual di sini :D
Tadi pon hilang kawalan gak, tak berapa sedar diri gi shopping sorang dan dapur + the fridge yg kecil. Dah la puasa, ish, lagi la blanja ikut nafsu je. Hehehhee.. ada ke org shopping groceries ikut nafsu cam gini?
Anyways, got some bendi, kangkung, kacang panjang, mangga muda, daun kesum, roti canai, limau kopek (wajib!), ikan, udang, sotong, mix seafood beku, cendawan, tauhu... aaaanndd.. aaahah! aku jumpa telur masin mentah!! YAAAAYYY!! Haaa.. cam bunyi beli kat pasar malam kan? Seronok gila shopping tadi.
I made asam pedas ikan + bendi. Kali ni ikut resepi Mat Gebu. Last year ikut resepi Mesra.net and aku campur udang, sedap gila. Kali ni buat sepatutnye sedap gila jugak :P tapi malangnye aku terlupa nak check garam, so rasanye jadi tawar sket. Rugi!
Best bila perut penuh dgn masakan kampung. Terasa bahagia :D
Sorry la gambar gegar sket, my core body strength ni sangap sket.
Dinner hari tu
Aku sebenarnye kurang minat nak kuar Sunday night if I'm working that Monday, just like aku tak suka kuar the night before I'm working the day after. Simply because aku rasa aku perlukan rehat & all the preparation to start the next day after a few days of break. Tapi hari tu coz satu-satunye time where semua org berkumpul, terpaksa la aku kuar.
Another reason why aku kurang gemar kalau janji dgn this group of people is that they are never punctual. I told them that I'd be starting very early on Monday and aku nak makan awal so that bleh balik awal. Ok, they told me, it would be at 630pm. Aku dah setuju dah. Then diorang ckp, tukar time jadi 7pm. Aku dah start panas hati dah. Knowing them... hmmm.. kalau 7pm, alamatnye dekat kol 8kang baru sampai. Then I got a fon call kata they booked this restaurant on Lt Russell St at 730pm... Fuh.. lagi la panas hati aku.
Went to this Chinese restaurant, The Mask of China. I dont know why they chose this restaurant, I think mcm terpengaruh ckp si YL tempat ni best. Hubby & I got there around 720pm. Waited for 15mins they still had not arrived. So aku dlm panas2 hati tu aku order an appetizer coz to me kalau diorang lambat gila, in the middle of it aku nak blah je. Diorang tak kerja Monday.
As I expected, they arrived around 5 to 8!!! Sakit hati gila. Memang mood aku rosak malam tu.
Aku nyer appetizer sementara tunggu mereka.
Sotong goreng cili.
Aku panas hati coz aku rasa these people dont respect my time. Aku dah awal2 kasi tau kat diorang yg everyday aku start at 7-730am, so I have to sleep early coz kena bgn awal around 5++am. Nak travel gi spital dah 1/2hour. Diorang kata takpe, bleh start dinner awal. Tapi apa yg jadi.... huh!!!
Hubby dengar je la. Walaupun dia setuju dgn pendapat aku about the disrecpectful nyer part, dia last-last kata.."Well, you could have said no just now, I told you that I didnt want to go..." Dia cakap in a way, now braincells sapa yg rugi..
Anyways, all in all food dia boleh tahan. Tak leh lawan air tangan ibu & makanan kat M'sia (and kita masak sendiri kalau berbakat.. hehehehe)