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Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers


Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Maternity tickers

Peluang korang nak berbakti kat aku =P

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Sunday, June 27, 2010

The final weekends of June '10

To be honest, I have no recollection of what I did on Saturday. Mungkin aku study sket-sket, mungkin aku kemas2 sket. As far as I remember, my Friday went away just like that. Had breakie with Dr. H afta night shift then slept the whole day & night. Fuh, sampai gitu skali aku ni nak recover from night shift. That was my final night shift with ED for the year. Gitu la hobi terkini aku bila ada masa lapang; tido, baring-baring, tido, tengok mekap review kat internet, tido. (Bila ntah nak masukkan study as my hobby).
I actually ada hutang lagi satu on call utk ED coz of the swapping hari tu. Nanti kena check balik kat spital nanti bila. Kalau tak haru nanti.

Sunday, 27th June 2010.
Woke up early, went to Porgie & Mr Jones in Hawthorn to have breakie with hubby. Dah lama tak kuar breakie dgn hubby. Found a webbie that rates most of the restaurants around Australia which I find useful bcoz dia user friendly, boleh search ikut suburb, price, etc.
Makanan dia boleh dikatakan paling sedap yg aku pernah makan breakie kat restoran around Melbourne ni. Yumm!! Selalu aku rate a breakie restaurant based on their hash browns (aku mmg gilaaaa potatoes!!) and their poached eggs. But Porgie & Mr Jones resto doesnt serve hash browns, maka aku rate dia 4.5/5 (kira bagus la tu, memandangkan aku mmg berkira kalau kasi markah kan).
Ni webbie tu:

Mine: Smashed avocado with buttered mushroom & poached eggs.
The best feta cheese ever!!
Hubby punye: Mr Jones' toast with eggs & special T's smoked salmon.
The restaurant: porgie +Mr JONES
Other breakie places that I would recommend to ppl in Melbourne are Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf and Mackers (Aussie name for Mac Donald's). Yang lain-lain aku pernah pegi tapi buweekkkk aku tak berminat nak ingat nama-nama mereka. Tapi aku rasa kalau makanan2 ni sumer halal sure aku akan stop nyopping & makan luar sentiasa.

Balik dp breakie kami berjalan kaki ke Chadstone, saja-saja bersenaman after a big breakie. Hubby ni tgh gilakan blue ray dvds, while me nak cari some baking stuff. Aku still bersemangat nak buat brownie, considering a few trials before failed mcm apa. Aku akan berusaha perfecting the food that me or hubby suka (contoh laksa Kedah, chicken soup, sambal, kari walaupon takde la sesedap mana kat tekak org lain kot).
Sepanjang jalan hubby bebel2 kata jalan kaki ni bad idea la, mana tau terbeli byk barang, jauh la, penat la, blablabla. Aku pekakkan telinga je. Bila lagi nak ada can jalan kaki bila ada cahaya matahari & berdua-duaan cam gini. Songeh betul dia ni kan.

Hubby tak paham apsal aku kena amik gambar postbox ni.
Aku jawab suke aku la kan. The sun made everything pretty on that very morning.
Jambatan yg kami kena seberang utk ke Warrigal Rd utk meneruskan pendakian ke Chadstone Shopping Mall.

Balik je aku terus bersemangat buat brownie ikut recipe dlm mag Super Food Ideas April 2010 issue. Ni recipe of Seriously Rich Choc Brownie. Aku guna 1 bar dark cooking choc + 1 bar milk cooking choc instead of both dark choc. And instead of adding milk choc bits I used hazelnuts. Rasa-rasanye bleh biol jugak otak kalau semua nye chocolate kan.

Ni la gambar brownie dlm mag tu yg aku bercita-cita nak buat sangat.
So apa jadi?

The batter jadi. That's a good first step. Aku reduce the temperature to 150°c coz guna Mr. Turbo. And reduce the time to 20mins (adakah ini silap besar aku?... kita tengok nanti).
Mr. Turbo in action.
Bila dah time, aku check brownie aAtas dah ada a good crust tapi dalam still cair. Aku ingatkan kena la letak luar kasi sejuk then dia akan mengeras, macam the ANZAC biscuits. Kasi sejuk for a few hours, tapi bila check tak keras-keras jugak. Aku dah start rasa sakit hati dah. Time angkat menda tu nak check again.....

Aiiyoooooo mak!! Dup! The baking pan tergolek from my hand upside down!!!!
Remuk jugak hati aku ni.

Seb baik ada separuh lagi batter yg separuh lembik separuh tepu dlm pan tu yg tidak menyentuh permukaan kitchen bench. So the half batter went back into Mr. Turbo, kali ni ikut time dlm mag tu, around 35mins. Note that this dah 2nd round bakar. Bila siap, ada la rupa sket mcm brownie, tapi texturenye more to a thick choc ganache. Sedap jugak, mengikut kata hubby. Boleh dimakan sebagai dessert, breakfast, apa-apa saja.
Huhuhuhu... apa la nasibku with this love-hate relationship with brownies.

Separuh batter yg berjaya diselamatkan & dah abis bakar.
Takde rupa cam dlm magazine tu pon!!
Kena praktis lagi ni.

Lepas kejadian tu dah takde mood dah nak masak dinner best2. Makan pon pasta sempoi je. Study pon ntah ke mana coz jiwa dah tak tenteram disebabkan incident brownie tu.
Sheessshhhh... maka my heartache in the first week of anaesthetics. Huhuhuhu...

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Kelmarin.. percubaan buat roti kentang

Kelmarin (Thursday) was my last night a.k.a. my last shift in ED for the rotation. Aku terasa nak buat this roti kentang that I found the recipe on Mat Gebu webbie. Kalau balik M'sia aku memang tak pernah lupa beli potato bread kat Giant or Carrefour. Sedap & gebu & manis (ni yg penting ni). Since dah ada breadmaker, apa kata aku buat some roti kentang since kat Aussie ni mmg takde jual (atau aku yg tak jumpa lagi).

This percubaan membuat roti kentang was my 2nd use of the breadmaker. Tengok recipe kat Mat Gebu rasa cam sedap & mudah je.

Bahan doh: (Semua ni aku bubuh dlm breadmaker guna setting 'Dough', yg berat & basah dulu. Yeast bubuh last skali)
300g tepung roti.
2 teaspoon instant yeast.
3/4 table spn susu tepung.
3/4 teaspn garam (aku bubuh less than 1/2 teaspn).
50-70g gula halus (aku ikut Mat Gebu, guna 60g).
60g mashed potato.
1/2 biji telur (lagi setengah utk sapu atas roti sebelum bakar nanti).
135ml air sejuk from the fridge.
30g butter.
1/2 teaspn bread improver.
1/2 teaspn bread softener.

Bahan kastard:
1 table spn tepung gandum.
1 table spn tepung kastard (aku guna tepung kastard vanilla).
1 table spn butter.
4 table spn gula halus.
1 cup of fresh milk (aku guna full cream fresh milk).
1 biji telur size A.
Secubit garam (mat tak letak, aku pon tak letak jugak).

Ni kejadian sementara tunggu dough aku dah proof. Buat sebiji ikut Mat Gebu ajar, double boiler. Last skali baru masuk mentega. Tapi aku silap, masa dia kat atas api tu, aku gi lepak tgk tv ngan hubby. Bila tersedar separuh kastard tu dah jadi kastard, tak bleh masuk dlm pipe nak piping dia. Jadi aku dok makan je la kastard tu. Kesian roti aku takde kastard.

Acara paling best ialah acara tumbuk dough nak kuarkan udara. Melekit dough tu ye. Hubby siap bantai gelak tengok aku tumbuk dgn gamaknye dough tu kat dapur. Hahahahaha. Best cam tumbuk orang. Mat Gebu bahagikan ke 15 bahagian, tapi aku tak kuasa nak bagikan byk2 coz melekit, so aku main korek2 je. Dapat la 11 bahagian yg langsung tak sama besar & rupa cam kapas yg dah kena penyet2. Jadi la kan. Aku celup je dough2 tu dlm telur tadi coz aku takde berus nak sapu. Then let the Mr. Turbo do the job bakar roti. Mat Gebu guna suhu 180°C selama 20mins, Mr Turbo kena guna 150°C for 10-15mins. Itu pon dah cokelat habis roti aku, takde rupa cam kat kedai pon.

Tengok la kerja tak senonoh aku, aku bubuh jugak
la some of the cecair kastard tak jadi aku tu.
Macam manggis =P Huduh di luar, gebu & sedap di dalam
Seb baik hasilnye sedap & gebu la jugak. Bawak sumer kat ED, seb baik habis. Lain kali aku buat lebih sket & banyak sket.. provided jadi la. Aku kena masterkan cara buat piping kastard tu nanti.

Bye-bye ED, Hola Anaesthetics

Yes, bye-bye ED and Hola Anaesthetics. Why 'Hola'? Because Anaesthetics will be like a new language to me, it sounds familiar but still something kinda foreign. On call today, but I really hope that I dont get called to go to work. Tak larat nak pegi plus nak study anaesthetics. Takut woooo nak start Monday ni, rasa cam tak tau apa-apa even tho dah pernah buat this rotation suatu masa dahulu.

Am I happy or sad that I've finished my ED rotation? Dunno. Mixed feelings.

Sad la jugak coz I'm not longer in my comfort zone, I've enjoyed doing ED, I loved working with fellow doctors, no longer working shift work which I enjoy. Sad coz I kinda havent achieved much during this past few months doing ED, much becoz aku tak spend much effort to study much. Macam sambil lewa je. Like they all say.. comfort zone can sometimes kill. Sad coz dah berbalik ke day, office hour work.

Indifferent.. coz terasa cam my minat in medicine merudum. Aku teringin nak study menda lain. I havent felt much of self-accomplishment kerja sebagai doctor ni. The reason why we fix a patient is not because kepandaian doctor, tapi pasal the patients themselves.. sebab diri diorang tu, ubat2, the hospital etc. Docs cuma sebagai medium je tolong push the patients toward wat they r supposed to be. And most of the times susah nak do much for patients due to their care are influenced by funding, hospital system, government policies, nurses, etc. External factors yg membosankan. I envy hubby who does projects every few months & works in the office, sometimes outside. I'm sick of staying indoors all the bloody time. When the project works, I can see how satisfied he is. Its fun to be in the development phase, as well as the maintenance phase. Pendek kata, aku sangat bosan dgn the medical world.

Happy.. coz starting a new rotation, so I'm exploring a new world in medicine. One of my senior reg cakap its good that I'm doin Anaesthetic next. ED docs, or any docs need that change once in a while to boost their motivation + reality check. Mebbie betul. Coz aku dah lama sangat dlm ED ni.. 5 bulan kot. Mebbie this will improve my self esteem sket if I work hard. Aku pon ada rasa sket2 tak sabar nak start sebenarnye even tho takut jugak coz terasa cam mencabar je. Oh ye, office hour job meaning I can have breakie with hubby everyday & will see him again balik kerja. And I will have weekends with him as well. Best, best.

Sejuk gila pagi ni. Aku bangun kol 3++ pagi tadi. Pagi semalam lepas habis ED, aku gi breakie dgn Dr. H kat Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf Chadstone since dia pon habis her ICU night shift. Lepas breakie dia lepak tido kat couch aku before balik semula ke rumah dia. Aku pon tido jugak, tapi lepas dia balik aku sambung lagi tido sampai kol 6++pm. Then masuk balik tido kol 10pm. Ingat nak stay up coz Isnin nanti start at 730am. Tapi badan aku sangat sakit, terpe'ot la plak kali ni. Rugi seharian hari Jumaat aku.

Soooo... aku doakan hari ni badan aku kurang sakit & Allah swt izinkan aku study betul2 hari ni.. all the best to me :)
(tribute to www.cartoondoc.co.uk)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Last week in ED for this year

Waaahh, cepatnya masa berlalu! Sedar tak sedar dah masuk minggu terakhir aku kat ED ni. Next week will be doing Anaesthetics.
This week aku kerja night shifts starting from malam tadi. Not that bad. Aku prefer kerja pagi, tapi malam weekdays pon okay jugak. Yg tak bestnye weekends ni aku oncalls. Bodo betul sapa yg buat timetable tu.

Okay, time to actually get ready to go to work. Sejuk nak mati pagi tadi & malam tadi, so aku ingat nak pakai je slippers boot yg rupa cam bedroom boots to keep my feet warm.


Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Fathers' Day =)

Especially to my abah, Selamat Hari Bapa.
Thanks for everything. Semoga panjang umur & murah rezeki selalu & kehidupan di rahmatiNya.
Sorry that I'm not there in M'sia with you.
Take care alwiz.

Love, your daughter.


Kepada bapa-bapa di seluruh dunia, selamat menyambut hari bapa. Most countries in the world has marked today as the Fathers' Day, tapi Aussies & NZ lambat lagi.. in September nanti. Tapi boleh je kalau nak join the fun. The more the merrier kata orang tua-tua.

My kitchen gadgets (2) & football

Pagi ni hujan. Hubby dah pegi meeting utk dia punya GPM mid-morning tadi. Aku tinggal sorang, mebbie this is the chance for me to actually clear up the luggage... aaaaand study anaesthetics since lagi seminggu je lagi nak start.

View from my kitchen window.
Pokok tepi rumah yg hampir togel.
Hubby terlebih excited to try our 'new' coffee machine malam tadi. Dia dah beli siap2 grounded granulated coffee Lav Azza, both decaf & normal ones. When I sed its 'new', 'new' pasal first time guna, tapi takde la baru beli. Ni one of the 2 coffee machines hadiah kawin yg aku baru angkut from M'sia hari tu. Selama ni dia bermastautin kat my parents place. Lagi satu tu aku kasi family aku kalau diorang berminat. Malam tadi we tried the decaf one, this a.m. the normal coffee. Seb baik hubby buat mild.. I seriously dont like any strong coffee, especially those from cafes.
Hadiah kawin; a simple Pensonic coffee machine.
Pagi ni as expected Aussie news are all rage & anger pasal last night's red card. Biasalah, Aussies di mana-mana akan non-stop bising kalau diorang kalah, & again non-stop berbangga riak (setiap minit akan ada iklan kat tv/radio) kalau diorang menang kan. Bosan.
Aku tak layak untuk komen apa-apa pasal bola pasal aku tak tau much about it. Yg aku tau hubby jadi sangat frustrated bila Harry Kewell dapat kad merah daripada ref Roberto Rosetti sebab si Jabulani terkena H. Kewell's upper right arm anterio-medially masa kat goal post sana. Tak tahulah sengaja or tidak, tapi repeated re-run of the video (according to multiple news webbie) kata Kewell's arm memang gerak sedikit ke arah bola bila si Jabulani melayang ke arahnye. Lepas kena tangan tu, obviously si ref kasi kad merah & tendangan free kat Ghana. Aku tak nak komen fair or unfair menda tu. Ghana dpt free kick.
And di saat-saat Jabulani ditendang ke arah goal, hubby dgn selambanye tukar channel coz dia frustrated. Grr.. sakit hati aku. Walaupon tendangan percuma aku nak gak tengok bola tu masuk gol. Menyampahnye aku dgn hubby malam tadi. Deep in my heart, and aku actually sed it upfront kat hubby, I hope Ghana or Serbia or Germany will lepas to the knockout stage :)
Selepas sepuluh tahun di sini, aku masih menyokong pasukan lawan bila Aussies main kat apa-apa world games. Malaysia tetap di hati, sebab situ lah tempat aku lahir & tempat di mana mak abah dgn susah-payahnye membesarkan aku. Ye, aku menuntut ilmu & menyambung training di sini, mostly digaji oleh Australia sepanjang training, tapi aku still rasa I dont belong here. My Aussie frens will
once in a while ask me if now I feel Australia is home.. aku cuma mampu tersenyum.

Lupakan pasal bola sepak jap. Aku kemas2 barang kat dapur tadi.
And banyak rupanye kitchen gadgets yg aku bawak from M'sia, also some yg dapat hadiah & some yg kami beli sendiri. Aku bawak balik a smart power board with switches (pelik ngapa kat Australia ni takde powerboard yg ada switches, kalau ada pon yg brand mahal). Power board ni boleh masuk apa-apa appliances from around the world, and since aku ada byk menda dari M'sia & Australia, this one is very handy.
I sooo love my kitchen.

Pensonic toaster, hadiah kawin jugak.
Bawak ke sini lepas cuti raya last yr.
I survived whoopwhoop with this Sunbeam sandwich maker/toaster.
Periuk nasi Pensonic kesayangan yg abah belikan masa mula-mula nak ke Au in 2000 dulu. Still jalan, banyak berjasa, esp. masa tinggal kat halls & kat whoopwhoop. Tengok, ada tulis nama lagi, ye la kat halls tu ada byk tangan hantu.

Roti home-made

Pagi semalam, lebih kurang kol 10++am, bawak kereta ke Dent Wizard to get the final parts yg diorang hutang hari tu. Gila ngantuk driving coz balik rumah from work mlm sebelumnye iaitu hari Jumaat hampir2 kol 2am, even tho I was supposed to finish at 11pm. Hampas tol. Sebab penat & sakit2 badan, aku cuma mampu terlelap hampir kol 3pagi, tu pon interupted sleep. Kejap je kerja ganti parts tu, lebih kurang ~10mins. Balik tu singgah supermarket cari bread flour, Defiance, as p TTM's advice. (Thanks TTM).

My first roti ever, thanks to Mr. Beville Breadmaker :)
Dah ada bread improver + bread softener halal from Malaysia ni, so bersemangat la aku nak buat roti kan. I chose the milk white bread, thinking of the nice taste of sweat milk
bread that I tasted some time ago. Got the recipe from the breadmaker manual itself, so senang lah. I chose 750g, instead of 1kg loaf, ye la kalau tak jadi takde la rasa rugi sangat even tho cuma 250g difference je. Sukatan semuanye guna Aussie metric measurers; sudu, cups, weighing scale. Setting 3 utk Sweet, & crust Light.

Bunyinye ngek ngek ngek during the kneeding phases made me a little excited. Aku tengok thru the window when it was in progress... aku cakap kat hubby, "Wow, the machine is very smart, look at the dough.. no more bits of dough stuck on the wall of the pan. All in the dough". Hubby pon gumbira tengok aku excited cam gitu. Bau coming frm the breadmaker cam pelik sket, mebbie coz of the new machine or bcoz of the cool scalded milk or because of other ingredients in it. Tapi tak kisah, asalkan hasilnye best.
Aku 'ter'switch off power point masa final proof stage, ingatkan tu switch periok nasi. Bila tunggu hampir 2jam baru sedar Mr. B. Breadmaker dah tertido. Seb baik final rise, so aku cuma kembalikan ke setting bake only.

Hasilnye ialah roti yg sangat gebu, nice texture evenly distributed except for the crust yg slightly crispier than what I would have liked it to be. Mungkin pasal aku 'ter'switch off the machine kot tadi, tu la pasal crust dia agak rangup. Nonetheless rasa roti ni.. sedap la jugak, considering its my first time working with Mr. B. Breadmaker. Hmm... ada sedikit masin... aku rasa aku dah bubuh garam ikut sukatan yg betul tadi. Aku ikut betul2 sebab manual tu kata kalau terlebih/ terkurang nanti roti jadi bantat or tak sedap or pelik. Mebbie next time aku akan kurangkan siiikit garam tu.
Mr. Beville Breadmaker in action.
Fresh warm milk white bread (and a hot breadpan!)
The fresh bread, bau sangat sedap!
Despite the rangup crust, isi dia sangat sedap & gebu.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Sejuk sangaat.. huhuhu..

Sejak balik semula ke Melbourne, aku blom sempat lagi sulking like usually what I will do each time I come back from M'sia.
Malam sampai tu, aku terpaksa terus tido coz had to go back to work at 8am. Balik kerja gi hantar kereta kat Moorabbin for windows replacement, balik tu tido petang tak ingatnye. Hehehe. Malam tido awal coz esok pagi tu kerja jugak. Petangnye gi amik kereta, penat gila bergegas jalan kaki ke Chadstone & berlari kejar bas,
dok dlm bas lama gila dgn crowd budak skolah yg membencikan tu, berlari dari bus stop ke kedai windscreen tu pasal dia dah nak tutup. Then mlm tadi masak dinner, nuthing much, just simple pasta straight frm the bottle je (tak brapa kuasa nak amik gambar.. penat!). Hari ni kerja balik lambat gila.

Tapi pagi tadi aku bangun agak lewat. Start terasa agak homesick jugak. Matahari ada kat luar awal2 tu & aku teringatkan rumah kat KL. Rinduu.. :(
Pastu hujan lebat gila, ribut petir lagi. Ntah ngapa masa tu aku tak jumpa baju sweater yg aku baru beli kat Jaya Jusco utk kerja (mind u, baju tu lebih 1 size dp biasa.. hehehe). Cari punye cari rupenya ada sekali dgn selonggok baju yg aku dah kuarkan dp kotak/ beg. Masa tak jumpa tu aku panicked abis, rasa sedih yg teramat.
Bukan tu je, aku ngampah habis dgn my new template. Grrr.. shouldnt have changed it in the first place. Aku tak suka template yg sempit cam ni. Aku suka yg besar, luas, satu screen bleh nampak sumer.
And I kinda dont like my computer. Tapi tahun ni tak mcm beberapa tahun lepas when I was working in the whoopwhoop sana, masa tu rezeki murah dari tahun ni & takde debt byk other than credit cards cam this year. So bleh beli computer every year (2 thn berturut2 je). Tahun ni hutang kereta & I have also noticed harga barang naik melambung-lambung, lebih daripada yg most working class people can afford. Cam mana tu?
Ye, aku ngaku, aku memang ada kemurungan bermusim :(

Aku called home just now. Parents & adik bongsu baru balik dari airport. Semalam diorang pegi Kelantan coz my niece nyer kenduri kawin, belah lelaki nyer plak. Alhamdulillah diorang dah selamat pegi/balik.

Sejuk gila malam ni.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Back in Melbourne.. yg sejuk ini

Sejuk gila.
Penat gila.
Blom abis unpack lagi. Just kuarkan some food items je & barang2 husband.
Flight biasa je, aku tak tido. Kerusi tak selesa. Tak bleh nak upgrade to XL seat coz si tukang kasi boarding pass kata flight penuh. Cheh.. tipu! Mana ada penuh kat XL tu. 2 seats next to me kosong, tapi sorang mat saleh dtg dok ujung sana coz kawan2 dia kat row blakang aku. Bising bkan main. Benci aku. Cam tu la most youngters now kalau naik flight beramai2.
Oh ye kat airport kastam tak check bag aku. Aku ckp aku bwk noodles & chocs, then dia suruh aku kuar je. Bagus la, since hari ni aku kerja, kena balik cepat. Terserempak dgn my dad's old buddy kat airport, Uncle N, dia amik wife, Aunt B, dia baru balik frm bercuti di Malaysia. Laa.. tak tau plak dia bercuti di M'sia, kalau tau sama flight bleh aku cari dia.

Mlm tadi tak cukup tido. Kena bgn awal utk gi kerja. Bosan la kerja. Seb baik half day. Hmm.. first day back dah make mistake, harap-harap mamat yg kena bubuh IDC tu ok la hendaknye. :(
Then gi hantar my car for the window replacement kat National Windscreen kat Moorabbin. Tu sumer pasal the Dent Wizard kasi rosak window aku. Seb baik diorang cover for the replacement. Oh ye, National Windscreen tu dekat rupenye dgn Southland Mall. Ingat nak lepak situ jap even though penat nak mati. Tapi memandangkan kereta baru je tinggal kat situ & kena balik naik bas, hmmm.. takpe je la. Esok petang pon kena naik bas gi sana nak amik kereta balik.
Balik naik bas paling membencikan. Aku benci nak bas dgn remaja skolah Aussie yg kurang ajar & perangai slutty gila, sama je lelaki ngan pompuan. Letak bag atas seats & tak kasi org lain duduk. Bising dlm bas. Langgar & pijak kaki org pas tu buat tak tau je. Memang b*** betul diorang ni. Bukan aku sorang je menyampah kat diorang. Even they hate each other. Ntah apa-apa kan.
Balik rumah aku sambung tido.
Hubby bought roti canai + nasi ayam from Old Town Mamak in the city. Aku patutnye masak today, tapi penat.

Esok pagi je aku iron baju/ tudung kerja & kemas2 bag kerja. Kena naik that lori 'terlebih comel' lagi la nampaknye esok pagi.
Sabar je la...

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Cuti sekolah

Di mana-mana saja penuh ya amat. Gi KLCC penuh, gi Midvalley penuh, gi Pavilion pon penuh. Even the pasar malam/ pasar tani pon penuh gila. Aiiyooooo... cam ni la cuti sekolah. Jalanraya je kurang siiiikit jem time cuti skolah ni.
Bukan tu je, masa ni la orang nak buat kenduri kahwin & pelbagai kenduri lagi, especially weekends. Sampai pening nak gi mana satu. Kalau pegi sini, situ terasa. Kalau pegi situ, sana plak merajuk. Tapi nak buat cam mana, sumernye time yg sama.

Ckp pasal kenduri kahwin, selain daripada hal-hal keluarga yg aku berlari ke sana-sini nak settle tu, ada lagi my niece nak kahwin. Mlm ni majlis nikahnye, sama time dengan adik aku H3 mendarat di KLIA dari Manchester. Esok tengah hari plak kendurinye.
Disebabkan time adik aku mendarat sama dgn time nikah niece aku tu, maka aku rasa eloklah aku gi airport amik adik aku yg dah memang sah-sah darah daging sendiri kan. Aku pon dah nak balik Melbourne lusa. Dapat spend masa dgn dia pon 24jam je. Aisshhh.. sedih dah aku ni. Dari kelmarin dah homesick dah, blom balik Melbourne lagi.


Friday, June 11, 2010

Hutang gambar & posting

Cam tu la setiap kali aku gi bercuti. Kena buat entry khas yg panjang lebar in summary of my trip + the gambar2 terpilih saja. Selebihnye kena gi post kat FB. Itupon kalau ada masa la kan..
Aiseh, nanti-nanti gua bubuh sini. Busy gila ni. Mana nak berblog lagi, mana nak ber-Restaurant City kat FB lagi, nak berforum, nak study (konon-kononnye la), nak nyopping, pas tu nak settle hal2 kat rumah ni haaa.
Adoilaaa.. busy sungguh.
In the meantime... Ciao..

Sunday, June 06, 2010

Sabtu yg busy

Busy apsal? Busy la, kena pegi sana-sini nak cari barang. Dlm erti kata lain, gi nyopping. Tak sempat pon nak tengok2 barang, just pergi tengok beli tangkap gambar sket then balik. Next week baru nak shopping betul2 kot. Bukan byk pon, nak cari hubby's stuff, nak cari some baby stuff for a few frens who'll be popping soon, dan sket2 mine.

Went to Alpha Angle.
Petang pegi pasar malam, semata-mata nak cari nasi lemak best, tapi agaknye cuti sekolah kan so nasi lemak yg slalu aku beli tu takde plak. Nak beli yg lain malas plak. Then went to Carrefour & Wangsa Walk. Tak beli apa-apa just tengok2 & amik2 gambar.

Nanti aku bubuh gambar later-later.

Esok ni, as in Sunday, nak balik kampung plak.

Saturday, June 05, 2010

Nasi Tumpang (lalu)

Friday, 4th June 2010.
Had a good night sleep. Pagi tu ingatkan nak gi shopping terus, tapi kesian kat my youngest brother ada his final mid-year exam, so aku temankan dia study sket pagi tu.

Went to MidValley Mega Mall kat Bangsar to have lunch with mum. Kami makan kat restoran Belanga, rasa cam restoran makanan negeri Kelantan. Mum just ordered air durian belanda. I had nasi tumpang (lalu) ikan, nasi kerabu with ikan bakar & air serai. Tak tau apasal plak dia panggil nasi tumpang tu. Mungkin nasi ni dicipta oleh sorang hamba Allah ni, masa tu dia menumpang kat rumah org & tak mampu bayar sewa, maka dia masakkan nasi beserta some lauk hasil penangkapan dia utk tuan rumah, disebabkan rasa sedap maka tuan rumah amik kesempatan jual, maka famouslah nasi tumpang itu. Tak tau la betul ke tak cerita ni, nanti aku Google.

Nasi tumpang berbungkus.
Nasi tumpang tidak berbungkus.
Ada serunding, sambal, ikan bilis, telur, etc.
Nasi kerabu with ikan bakar.
I had the spesel sambal belacan ordered as well.
Left: lemongrass juice. Right: air durian belanda.
Tak sempat nak shopping banyak sgt pasal aku kesuntukan masa. Just beli baju kerja coz half of my baju kat Melbourne sana have been put aside coz tak muat (huhuhuhu... sedih). Rasa cam takde harapan nak muat balik, maka beli baru je la senang. And rasanye tu la limit aku, tak nak beli lagi besar lagi dah. So kena jaga makan. =P

My favourite kiosk/store: the Skin Food =)
Malam gi rumah my cousin. Her daughter is getting married next week. Went there after Isyak & dinner. Seb baik coz kalau tak, sure terpaksa makan lagi banyak kat rumah dia.

One of the cats at my cousin's place.
This one is si Buta (sebelah) 4m.o., nap jap.
Another one, si Gemuk, 4m.o. Yg ni active sket.
Si Gemuk nak kejar camera.
Ok, sambung citer Sabtu nanti.

Friday, June 04, 2010

Naik kapal terbang ke KL

First time naik Air Asia ke KL from Melbourne. Seperti biasa sebelum ke airport aku akan ada kekacauan anxiety. Aku memang tak suka naik plane, tak suka gi airport. Jiwa kacau sehari sebelum ke airport sampai la dah touch down on the other side baru la berhenti my sinus tachy. Gila la.. kalau setiap kali travel aku cam ni, bleh dpt cardiomyopathy ni. Ish ish..

Okay, dipendekkan cerita. I'll tell you the good & the bad about going with Air Asia, from my point of view.

The good:
- Cheaper for the tix, and campur-campur sumer yg dibayar (luggage, comfort kit, food, book seat) still cheaper beratus dollar than other commersial flight. Kalau upgrade pegi ke XL (ala-ala business class) walaupon mahal 2,3ratus dollar dari common economy seat, still kita dpt layanan & kerusi bes bleh baring.
- Bleh choose berat mana luggage utk bawak, and bayar ikut berat yg kita nak tu. Kalau flight biasa lain, standard la kan brapa-brapa weight limit, kalau lebih kena bayar. In my case kurang berat balik ke KL & berat abis balik ke Melbourne. Hehehehhehe.
- Tak ramai baby, in fact takde baby. Yg budak2 pon jenis yg dah besar skit dp toddlers. So kapal terbang tu best, tak bising dgn suara tangisan budak2.

- Food. Walaupon kena bayar, ikut tekak aku ni, macam lagi sedap je dp MAS/ Singapore Airlines/ Qantas/ Virgin Blue/ AA/ British Airways (yg halal yg pernah aku rasa).

- Pramugari/ pramugara. Macam lebih friendly je dp MAS.

- I paid for the comfort kit. So dpt bantal leher, selimut nipis, tutup mata. Bleh amik bwk balik.

The bad:
- Kapal terbang yg sempit. Kerusi economy class yg sempit & takleh nak recline byk sgt. Aku yg sebesar anak gajah ni sure la terasa lemas senantiasa dok dlm tu. I was lucky dpt dok kat aisle seat blakang skali, which is relatively wider than other seats. Dah tu sebelah aku takde org (mebbie org tu cancel kot). Bleh la baring2 sket.

- Takde enterntainment system. So kalau long flight mcm Melb-KL, bosan ya amat la kalau tak dpt tido mcm aku. Lucky ada my fon + my iPod Nano peneman kebosanan.
- Takde magazines. I bought my own magazines.
- Kapal terbang yg bising. Or mebbie aku je yg dah tak berapa bleh nak tolerate with loud noise nowadays. Tapi masa dengar iPod aku tu, terasa cam telinga aku jadi pekak plak.
- Kapal terbang tu SEJUK NAK MAMPOS. Aku rasa sesak nafas sepanjang perjalanan. Selimut dia nipis gila. I brought my own socks & my winter jacket, still aku tak tahan sejuk. And kapal terbang tu takde tombol nak adjust the aircond mcm kat MAS.
- Toilet. Takde kertas lapik kerusi toilet mcm kat flight biasa. Takde lotion tangan. Takde paper cup. Takde berus gigi/ shaver. Toilet sempit. Kalau dah ramai2 tu busuk jadinye toilet tu (seb baik the stewardess spray air freshener after a while).
- Bila sampai kat KLIA LCCT takde airbridge. Kalau ujan batu ke apa, terpaksa la basah lenjun merentas parking kapal terbang tu ke airport terminal. Tapi seb baik cuaca baik masa aku sampai tu.

My conclusion:
- I dont mind travelling with Air Asia... as for me, mebbie aku nak upgrade gi XL considering aku ni byk songeh & manja (seperti dikutuk oleh adik aku). Aku tak suka naik flight & sometimes perjalanan on the plane is kinda traumatic to me. So aku nak make myself comfortable when I'm travelling. Bleh aku nyopping byk2 coz bleh choose luggage limit kan.

Pemandangan frm my seat kat blakang skali.
Tak tau kat mana ni, mebbie M'sia or Indonesia.
Jalan kapal terbang.
Kapal terbang yg aku naik. Airbus.
Aku turun ikut tangga depan.
Takde airbrdge kena jalan ke terminal.

Thursday, June 03, 2010

Rendang-tak-jadi-ala-pressure-cooker Melbourne Style

Ni la ntah apa nama lauk aku masak before bertolak ke airport mlm tadi. Punye la semangat nak guna pressure cooker for the first time. Masak rendang, sebab dgr kata daging jadi lembut melt-in-the-mouth & cepat masak. Kelmarin study the instruction to use the pressure kata tak bleh kering, kena sentiasa ada some water to create the pressure in it. Well, in my opinion (and experience yg tak seberapa tu) kena la agak-agak AND practise makes perfect. Hehehehe..

Ni la rendang-tak-jadi-ala-pressure-cooker Melbourne style.
Walaupon tak jadi, hubby aku teruja dgn masakan ni. Dia kata.. "This is the nicest thing I've ever had in a while!" Chehh.. sabar je la, selama ni aku masak tak nice ke? Chehhhh chehhhhh..
Hehehehe.. tapi betul la kata dia. Memang sedap daging tu masak dlm pressure cooker. Tender-loving-care gitu. Nyaaammm...
Semangat aku nak masak lagi guna pressure cooker tu.

Boleh la tahan.. rasa & rupa

Oh well.
See you soon Melbourne.
Hellloooooo Kuala Lumpur. =)
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