Showing posts with label Grayson County-VA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Grayson County-VA. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

why we climb

Somewhere between the bottom of the climb and the summit is the answer to the mystery why we climb.
--Greg Child (b.1957) Australian-born rock climber, mountaineer, author and filmmaker.

I continue to comb through my autumn excursions for photos to share. These are from a rainy trip to Grayson Highlands State Park in Southwest Virginia in October. The clouds and rain got worse the longer I hiked, so by time I made it to the wild ponies, whatever good light I had was gone.

Seems I always pick extreme days to visit Grayson. I've been there when it's pouring rain, freezing cold and blazing hot. But whatever the weather, I'm always in awe of this place. With so many trails to hike, jagged peaks to climb and magnificent vistas to enjoy, there's beauty and wonder in every direction.  It's one of the most memorable places found along the 2,180 mile Appalachian Trail. While it's off the beaten path for most of us, it's well worth the journey.

Admission to the park is now $4 on weekdays, $5 on weekends, per vehicle. Such a deal. I still have a lot to explore at the park. Click here to visit the website, which includes driving directions and a detailed trail map. The Friends of Grayson Highlands webpage includes current weather information and a webcam. Another helpful resource is the Sherpa Guide.

Click here to see my previous Grayson photos and posts.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

boundless love

Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.
--Maya Angelou (1928-2014) American poet.

Above: Even a dark, stormy day could not dull the vibrant, autumn colors of Grayson Highlands. More information and directions here.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

a season for kindling

Christmas is a season for kindling the fire for hospitality in the hall, the genial flame of charity in the heart.
--Washington Irving (1783-1859) American Writer. 

Snow drifts at Grayson Highlands back in 2010.

Sunday, December 23, 2012


One who walks in another's tracks leaves no footprints.

Another 'old' photo, this one taken a few years back on a cold, snowy day at Grayson Highlands State Park in VA.

Thursday, June 28, 2012


It is understanding that gives us an ability to have peace. When we understand the other fellow's viewpoint, and he understands ours, then we can sit down and work out our differences.
--Harry S. Truman (1884-1972) 33rd President of the United States.

Above: A view of 'Big Pinnacle' and the Grayson Highlands from a rock outcropping along the Appalachian Trail.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

a longing

I long for scenes where man has never trod
A place where woman never smiled or wept
There to abide with my Creator God
And sleep as I in childhood sweetly slept,
Untroubling and untroubled where I lie
The grass below, above, the vaulted sky.

--John Clare (1793-1864) English poet. 

Above: Grayson Highlands panoramic (Click the image above to enlarge). Grayson is a gorgeous place, a little out of the way for most of us, but well worth the drive.  Best known for its wild ponies, Grayson also offers stunning vistas and overlooks, waterfalls, fishing steams and camping facilities.

Click here for more photos, discussion and directions to Grayson Highlands.

Friday, June 22, 2012

back and forth

We all have our time machines. Some take us back, they're called memories. Some take us forward, they're called dreams.
--Jeremy Irons (b.1948) British Actor. 

A walkway at Grayson Highlands State Park, VA.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


None of us will ever accomplish anything excellent or commanding except when he listens to this whisper which is heard by him alone.
--Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) American Poet, Lecturer and Essayist 

Here's my friend Michael Kaal, visiting from Arizona where he lives and works as a landscape and wedding photographer, at Grayson Highlands State Park in southwest Virginia. Mike was a student of mine during his time at Milligan College -- and we also enjoyed many epic adventures hiking and photographing the area. Click here to visit his blog.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

wild freedom

To me, horses and freedom are synonymous.
--Veryl Goodnight (b.1947) Sculptor 

Above: One of the wild ponies found at the spectacular Grayson Highlands State Park in Virginia.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

stick together

Snowflakes are one of nature's most fragile things, but just look at what they can do when they stick together.

A photo taken on a frigid day last winter in Grayson Highlands State Park (VA).

Monday, September 20, 2010

the melody of the highlands

I heard a neigh, Oh, such a brisk and melodious neigh it was. My very heart leaped with the sound.
--Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864) American novelist.

To be honest, the wild ponies at the Grayson Highlands State Park in Virginia aren't all that wild. Though park officials have policies against visitors petting and feeding the ponies, rustle a plastic wrapper and they'll come right to you. So something tells me that rule isn't strictly followed. One family I saw brought an apple for a treat -- at least it was a healthy snack. There are usually a few small herds of ponies at different parts of the park, so wander around the trails and you'll eventually find them. We didn't see any on our way up to Wilburn Ridge from Massey Gap, but on our way down we came across two different groups of ponies (maybe a total of eight or ten). Once a year the ponies are rounded up and checked out for health problems - but other than that they're pretty much left alone to graze in the beautiful Grayson Highlands. See yesterday's post for more information about the park.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Grayson Highlands

The hills are alive,
With the sound of music
With songs they have sung
For a thousand years

The hills fill my heart,
With the sound of music
My heart wants to sing
Every song it hears
--Richard Rodgers (1902-1979) American composer--

Above: The view from Wilburn Ridge (elevation 5526) in the Mount Rogers National Recreation Area in Southwest Virginia. To get here, enter the spectacular Grayson Highlands State Park, park at Massey Gap and hike up to the ridge taking either the Appalachian Trail or the Rhododendron Gap trail (approx. 2 miles). Along the way you'll have outstanding vistas from the naturally occuring balds loaded with wildflowers. You may even encounter some of the wild ponies for which the Grayson Highlands are best known. Definitely worth the trip! For more information about the park, click here and here. To see previous photos taken in winter, click here.

From Tri-Cities, TN: take I-81 to Exit 19 (Abingdon, VA), go east on Route 58 about 37 miles to the park entrance. It's a very windy, but scenic road, so allow plenty of time.

From Elizabethton, TN: take Highway 91 (Stony Creek Road) approximately 34 miles through Shady Valley and Backbone Rock to Damascus, VA. Once in Damascus, turn right onto US Rt. 58. Follow Rt. 58 signs and proceed 26.3 miles to the park entrance on your left. Continue on this main park road 3.5 miles to Massey Gap. (There's a $3 fee per car).

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

what lies within

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies with in us.
--Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) American philosopher and writer

Whitetop Mountain Road, Grayson Co., VA

Friday, February 19, 2010

Grayson Highlands State Park

With its rocky peaks, soaring spruce fir trees, sweeping balds and panoramic views, Grayson Highlands State Park in southwest Virginia is among the most stunning and beautiful destinations in our region. The landscape is described as something resembling Montana more than Appalachia. It truly is a unique place. But most distinctive are the wild ponies that inhabit the mountains. Located in the shadow of Mount Rogers National Recreation Area, Grayson often gets second billing. But the park is truly one of the gems of southwest Virginia -- I highly recommend a visit!
There are numerous overlooks and vistas throughout the park, including Sugarland Overlook (which you pass as you enter the park), Buzzard Rock Overlook (near the gift shop parking area), Big and Little Pinnacle Overlook (trail begins immediate behind the gift shop), along with Wilburn Ridge and other rock outcroppings throughout the park.

To be honest, the wild ponies at the Grayson Highlands State Park in Virginia aren't all that wild. Though park officials have policies against visitors petting and feeding the ponies, rustle a plastic wrapper and they'll come right to you. So something tells me that rule isn't strictly followed. One family I saw brought an apple for a treat -- at least it was a healthy snack. There are usually a few small herds of ponies at different parts of the park, so wander around the trails and you'll eventually find them.  Once a year the ponies are rounded up and checked out for health problems - but other than that they're pretty much left alone to graze in the beautiful Grayson Highlands. 
If visiting the for first time, I recommend driving up to the top of the mountain first to visit the gift shop. From here you can take in the views from Buzzard Rock and Little Pinnacle (both are short walks).  Then head back down and park at Massie Gap and take the Rhododendron Trail to where it intersects with the Appalachian Trail (0.8 mi). From here you can turn right and head toward a neat outcropping of rocks -- fun to climb, and great views! Or head left to where I usually encounter the ponies - and then continue heading up to Wilburn Ridge (elevation 5526) (two miles total distance). Another popular hike is to the summit of Mount Rogers (approx. 5 miles).

In the summer months, I highly recommend sunscreen and water! Ninety percent of the trails are out in the open, so the sun can take its toll very quickly! During the winter months some parts of the park are closed. However, the road to the main trail head, Massie Gap, is open all year.

More of my photos of Grayson here.
The Sherpa Guide offers a complete description of the park and various hiking trails.
Visit the official park website for maps and directions.

From Tri-Cities, TN: take I-81 to Exit 19 (Abingdon, VA), go east on Route 58 about 37 miles to the park entrance. It's a very windy, but scenic road, so allow plenty of time.

From Elizabethton, TN: take Highway 91 (Stony Creek Road) approximately 34 miles through Shady Valley and Backbone Rock to Damascus, VA. Once in Damascus, turn right onto US Rt. 58. Follow Rt. 58 signs and proceed 26.3 miles to the park entrance on your left. Continue on this main park road 3.5 miles to Massey Gap. (There's a $3 fee per car).

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Elk Garden Gap

Cross country skiers enjoying our recent snowfalls at Elk Garden Gap in Southwest Virginia. Elk Garden is a beautiful meadow, or bald, found along Whitetop Mountain Road offering stunning views. The Appalachian Trail also crosses here -- leading to Whitetop Mountain to the west and Mt. Rogers and the Grayson Highlands to the east (map and description of this hike here). Two other trails are also found here: Elk Garden Trail and the VA Highlands Horse Trail.

Directions from Damascus, VA: Take Rt. 58 East 10.6 miles, continue straight onto County Road 603 (Konnarock Rd.) and drive 4.4 miles, turn right onto Route 600 (Whitetop Mountain Rd) and travel 3.3 miles to a well marked parking area on your right.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Best One-Night Hikes

A reader recently sent me a good question... “Can you recommend a good one-night backpacking trip, dog-friendly, for some fit-but-out-of-hiking-shape people?”

I’m not much of a backpacker...I’m more of a day hiker (actually, more of a half-day hiker!), so I sent the question on to my friend Hiking Bill, and here was his response...

Without knowing how many miles they are looking to walk, and not knowing how physically fit they are, it's just hard to make a good recommendation. But, in my opinion the very best overnight backpacking trip in our region is from Carver's Gap to 19E. It's about 14.5 miles with tons of views, campsites, and water sources. If that is too many miles for them or too tough, then another option would be still to start at Carver's Gap and go north, but once at Yellow Mtn Gap you could go down the Overmountain Victory Trail. This would cut off about 5 miles and would be a lot less strenuous (all downhill).

Another option would be in the
Grayson Highlands (Southwest Virginia) (more park information here), 12 miles and simply a wonderful one-night backpack! Click here for description and details of the hike.  Click here for an 8 mile option from Elk Garden to Massie Gap in the Grayson Highlands.

Another one that I loved in the Grayson Highlands gives you the chance to summit Mount Rogers (Virginia's highest peak). It's only 11.3 miles and is one that I took some beginners on for their first backpacking experience. Click here for more information.

Another friend, Marty Silver, also weighed in on the question and recommended...
The hike from Carver's Gap to Yellow Mountain Gap along the AT - you can stay at the "barn" at the gap, or push on to any of a number of great camping spots near Little Hump or Hump Mountain.

If you have another one night backpacking trip in our area that you’d like to recommend, please let us know!

Above: Duke stops for a breather along a section of the Appalachian Trail on Roan Mountain (8/08).

Monday, November 12, 2007

Virginia Creeper Trail

This is one of the best and most popular outdoor recreation destinations in our area. The 34 mile Creeper Trail runs along an old railroad bed from Abingdon through Damascus ending near the North Carolina line at Whitetop, VA. While it is popular with hikers and horseback riders, it is as a biking destination that it is best known. There are bike rental shops in both Damascus and Abingdon -- and even shuttle outfits that will bus you to the top of the trail at Whitetop so you can ride downhill for 17 miles (2.5 to 3 hours) to your car in Damascus. Click here for more information and maps. [Above is a view from the Abingdon trail head -- click to enlarge.]