Monday, June 30, 2014

MS 150....well actually 100

This year Phil and I did the MS 150 again! I was so excited because I hadn't rode for what felt like years with being pregnant and such. I didn't get nearly as much training as I would have liked to considering we have to get a babysitter to ride together and I don't ride solo....but I managed.

I was the only girl among a group of about 10 riders and it was super fun! We did 100 miles on Saturday and finished about 3 pm.  It really was a lot of fun! Thanks to Laura for keeping Mylita all day while we rode and to my mother and father who took our boys up to Lava Hot Springs for us! And of course to all those who donated for us! I have the best Doctor and Pediatrician out there!

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Happy Birthday little boys

My boys always look forward to their family birthday party at the clubhouse. It was great this year that the weather was a little overcast because then the pool wasn't busy. So much fun!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Koen Baptism Pictures

My favorite person Amber took Koen's baptism pictures! I love how they turned out! He is such a handsome kid and I am so proud he choose to be baptized!

Monday, June 23, 2014

a wonderful father

I could say it again and again but it is so true! Phil is such a great dad. I feel so blessed that my kids have him, and blessed that I get to parent with him. Happy Fathers Day Phil!

Family Pictures 2014

in case anyone forgot I love my photographer: Amber Smith at Pea Junie Photography