Thursday, March 20, 2014

Today is the day for the wearing of the green....

Happy St Pats!

The leprechaun visited us this year, leaving goodies in our shoes as usual. :)
 All things green including pancakes and milk....
 Brigs put this tattoo on and said it was for Cora...
Don't worry....we all wore green, didn't want to get pinched

The next day from Koen....
Koen: "mom two reasons you are the leprechaun"
Me: (coming out of the other room)....o-k
Koen: (points at the two remaining green sodas hidden behind my dresser) "that and that"

Oh Man!!! Little snoopy eyes don't miss anything! We discussed the leprechaun but luckily it was only that. He said it was "really fun over the years" and asked if he'd get to do that for his kids. He is such a good kid. I was really worried when Brigs picked the book Here Comes Peter Cotton tail right after but then Koen came up to me when Brigs wasn't around and said "so that's why there isn't a leprechaun in Rise of the Guardians." Good observation. :) Hopefully we can get another year.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Myla {5th Month}

*4 months appt weighed 12.39 lbs 23% and was 22.56 in 4%

* I mentioned to my ped that she would not sleep in her bed and slept so much better in the swing and she suggested I put her in her bed and stop swaddling her! WHAT?! I couldn't take away everything she loves, haha but from that point on she has slept in her bed. The transition wasn't even as bad as I thought it would be. :)

*celebrated Valentines with festive clothing ta boot!

*mastitis occurred this month for mom. Poor girl. lots of snuggles and rest eased the pain.

*loves her hands...TOO much. The love just keeps growing. We have found her multiple times with fingers in. Sometimes while driving she will be fussing and then all the sudden I will hear her just smacking around on those fingers!

*I keep pushing the bink. She just loves to suck so much. She has been waking up at night for it though. grrr. I am thinking it might have to go. I just feel bad cause she loves it so much. I have to remind myself she will love it so much when she is 3 and taking it away too. :)

*Rolls from belly to back 2/11 but honestly Brigs is a little too wild for her to be on the floor much. I am always worried the kid is gonna squash her! She gets her floor time mostly in the pack n play.

*Smiles a ton....laughing is hard to come by

*She moves a lot while on her back but isn't really trying to roll yet, which I am totally fine with. :)

*first road trip! Which was a scary endeavor considering she hates the car! haha She did so much better than I thought and I really feel like now she isn't half as bad in the car regularly.

*My little miss has become quite content. She is getting so much more chill. She loves to play in her saucer or under her play gym and sometimes she is so quite I forget she is there!
 *takes a bottle with minimal coaxing now, but still prefers it to be given by me. :)

*really started grabbing at toys 2/27

*totally taking a liking to the saucer. This girl loves to stand!

*much more consistent this month. Really nailed down 3 naps. 2 2 1/2-3ish hour ones and then a short cat nap of like an hour in the evening. No more fussy time!

*mostly back to the 4 hour eating schedule and mostly still eats on one side per feed. Her sleeping is about the same one regular waking except for random nights when she keeps waking for the bink, what gives?