Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Baby Shower

I was super anti doing any sort of shower before baby was born. The last thing I wanted to do was take back a bunch of stuff I had hoped to use. So, My best friends {Stacie, Brook and Laura} threw me a shower the week after she was born.

There were so many people there and Miss Myla and I got super spoiled! She is gonna be the best dressed kid around! Thanks so much to everyone who came and for all of your love and support. And of course a huge thanks to the best friends a girl could ask for, the shower was fabulous!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Soccer Stars

The little men in our family played soccer again this fall. Koen has gotten to really enjoy it and does a great job at defense. He would play the position in front of the goaly and had no fear with 10 kids running straight at him. He did awesome! Brigs did so much better this year too. Although I think his foot touched the ball less than I can count on one hand he actually got out there and ran around which was a definite step up from last year! All until he was "just so tired!" silly kid. Good strong work boys!

Guess I really slacked in the picture taking dept. whoops! I love the pic of Ko with the soccer ball in his shirt. He stuck it up there and said "hey mom, I look like you!" Love that kid.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Coming home

Myla and I stayed in the hospital for 3 days. My recovery was great. Each time it has gotten easier but this time seemed to be a breeze. I didn't even have to do the hunched over walk (if you've had a section you know) and really had very minimal pain, until my milk came in(night 2). haha Funny how that is so much worse than having MAJOR surgery for me!

We were super shocked that Myla didn't need Bili lights. All of kids have had jaundice and needed them. Our blood incompatibility causes jaundice so we planned on her for sure needing them. She didn't at all. Because of that we were able to go home Sunday instead of Monday like I had originally planned.

I got up and got all showered and around 10:30 AM Phil and the kids came to pick us up. I had found this little outfit for Myla on Etsy and knew it was what I wanted to bring her home in (still hoping that was gonna happen) It was almost $40 for the headband and dress. Lucky for me my fabulous mother said she could and would make it! It turned out just how I wanted and she looked so adorable! Thanks Mom!

 Our first day home was great. The night, not so much. haha I feel like the first night home without the nursery is always a kicker! She was up almost all night, pretty back wards. Good thing she is so darn cute. We are so happy to have her here and safe even if she keeps us up!
{My recovery} updated 5 weeks out (more for me, incase I ever do this again! haha)
This has been my easiest recovery so far. Not sure if it is because I was so active during the pregnancy or just because it was my 4th time. 5 days after my c- section I was forgetting to take my medicine because I wasn't having any pain. I called Dr L to see if I should still be taking ibuprofen and he said yes just for inflammation, so I took it for 5 more days. By 1 week my engorgement had subsided and I felt normal again. I was 10 lbs up from my pre-pregnancy weight. Around 3 weeks I started having a little pain in my incision but it only lasted about 5 days and was controlled with motrin. I got the go ahead to lift weights at 3 weeks but haven't done a ton because I am still pretty exhausted. I honestly can't believe it has only been 5 weeks. I have felt really normal since about 1 week out.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Hospital Stay

Our hospital stay was lovely. When they called to do the survery on my care and stay I wondered if they thought I was bugging cause I kept giving 10s and "very goods" on everything. I had the best nurses. One of my nurses was the one I labored and delivered with on Brigs. I love her! I had her 2 nights and one day. Both nights she kept Myla and kept people out so I could sleep. Thank you Heather! haha 
  We had visitors every day but didn't end up with pictures of many of them. We were so excited for Nana to come and see and hold Miss Myla. So refreshing to hold our baby with no tubes and wires. We all just kept crying happy tears. ♥
 Our kids visited daily. Huge thanks to my mom for being so helpful with them. She would take them home at night so Phil could stay with us a little longer. And also to Gina, Brook and my inlaws. It is so nice to know that our kids are in good hands and having fun. I know they were sure glad knowing it wasn't going to be months of pawning them off like last time. ;)

 Phil and I had the couples dinner on Saturday night. I crack up at these pictures because I look like I am ready for our formal dinner in my sleeveless dress! lol I will say these night gowns were my best "for hospital" purchase. So comfy, convienent for a catheder and the buttons made for easy nursing. Any who the dinner was nice and really the only food that was very good. That was about the only thing that didn't get a "10" on the survey, the food! haha

 Overall a great stay in the hospital. I love Alta View. I love the nurses there! Way too many late nights chatting cause they are so fun! haha I love my doctor. It really was such a great experience. One we had thought over time and time again wondering how it would go. I will say it couldn't have gone better!

Delivery Day

We were scheduled to deliver at 7:30 AM, which meant we needed to be there at 5:30. The afternoon before the charge nurse called me and said that I needed to come in and have my blood work done...annoying. Not like I didn't have a million things I wanted to get done, soccer and Phil was at work until the evening. I was texting with my friend, who would be my nurse the next day, and mentioned to her that I had to go over and she told me not to worry about it just to make sure I was there on time. I guess they had started telling people the night before because they would not come on time in the morning. Great, I thought, one less thing to do.

Gina came and got our kids to sleep over there about 7:30 and we were able to try and relax with some friends as we went out a got a treat at wingers. Who knew when I would be able to eat again. ;) When we got home I was stressin that I needed to mop and Phil wanted to lift so we didn't get to bed til about midnight. That makes for a short sleep...if you can sleep haha. Phil was pretty nervous and I don't think he slept much at all. For some reason I was just kinda chill. I don't know why but I honestly felt like I didn't feel anything. Probably some sort of underlying defense mechanism.

4 am and we were up and at em. At 5 right as we were about to leave the nurse called and asked if I had come in the night before for my blood work. I of course told them no and that Katie my nurse had said this morning would be fine. The nurse told me they were just worried about cross matching my blood because of my antibodies! DUH!!! I totally didn't even think of this and Katie totally forgot that I had these.
39 weeks 1 day
We got there at 5:30 AM, blood drawn, massive IV started after blowing one vein {I'm still sore and bruised from both} and then within a half an hour realized we weren't going to be going into surgery at 7:30. It would take time to cross match my darn blood. I am sure we had the same issue last time I delivered but because I had a dr appt the day before I had gone down and done my blood work, allowing them more time to get my blood matched. Whoopsie. We were throwing everyone's schedule off. I felt bad, Katie felt bad and we weren't sure when we were gonna have a baby. And Phil was anxious. ;)

My doctor came in being all sorts of dramatic saying he only had his assistant until 10 and we may not have a baby til lunch time, evening or maybe even tomorrow!!! WTH?!?! Phil was dying saying I should have just come in last night and stressing about waiting. I felt pretty bad but still felt really calm. It was so nice to have Katie there though just to have someone to talk to and pass the time. It could have felt even longer without her there.

I think they were able to cross match my blood and get it to the hospital by about 9 am. At that point they had taken the girl who was supposed to go after me in and so we thought it'd be about 9:30ish when we went back.  Unfortunately that girl's husband passed out in the OR. And then they nicked her bladder because of scar tissue and had to repair that. It was well after 10 when she was done and we were stuck waiting....more. Because now my doc had no partner.

There were still a series of hold ups; finding a doctor, said doctor delivering another baby, anesthesia getting called to place epidural as we were ready to head back, waiting to cut for assistant doctor to come down from office etc. The hold ups just kept coming. I said if this is my "story" then that's fine. I always think I wont have one and always do so I'll take this rather than something after.

We finally were under way shortly after 11. I had my mirror and was watching. I think Phil and I were chatting when I thought I heard Dr L say "I think this is bladder, there is just a lot of scar tissue, is this uterus?" That caught my attention. Excuse me you can't tell what things are in there?!?! EEK! He told me he wasn't going to be able to use the little device he used last time because he could only get about a 5inch view on the uterus. He also told me he couldn't tie my tubes if he wanted to (we had filled out the paperwork incase things didn't look good) because he couldn't see them. Great.

Once we got passed all the scar tissue we had a baby in just a few moments. It was the most joyous sound as we were all holding our breathe and our sweet little girl screamed at the top of her lungs! It was seriously and amazing moment. I think it somewhat shock and awe because I wanted to cry but couldn't. We were so happy. Our pediatrician is on maternity leave but scheduled one of her partners to be during to delivery to asses baby. She checked her off and said she looked perfect. We couldn't have been happier or more grateful.

After I got all stitched up and headed out to recovery Katie said "hear that baby screaming, yep that's yours!" haha she just didn't stop. She was letting us know she was her and her lungs were working perfectly. They brought her to me and I was able to nurse her there in recovery. And she was like a pro, knew exactly what she was doing. I have never had my baby in recovery so that was nice.
Katie and Rachel-two of my favs wheeled me back to my room which was decorated so sweetly by Katie. Seriously, how nice is that? She even had a sweet little outfit all ready for Miss Myla after her bath. :) I honestly don't remember a whole lot of the rest of the day. It's all kind of a blur, like "did this happen?" The morphine makes me totally out of it and the lack of sleep doesn't make it much better.
 I know the kids came and they were there when she got bathed for the first time, which she LOVED.

I have a love hate relationship with this picture. I sure wish Pierce was here and I could have a picture of my complete family. :(

I threw up constantly from the time I got back to my room til the time I went to bed. Just nonchalantly in my little bag while my visitors stood by! lol Apparently Zophran is a must for me. I also had a lot of bleeding from my incision which I have never had before, just grateful it came out and didn't pool elsewhere. ;) Also being so tired I frequently laid my head down, closed my eyes, and took "a little nap."

I think that was all the exciting news for that day, what a relief. We were both so happy, shocked, grateful and truly so excited!