Monday, May 30, 2011

Preschool Graduate!

I am so glad that Phil went to support Koen at graduation. It was something he had really been looking forward to. I was sad I couldn't go. Missy went in my place. :) Koen participated in the Caterpillar congo and for doing so got a bug collecting kit! It is a hit! There were also balloons and cupcakes for the graduate!

He has loved Apple Blossom Academy and his teachers there!

Pierce's Birth

Pierce was born via planned cesarean on Wednesday May 25th. We were scheduled for 12:30. We had to be there at 10 AM. We sent Koen off to school with Laura and dropped Brigs by Kirstie's. When we got there they set me all up with the monitors in a L & D room. Phil and I had no idea what to expect seeing how I have labored with both the other two. Things seemed to be going so smoothly.

When they got the monitors on P was moving around like a crazy man, which is not normal for him. The nurse joked..."I think he knows he is getting evicted." At noon they took me back to the OR, just walked myself right in and hopped up on the table. I had the wonderful Dr Waterfall for my anesthesiologist (had him with B too) and he gave me my first spinal. It was great. Within 15 minutes I was numb.
He offered me a mirror to watch the surgery! SO COOL! He said about 90% of women say no, but not me! :) I thought it was so cool watching. I got to see him cut out my out scar and toss it away. Then put this weird thing inside my belly that holds all your other organs out of the way (rather then taking them out as some have) I didn't get a clear shot of the babe coming out cause the one Doc was blocking my view...I surely let him know of that. Dr L showed him to me after he was out with only one measly cry. I really didn't realize anything was the matter I think because I was so enthralled in watching him stich me up. (my doc doesn't use staples because he is a "boy scout and proud of his sewing skills" :) The nurse said they were going to take him to the nursery because he wasn't breathing very well and Phil followed.

 When I was in recovery I didn't think much about the breathing, thinking he probably just needed a minute to get going. Then my pediatrician came in to talk to me about it and it was really a complete blur. I think I was on a morphine high. haha Things didn't really set in until I got back to my room at 2:30 and realized I hadn't seen Phil since surgery and he hadn't been out to update my mom either.
Shortly there after I could feel my legs enough to stand and get in a wheel chair, so they took me down to the nursery. There they were still having to give him CPAP to have him breath. Our ped said he looked like he had a case of immature lungs and or infection. She told us he would likely have to be transferred.

At about 4 I was able to walk down to the nursery on my own and watched as life flight came and took over. They prepped baby P for the short helicopter ride to Primary Childrens with utmost care. They didn't actually leave until after 6:30. They intubated him and gave him surfactant while stabilizing him for the flight. Phil parents have a good friend who works for life flight and she happen to be "in the neighborhood" and came over to help. It was nice to have her there and get all the scoop from her.

Around 6:30 life flight took my baby and Phil headed out to see Koen graduate from preschool. At that point I was alone and pretty much in shock. I felt great after the surgery but it was so strange to be babyless.
to be cont....

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Baby Pierce

Please pray for our sweet baby Pierce. 
He was born on Wednesday May 25 at 12:37. He weighed 6 lbs 13 oz.and was 19 inches long. When he came out he could not and would not breathe. A few hours later after trying multiple things to get his lungs going life flight came, intubated him and prepared him for the flight to Primary Childrens. He is still up there fighting hard. He can use all the prayers he can get! Thanks!

Friday, May 20, 2011

One hand.

I can count how many days I have left on one hand...eek. I can't really believe it is already here, time as flown on by. I also think it is so weird that if I wouldn't have miscarried I would already have a two month old. That is just craziness considering I cant even believe how close B and P are going to be already. 

I feel like I am ready to just roll, lets do it, but I have been having a lot of anxiety lately. I feel like my hormones are shifting. I have been ready to cry at the drop of the hat, on edge and tired. If you aren't on Facebook, this is my status today. It kinds sums things up...

Today has been a day of choices for me. Choosing to be happy, choosing to be patient and choosing to be unemotional. Even though I feel like being all the opposite. So far it is turning out in my favor. :) Life is all about choices. :) :)

I definitely haven't been getting enough sleep lately. It is hard for me to go to bed early because I look forward to my alone time at night. Then Phil gets home late and we haven't spent anytime together so of course I want to see him. I am a sleepy person. I need lots of it. Especially at the end of pregnancy. Which then just makes me think of how little sleep I will likely be getting in 5 short nights.

Koen has been interesting the last few days or maybe a week.saying weird things, doing weird things and just not being his normal self. I know he is probably just sensing the change but it sure makes it hard to imagine life with another one when I feel like I don't even know what is going on with him.

Brigs I am happy to report has gotten better than ever lately, if you exclude church. He is really increasing his vocabulary which helps with the screaming. He is still very headstrong and temperamental, but most things he does and everything he says is just so cute. I am sad he wont be my baby anymore. I want to hold and snuggle him all I can right now. I think it will be really hard not to be able to pick him up for 2 weeks. I feel like he is losing his baby status prematurely.   

I always wonder how people have kids so close together. I never felt anything but excitement when I was expecting Brigs. I couldn't wait to hold a new baby, I was ready for no sleep, I was ready to have a little baby depend on me, ready to give up a huge piece of the "me" factor. This time I feel much more anxious about the whole thing. I have never felt ready this time around, but when we decided to get pregnant felt like it was "time." For me it has been a very different feeling. I think it is requiring a lot of faith from me right now to know that this is the right thing for our family and that I can do it. I just have a little self doubt. :) and probably a little selfishness. :( 

This post is turning out to be a little more raw than I had planned for. Sorry, I guess I need to get it off my chest. I have been trying so hard to not think about things and push away my emotions. I know things will work out, I just wanna be sane for the ride. ;) 

Here is a pic from a couple days ago. I was 38 weeks and a few days. Wednesday is the day. 

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Happy Mothers Day

Mother's day was a good day. We did our usual Sunday activities: church, nap dinner with family. We went to my Mom's for dinner. It was great and fun to spend time with my mom and sisters on such a special day. We then stopped by Phil's parents to see his mom.This picture with my kids is great. You know it is a problem when the best picture is one where you are making a goofy face. eek. Then there is my mom with all the grandkids and my mom with her kiddos. I am looking seriously rough. Lets say fat and sitting down combined is not a good look on me. LOL