Friday, December 31, 2010

Ring in the New Year

For New Years Eve we went to Eric and Stacey's. I almost forgot to take a single pic until it was after midnight. I am glad I at least got these two. We were lucky enough to go with out kids and we had a great time! Heres to 2011!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas Card 2010


It is crazy to think another year has gone by, time flies too quickly. We have been in our house for over a year now and although it seems we still have much we want to do, what we have done has come together nicely.

*Phil & Alesha- We put in our backyard this year, went to Orlando for a week and on a Mediterranean cruise both kid free.  Phil is still working as manager of Harmons Orem & is the membership clerk at church which keeps him busy in a growing ward like ours. I am still manager of the home J, a part time student and an achievement days leader which has proven to be one of my favorite callings yet.
*Koen- He turned 4 this year with a major Spiderman bash. He is enjoying preschool with his favorite teacher Mrs. Sarah and his best friend Tessa. He tried out T-ball and Soccer this year which were both on and off hits. He loves swimming, rhyming, singing, cars, and being a fix it man. He has an awesome imagination which keeps things exciting.
*Brigs- He is a busy little 18 month old. He loves to climb on everything! He is turning into quite the little signer which makes communicating nice and is also learning new words all the time.  He rocks the 3rd percentile for height and 4th for weight, making him a cute little tyke. He is still a huge mama’s boy and seems to put on the whine when I am not carrying him around and catering to his every need. Good thing he is so darn cute with those dimples. J

We hope all is going well with our friends and family, near and far this year. Hopefully we can all remember our Savior this Christmas time and know that he is the reason for the season. We are grateful for our knowledge of him.

With love, The Olsen’s

Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Time means Laughter

We had a great Christmas weekend. Phil was off the whole weekend which is nice, considering we aren't always so lucky.
For Christmas Eve we went to Phil's Aunts for dinner. It was his Aunt's family, his Mom and Dad, Grandparents Miss, BJM(2) and us. We had a delicious dinner of soups in bread bowls and enjoyed each others company. Brigs enjoyed a Lofthouse cookie (or more so the frosting) for dinner among his other yummy choices (pretzels, fruit snacks and milk) Also note Koen's preferred faces in most of the pics, I opted to join him one time.

After we got done there we headed home to put the boys to bed. Britton and Brady came with us to hang out and play some games.  Our fam opened the traditional Christmas jammies and made some cookies for Santa.

Missy came over too and we had a fabulous time playing some new games B&B had. Miss left and the other  2 helped us deliver the goods. Santa was good to us this year.
I felt like I was a child that night and hardly sleep at all. I think I was just so excited for Koen. I woke up and started reading my self some what at 8:30 since no one else was up. Koen came in close to 9 and had momentarily forgot it was Christmas. Then he remembered and couldn't get down here soon enough. Lucky for him B woke up so after seeing how I wouldn't let him miss it like last year. Brigs sweet sleepy face, I couldn't resist posting it. Also have to get a pic on the stairs.

I hate that I didn't have Phil on camera duty cause I was more interested in videoing Koen's reaction and didn't take many pics. boo...heres what we have.

After we opened presents and ate breakfast we headed to Phil's parents house for the day. We always have a good time spending the day there. Opening gifts, reading Christmas letters, and chatting the day away.

Nothing like the holidays and spending time with the people who are important to us! It was such ha great Christmas. 

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The busy month of far.

December is always a busy but fun time and its been no different this year.

*Koen's preschool program- Dec 1st I didn't get any pics of him because I am a HUGE space cadet and forgot my camera, Phil may have one on his phone. He was beyond cute up there with his little reindeer antlers on singing his heart out. He memorized his part and even added his own little flare changing it from "C is for children who love him so well" to "C is for children who love him VERY well" He wouldn't say it any other way. This was a first in preschool programs for him, although he was practiced up after his first primary program a few weeks before. He also waited in line to see Santa for the 3rd time so far. He told him he wanted a bumble bee pillow pet, walkie talkies, chapstick can and beds and houses for other people. Brigs as you can see LOVES Santa. Funny because Koen at his age didn't even mind.
*Ward party- Dec 4th It was nice to have ours early on in the month so it didn't conflict with other events. We had dinner a cute primary talent show and Santa. Of course Koen thought it necessary to see him for the 4th time. I thought this was necessary for B to earn the candy cane! By this time Koen was use to B's antics and managed a smile. PERFECT!
*Forgotten Carols- Dec 7th My mom loves the forgotten carols and gets tickets every year, we choose to go about every other. It was the day we found out we were having baby boy #3 and it was rough for me. I enjoyed having this to go to and to think about something else. :) Its always a good time. No pics.
*Peterson Bowling- Dec 10th I think bowling with Phil's moms side of the family is such a great tradition. We go to their country club and eat, bowl and chat. B was a slight bit of a nightmare and only wanted to knock the pins down first hand, but Phil managed to bowl one handed while holding him, which was good enough for B. :)

*Breakfast with the Santa Cow- Dec 11th We decided it would be fun to head over to Chick fil A with Laura and Brook and kids since all our pharmacist hubbies were working. We ended up staying the whole two hours. They had an all you can eat breakfast, dancing with Santa cow, a wheel to spin for prizes, a craft and lots of fun!

*Schools End- Dec 13th I finished cool for the semester and for at least a year. I am applying for Nursing and Dental Hygiene right now. Hopefully I will start in an actual program in 2013, but before then I will have one class to take and need to get my CNA. It was a nice day. Phil told Koen I was done with school for a long time and so Koen asked me about it wondering if I had to go back after Christmas. I told him I didn't have to and he was like "why do I? I think I need more family time." LOL I am sure Phil told him I would have more family time not going! haha
*Temple Square Lights- Dec 16th This is the 2nd year in a row I have wondered why we choose to do this. haha We always say for the kids, but I dont think it is worth it to them. I think we will pass next year. Maybe when they are all a little older. However it is a nice excuse to be around the temple as a family, and for that I am grateful. Maybe we'll have to take a temple trip, mid summer, during the evening, that sounds nice. This pictures are a slight bit creepy! We need a new camera!

*MOTAB concert- Dec 17th We lucked out and scored tickets to the Motab concert with David Archuleta. It was pretty fab. I love his voice, as a matter of fact I am listening to him now, and really enjoyed it. I did decide I wouldn't have liked it if it wasn't him. He made it for me.
 *Extended Peterson Party and Lovell Family Party- Dec 18th The Peterson party was in the afternoon so we stopped by for a quick visit. Always fun to chat with fam. Then we headed to my parents house for the Lovell party. It is always full of exciting things. Drawings for awesome prizes, Hawaiian haystacks, gingerbread houses, presents, bell playing, carol singing, and this year Christmas song pictionary. My dad knows how to keep the kiddos entertained. I didn't get many pictures but here are a few. I was really proud of my house since I don't usually make one.

My kids got a train table from my parents and the box was just as exciting as the table....Guess who is inside?

Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!