Friday, November 13, 2009

I'm suprised I dont have a coldsore!

Man life has been a crazy whirl wind the past few weeks with all the house planning and prep. We have been over there numerous times, found numerous mistakes in process that we have had to have them fix, showed a million people are soon to be home, done loan stuff, picked out furniture(we sold almost everything in Erie), blinds, appliances(HARDEST/WORST part of the whole thing, don't get me started) and all the while still trying to be mom/dad, spend some quality time with the kiddos, school for me, work for Phil, and PACKING! (wow that was a serious run on sentence!) And this my friends is when I usually get a cold sore, lets hope not!
So here are some important notes and some random pics!

*Halloween was obviously a huge thing that happened. We spent the day up at This is the Place Heritage Park with my family. It was really fun, but Ko started not feeling good while we were there. When we got home he had a fever and was really not feelin hot(I guess he actually was, haha). I felt so bad because his cousins where all here and leaving to go trick or treating and he was so sad. He told me he wanted to go so I pushed him around the block in the stroller and collected his candy for him. I was glad he was able to go because he was SO into it this year!
(Don't worry I don't have any pics from that day because I couldn't find my camera, I am waiting for them from my mom who is Mexico!)
*Koen got a major owie! Kinda weird actually, I was about to leave for school and he tripped and fell on the stairs, he didn't hit anything other than the stairs but he was bleeding profusely! Later when we looked at it it was a really bad cut, and has also now resulted in a dead front tooth. I guess it must be the cement under the stairs. OUCH! It was funny though because he wouldn't eat any of his candy until it got better!

The "black tooth" just like his mama!

*Phil is officially at the Orem Harmons now, two weeks after he started there he applied for the manager position. We found out he got that and he starts in a week! Yahoo Phil, congrats. It is so funny to me because he is so excited to be "pushed and learn" I am so the opposite, after all that school I think I'd rather sit and be stagnant! haha I think it will be just what the Dr(Phil) ordered! Good Job Philly!

*We taken some time to enjoy the nice days we have been having off and on! I love Fall, I just wish it didn't inevitably turn into winter!

Koen is super into puzzles, and really good at them too! He probably really put together half of this 100 piece puzzle by himself! I have a feeling we ought to buy some of these for winter!

*But like I said MOSTLY we have been doing stuff for the house. We close next Friday! We are so excited, it is coming right along. Here are a few pictures I took one day last week. It was before they had taken the stuff off the tile and before they switched out our fixtures(they put in all the wrong plumbing and light fixtures) but it will do for those who have been pressuring me for pics ;)! And sorry I didn't take any upstairs, I don't know why? And for those who asked it is in Riverton.

Kitchen and dinning room, disregard the random piece of wood not up around the fridge. Also you can see the door to the guest bed and bath in the right upper corner.
Closer up of the floor and counters. Our plumbing fixture is the same, just brushed nickel instead of the bronze. Which as a side note I wish they wouldn't have put the wrong ones in, it made me question my choice cause I really liked the way those looked!
Family room and a little of the dinning
Entry hall and stairs up and living room off to the right.

*Ok now I always get people telling me Brigs and Koen are identical....What do you think?

In my opinion they totally resemble each other, but they each have there own look! Brigs is for sure MUCH chubbier!