Friday, October 30, 2009

Our home!

We are MOVING!

We have been looking for a home for a few months now and had not really been finding anything we liked in our price range. The first day we went out we went to a new development and loved both of the spec homes we saw(minus their details). When we would go look at existing homes and have no luck we would think more about building our own home in the new developing neighborhood.
So we decided to make an appt with the design center to go in and find out how much the home would be with the upgrades we wanted. When we got there they told us that one of the homes in process' contract had fallen through and it was available again. (Phil had inquired about this house because its finish date would allow us to qualify for all the grant money)
So we found out what upgrades we would still be able to do and it was almost everything and decided to go look through this style of home one more time to make sure we liked it. (We were actually going to build a different model) After we finished there we went out with our agent to a few other homes and then to one of the spec homes again and felt really good about it! That night we went under contract!
Our house is supposed to be done in less than 3 weeks and we are scheduled to close 3 weeks from today! We are so excited. It actually happened a lot faster than we thought it would especially because we were considering starting to build right now(move in in March) and not liking any existing homes to move anytime soon!
We sure hope that this home and neighborhood will be a good fit for us!

Halloween Town!

October is always a fun and busy month, all though this time around it didn't seem as busy. We didn't get out and do as much cause I think I am a little nervous about my kids getting H1N1. Here are some things we did do!!

The "arm crank" is def not one of Brigs favs...I love his total frown though!

Libby and Grandpa

Lucy and Koen

Nae & Lydia and Grandma & Brigs

Claire and Frank
Lucy Claire and Henry
Whitters and Kirst
Jeff helping Frank with his masterpiece
Sis and I...whose is better????
Phil's grandparents always throw a Halloween party, it is always a highlight! Too bad Phil had to work this time around!
The Devil and Thomas!
The single mom fam!
Changed his mind and went for the Dr!
Cute boys!
Love this little teddy bear!
All the Olsen Clan!
Phil taken Ko around in the parade!

Best part of the night! A set of cool teeth!
We went to Thriller a couple nights ago with Steve and Laura, so fun! And such a fun little date with no kiddos!

Aren't you supposed to be scared of Zombies?

Gina and Mr Incredible!
Cupcake walk!
Only the best pic we could get of the two of them! haha
Preschool Kids!

Just as a side note, Koen has been saying he wants to be a fire fighter for weeks now! Ever since they learned about them in school! I showed him numerous costumes on line and he didn't like any of them because they didn't have a "tank" So I have been able to talk him into being a Dr or Thomas for 3 parties now (2 costumes I got for $2 bucks each last Nov) do you think it can last for the real deal....

Bath time buddies!

My boys both love taking a bath! Koen never wants to take one with out Brigs and wont let Brigs take one with out him! I am glad that he loves his brother so much! He is always telling him how much he loves him and how cute he is! Love it!

Grow baby grow!

Brigs is 4 months! Why did Sept and Oct almost feel as though they didn't happen? They both went by in the blink of an eye for me and that is how my baby growing is going. :(
October 16th

Weight: 13 lbs 7 ounces 35%
Length: 23.5 inches 6% (little shorty, hopefully he has a growth spurt in store!)
Head: 16.5 inches 25%

He has started to be the best little baby now! I love his smiles and giggles and is always really happy unless it is time to sleep, which he is still very particular about. He naps a lot better now and still sleeps great at night! takes 3, 2 hour naps and sleeps 9 straight at night plus 3 more after an early morning feed!
At 4 months he is now bringing toys to his mouth and loving to play with them. And he is in love with the jumper!
We are still aiming for this....
Over the finger sucking and so far he is not attached to either, which is fine by me!
He loves this toy and tummy time!
Ko loves to join him!

Party in the USA

Don't worry I won free Miley Cyrus tickets and they wouldn't let me give them away so I went, and I am not ashamed to say I liked it! Laura came with me, and I kept telling her we could have passed for teenagers except for her preggo belly totally "dated" us! haha (that's what I always thought about my belly last semester in school) Anyway it was a totally fun girls night out! Thanks for joining me Laur!
Flying around the audience on a motorcycle...pretty cool
She loves the "hip tap"

Looking so excited to be there, the real reason we look so "happy" is because we are laughing our butt off because I had previously taken the bellow pic.....


Forgot to take off the zoom! Too funny! Good times!

Hanging with Friends!

A couple weeks ago we had two playdates...or babysitting, but I like to have kiddos come over to play every so often it keeps Koen entertained! One day we had Tess and Beck over and the next Bevs. Ko loved it!
This is how I entertain kids...Popsicles and as many as you want!

Sad this pic is blurry they were being so cute. It made me excited for when Brigs gets a little bigger. It was the first time that Beck and Ko played.

Bevin is literally in love with babies, or maybe just Brigs. ;) She gets excited to see him and want to hold him. She is so stinkin cute. I love having her over....I literally want to smooch her face all day. And she is SO good.
Told you that how I babysit!

Ko's cousins also came to visit we had a little movie madness, I got them all snacks and a drink and set them up watching little mermaid! Then I studied and supervised! haha