Sunday, September 27, 2009

Zing Zang Zoom

Its the circus folks and it was a first for all of us.
Phil: dog act and tigers
Koen: elephants and tigers
Alesha: the acrobats of course! There were 3 different ones I LOVED!
Brigs: probably when it ended. ;) then the loudness stopped.

I was rather nervous to take Brigs but he was actually really good. He has a hard time with loud noises and so I figured he would scream the whole time, like he did at the truck pull at the fair, but the loud constant seemed to be better. He even took a bottle, and from ME with no hesitation. Which you may not know has been a huge struggle lately, him taking bottles while I am at school. He was so tired by the end he totally crashed as soon as we walked out.

Phil carried the little on the whole time!
The fam at intermission. Def a good picture of the
Koen got slightly restless near the end, but enjoyed dancing and swinging around in the aisle.
Brigs was totally asleep like this when we walked out and all the way to the car. Of course as soon as I got out my camera his little eyes popped open!

Opps I did it again....

I've created another finger sucking baby. I've tried and I've tried, swaddled him tight, wore the hand covering jammies, and forced the paci. It is all to no avail.

Brigs is a little more than 3 months.

This is Koen soon after he found his thumb around 4 months.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Pics from summer

Here is a bunch of random pics from summer! Sad summer is over I love it! But like some may have heard me say, if I cant go swimming anymore than it needs to cool down! The last few days have been nice!
Love his so cute face

Erie peeps, do you kinda think he looks like Zane Snedekar in this pic? It reminds me of him.
Koen has turned into a budding photographer! I obviously want the camera back. lol (it looks like I am taking this of myself, I assure you I did not)
Koen has loved having his BF around. They are seriously brothers. Fight, play, fight some more, cry when it is time to part!

They love Nana's new swingset

More of Koen's photography
Will this be blackmail when they are older? It is so cute right now!
Favorite aunt Missy!
Olsen Cousins, just missing Brigs. I am sure he was sleeping.
Brigs' face is classic.

A little mishap

A couple of weeks ago we went swimming at my sister in law Tanna's house. We picked up Gina and Kade and had a great time swimming. When we got ready to go, I turned the car on to get the air pumping (it was like a million degrees), and then went around to get Brigs out of the stroller and into the car. After putting Brigs in I was folding up the stroller to put it in the trunk. I am on the passenger side, I look over through the car and see Koen with the drivers door open, finger on the lock button. I yell hurriedly "Dont lock the door" as the door is already shutting. Key in the ignition, baby in car, locked doors. Awesome. I was so frustrated with Koen I was shaking.
So we called the Gina's roadside assistance and they said to call the fire department because they do it for free when a child is inside. So a call and a few minutes later here comes a fire truck and a cop car.
There was a fireman, a paramedic and a policeman all "racing" to see who could get it open fast enough. One of the other firefighters informed me that policeman only have a tool that unlocks older cars so when they hear of the chance to "beat the firefighters" they always want to try. It was comical watching them count "on your marks, get set, go" and then race. One of the won, although I cant remember who(can you Gina?) but only by a milisecond.
After they opened it I comforted the distressed Brigs (he was pretty mad) and the firefighters gave the boys a sticker and reminded them that "firefighters rule, cops drool" In the end I hoped that Koen didn't think that was so fun and exciting that he wants to do it again! ;)
Assesing the situtation. My prize possession car, NOT! They made me sign a thing that they would try not to hurt it but it could happen. I told them I would be ticked if they injured my prize possession. Totally not serious. Really this thing is as embarrassing as they come. Did I mention it was $500? That is why we have it.
From the cops face I think maybe he won
Two little firefighters
Awe the cute little prisoner

Silver Lake

As I have previously stated Phil loves to do "things" on his days off. This week we went to Silver Lake. At first it felt great when we got there, but within minutes Koen was saying it was cold and I had the chills. I don't know what we were thinking not bringing jackets. We got inventive with some odds and ends we had in the car. I am sure people thought we were absolutely ridiculous. Hey we were warm.
Phil with the blanket, he later switched for the bigger one on the stroller.
Me with my sling as a shawl.
Wow Koen was the best. We had some clothes in our car to give back to my sister in law, mind you there were for brigs. I think the biggest thing we could find was that 12 month jacket. Phil and I totally kept laughing at him.

It was fun to take a walk around the lake and enjoy the colors changing up in the mountains. We also got to see the new paint job on my mom and dad/brothers cabin and it looks great.

New shirt?

Nope, just still our beloved bean bee.

Saturday, September 19, 2009


A small amount of post overload here but we got our pictures taken with Phil's extended family a couple weeks ago and although that was at an ultimate worst point in this "adding another child to the fam" thing for Koen (he was HORRIBLE) She manged to snap a some what cute pic of our little family. PS I am happy to say that Koen is probably 90% himself again! Thank the heavens!

3 months goes WAY TOO fast!

My baby can not already be 3 months!!! It has gone by entirely too fast. He is no longer a little snuggly newborn. He is so cute right now, and entering my favorite baby age (4-8 months) I am hoping that with him getting bigger (even though I dont want him to) he will be more content. He is an interesting baby. It is almost like he had split personality. He is one baby one week(so happy, great sleeper, content) and another the next(SO fussy, wont sleep). Very interesting. Either way I just love him and seriously want to smooch his face off...and I do! ;)Did I mention that I love his chunky legs?

Isnt he to die for? Smooch.

These smiles make my face do something similar, lol!

Here are some things about Brigs at 3 months:

*rolls from belly to back
*laughs when you tickle him
*doesnt love napping, nor is he good at it
*doesnt like loud noises and is startled easily. He can definitely hear!
*gives out smiles for next to nothing
*wants to be held and talked to most of the time
*is definitely a needier baby than Koen was
*is still much chubbier than Ko was, and wears mostly 3-6. (ko could wear 0-3 till 5 months)

I am experiencing a new feeling that I imagine most of you have, but until this point I have never. I got asked all the time if I felt this feeling so dear but really it never appeared. This feeling I speak of is referred to as "baby hungry" Why oh Why would I feel this feeling now as I ALREADY HAVE a baby?
When I got pregnant with Koen, it definitely wasn't "baby hunger" that drove it, but a feeling that is was time, and a secret desire to try out pregnancy. ;) With the miscarriage and Brigs it also felt like "time" to add to our family.
What is this weird feeling and WHY am I having it already? Dont worry I wont make any drastic decisions at this point in time. I am way to logical to think I could handle two children that close, but I just find it odd that such a feeling would creep in at such a time.....

Phil says it is because I want a

Koen goes to school!

Yahoo for Koen starting preschool. He was so excited and so far has loved it! He is going with his BF/cousin Kade and they go to a place that is literally less than 5 minutes away, it is great. He goes for 2 1/2 hours twice a week. I am enjoying the break in the mornings also since he goes right during Brigs nap time!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Sweet baby Brigs

My sister in law Tanna took some pics of Brigs in his blessing outfit at 2 1/2 months. I have officially hired her to take some pics of him every few months...right Tan? ;) I love them. Sorry it has taken me a little while to finally post them, he is almost 3 months can you believe it? I started school up a couple weeks ago and had scrapbook expo last weekend! BUSY BUSY! And thank you to my most fabulous husband who kept BOTH my kids while I scrapped for the weekend. It was MOST enjoyable.