Monday, May 11, 2009

So this is life...

Things have been rather crazy around our house as Phil has been working his last rotation AND trying to fit another 20 hours a week on top of it at Harmons so we can have insurance when he graduates. I have been finishing up the semester in school (ended last Monday, it has been a glorious week off, although I am still waiting on one of my grades hoping for my 4.0)and trying to keep our house afloat at the same time...trying being the key word. So here is what we've been doing amid the chaos....

*My nephew stayed with my Mom and Dad a few weeks ago, but more so stayed with us...Koen loves him, and we don't mind having him around either.
My dad, Dillian and Koen before church. We also took a pic of our family since we didn't get one on Easter, but I look like a house and refuse to show such. Dresses are so comfortable when prego but so unflattering!

*We managed to fit in the Children's Museum while my sister was here for Easter, that is always a good time, and what makes it better? Having Grandma come!!!

Grandma and Libby
Claire and Koen at the candy store
Nae and Libs making the craft at story time
Going for a ride in the truck

*Koen has been having some quality time with his Grandma and Grandpa. This rotation Phil is on doesn't let him off until 6 and a couple times a week I had school at 5:30, so he loved going up and playing with my parents and eating icecream with grandpa is a highlight. "I like Grandpa's brown icecream" is a common phrase.
My poor dad looks exhausted, who wouldn't be with his schedule?

*Growing bigger and bigger! These pics are when I was 34 weeks! And getting tanner and tanner. I lay out pretty much any day that is warm enough. I figure if I am gonna be large I may as well be tan. I love being tan! LOVE!

*Koen has had some serious cousin time the last few weeks! Lynae and her kids have been up here 3 times in the last 4 weeks and we spent the later part of last week down at their house. (my sis does a scrapbooking night at her house and my mom and I wanted to come for that, we got lots done!! I am only 3 layouts from being completly caught up!)The kids have loved playing out in our backyard on the swing set since it has been so nice. It is cute cause Whitley will swing on the regular swing, Koen and Claire swing together on the glider and Libs plays on the slide. The played outside a ton down at Nae's too. Koen loved seeing all their animals(bunnies and baby lambs) and running through the sprinklers! They are definitely some of his best friends.

However we are looking forward to Koen's cousin Kade moving home and a little brother coming so that Koen has some more boy friends, it is hard when you have 3 little girl cousins to not want to dress up like a princess too....awe
At least he still likes plenty of boy things too. Here he is with his ever growing cars collection! SO proud!

Koen and Whitters
Me and sis

All the kids on Nae's porch down at her house
Koen thought this looked like a fun bike to ride....not so much

Running through the sprinklers at Lynae's neighbors, more like around the sprinkler for Koen

Drying off on the cement

*Mothers Day/Phil's Brirthday. It happens every so often that Phil's birthday lands on Mothers Day I think it works out to be a mediocre day for both of us rather than something fantastic(like lying around and the other one doing everything, cause SOMEONE HAS TO DO SOMETHING), but hey we can handle it every 6 years. We enjoyed spening time with my family and then heading up to see some of his family, even though his parents where out of town!
Me My Gram and My mom
Me and the birthday boy! Ko refused a picture so we shot one of just us two!

*We also got a treadmill, which I am LOVING! I cant wait till I can run on it instead of speed walk. Phil also got a pass to the gym which he is loving!
*Also we added a name poll, tell us which one you like, or if you have another suggestion. WE ARE STRUGGLING!!!