Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Spring Break, here and gone

So my Spring Break was last week and it was heavenly, but over in a flash. It kinda made me wonder why I fill my days with school....oh ya I want a degree(keep reminding myself). It was hard not to loathe this life I had not so long ago of filling my days with hanging with Ko and doing whatever we wanted, but now it is back to the grind. 2 tests in a week, welcome back!
We did however manage some fun things during my off time.
Monday we headed to the Zoo. Some of our friends from Erie are here for a visit and so Ko and I headed to the Zoo with Ash, Jackson, and Grady. The boys had so much fun together and played SO well. The day was beautiful and it was so nice to be outside! While we were there we found out our Erie pass is no longer 100% reciprocal so we had to pay half price! LAME-O, Good thing it expires soon and we can just get one here.
Cracked me up cause Koen and Jackson were on different sides of the carousel, each wanting to ride specific animals!
Jackson and Koen
Koen Grady and Jackson
Of course the train is a must!
Being with Ash and her boys made me really excited to add another boy to my family. I think it will be really fun to have cute little brothers like her boys!

It was nice to have such great weather while I was off. Koen enjoyed riding his bike outside with his little neighbor friend almost everyday and we went walking on the parkway twice. I forgot to get pics of St Patty's day but the Leprechaun visited Koen and filled his little new crocs with a Doc car and a Wingo car and plenty of chocolate coins. He was so excited he dumper out his shoes and said "cool Lepracuan!" I was sad I missed his pricless expression.

Friday started scrapbook expo which I couldn't have been happier about the timing of it. I thought there was no way it would land on my spring break for me to be able to go to Fridays crop, but it did, and I was ecstatic. Mindy watched Ko(gracias) until Phil got off work on Friday and I headed out there with my mom at noon....until midnight. Saturday was 10-6, and Phil took the day off for me to go! Love him. I loved hanging out with the girls! Thanks Ang for scoring us the awesome table. I got about 15, 2 page spreads done and I am only about that many (or a few less) away from having my scrapbook caught up! YAHOO!
This was a group, plus a few more the second day! We had a HUGE line of tables with a big round food table at the end, yum!
Now it is back to life back to reality, even though I only have about a month left of this semester! I cant believe it! Although I am tossing around the idea of attending summer school, I know I am crazy, it will be nice to have this semester under my belt! What better way to come back to reality that Koen being sick as a dog? Poor kid. I know it is kinda sad that I took these pictures but it is too sad and cute at the same time not too. Poor little guy has been watching movies on my bed. with a bucket close by, for the last 3 days.
Cutest thing: as he leans over the toilet he says "Mom can you please clean the toilet it has germs over it"
He totally said cheese and tried to smile, awe.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

What we do....

Our days seem quite monotonious these days as school often pokes its little head into our normal schedule one and sometimes two times a day. Here is a break down of WHAT WE DO!

Clean, exercise, grocery shop or whatever we can fit in before 11:30, then Koen goes to play with Grandma or Aunt Jenn while mom goes to her day class. When Mom gets home it is nap time(most days Ü) and mom studies while Koester sleeps. Then when dad gets home we eat dinner, and then mom goes to school again.

: Koen and I usually try to do something fun on Tuesdays but often times end up staying home to clean up whatever messes have been left since last Tuesday's morning off. I only have school at night on Tuesday and usually have my doctors appts on Tuesday morning too. I have been bringing Koen with me to the Doctor which he finds most interesting, especially the light that moves around the table. I figure if I bring him with me we can usually hit the Aquarium after since we are right there! So we have done that after my last two appts.

Last month we went with Michelle, Seth and Macey. This was the first time Ko touched the star fish in the little "touch area" and he hasn't stopped talking about it since.

We went again yesterday and touching them was the part he couldn't wait for.

Koen waving at the Nemo fishes. Also since we were there last month they had completed a section of it where there are lots of Frog, turtles and aligators. Ko loves this little frog as you can see.

I tried to get a good picture with him and the jelly fish since I think they are so cool, but alas he is 3(basically). He thought this information desk looked a lot like thing the lady at church uses to led the music so he stood up to it and sang his little heart out.

Drivin the boat, hopefully one day he will be able to drive our boat! Ü

And the blessed THURSDAYS! They are my day of NO school! Too bad the one night I have off from school Phil works every other week. During the day I always try to find somewhere to go with Ko since I feel like he used to get everyday of "what does Koen want to do today?" and now that is like a once a weeker. We have been feeling our Thursdays with Discovery Gateway, Story time at the Library, feeding the ducks and play dates.

This was Koen's first experience eating snow. He brought some snow in from outside and I told him he better put it in a cup before it melted, and then asked him if he tried it. He looked at me funny then proceeded to do just as I mentioned, and was instantly a fan.

Last Thursday we went to Discovery Gateway with Michelle and Kids! Koen and Macey loved the bikes and cars.

I think Koen could have spent the whole day driving and gasing up the car.

What is Koen's face, that must be an intense horse ride. Yes he wore his rain boots cause as I mentioned above it snowed that morning, and he insisted.

The water area is always a hit.

It was Dr Suess week so they had story time. Michelle and I joined in the fun with our hats. Basically the boys didnt like the story but more so running around the large room!

SATURDAYS: Phil works all the day long so Ko and I are all alone. It seems we do random odds and ends on Saturday but nothing ever very exciting.

SUNDAYS: Church of course and a lesson for one of us. Koen loves nursery and we are surprisinlgy loving 1 PM church.


In all of the madness we do try to sneak some family time in! Last week we actually went out to dinner twice(not that going out is necessarily a good health choice, but it allows us family time) On Tuesday after my Anatomy lab midterm we went out to celebrate me being done with my never ending studying for that exam, and on Thursday Phil had the night off so we went to Texas Roadhouse! YUM! I do however have to brag for a moment because I am really proud of myself, I have pulled A's on all 3 of my exams so far(Anatomy, Anatomy Lab and Chemistry) I am so happy I literally want to shout from the roof tops! haha

I had to post all of these cause you would think after taking 4 pictures you could get a decent one, guess not huh?

Koen riding the saddle at Texas Roadhouse and Phil wanted me to take a picture of this armadillo because he said that is exactly what it looked like when he was served it in Uruguay, minus the bottle.

So that is our life. Busy but mostly enjoyable.

Few other tidbits:
*Everything is looking great with the baby still. He is a crazy maniac who never quits moving, and still does not have a name(although Koen and Phil "argue" about this on an almost daily basis) I had my glucose test yesterday and that came back great, but of course my iron is low, whats new? I dont have any new pictures but am getting as big as a house. Maybe I will have my mom take some when she gets home from her cruise!(so jealous of that by the way)
*Also next week is Spring Break! Hip hip hooray! I cant wait to have the week off, nor can I wait for Scrapbook Expo!
*Phil has just 2 1/2 more weeks at his current rotation then a one week break and he is on to his final one, which he switched to be back at Jordan Valley Hospital outpaitent where he will have much more time to study and prepare for his boards than he would have in the cardiology Dept at IMC. YAY PHIL!