Monday, April 28, 2008

Found em!

YAHOO! Today Koen was driving me crazy saying he wanted to leave. So we went to the mall. I went to the croc store and lo and behold....

All $24.95 dollars worth. He better wear them alot, and hey since they are tan they could go for our next kid, a girl too...right?(after I gave Gina greif about Kade's $19.99 nikes)

Really and truly this is what he wanted...

Ummm....NO THANKS! In the last few days he has really taken a liking to cars. When we were walking through Sears he saw these and said "crocs off" pointing to his, then "car crocs on" I was like "sorry buddy" I have made a firm promise to myself that characters will stick to underwear and PJ's. Guess I better go find him some cars PJ's.

For my mother...and anyone else

So my mom has been asking me latley how long my hair is...not that A. I dont put pictures of myself on here, or B I am not coming home in a few weeks But I thought I would post a pic of it, for her. We are also having the debate of if my hair is longer or shorter now than when I chopped it off when I got pregnant with Koen. What do you think?

This is the month before I cut it when it was long before. Disregaurd that I am large and lovin it! Ü

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Kids say the darndest things....

A few days ago Koen noticed that I had a cold sore on the bottom of my nose. Everyday since then he has grabbed a tissue and said "wipe off" and tried to wipe my nose for like 5 minutes until he gives up. It cracks me up because he even like pinches it like I do to him. I keep trying to tell him it is a owie, but he just thinks I need my nose wiped. Doesn't he look so concerned about getting it off?
At dinner tonight I was sitting cross legged on my chair. He looked at me and said "mom legs down, time out" I cracked up. I was thinking I don't tell him to put his legs down, maybe his feet by not his legs, but last night we were at Applebees and he was putting his legs up on this ledge and I had told him not to. I guess I should be on my best behavior from now on.

When Koen was saying his prayers before bed I was telling him what to say first I said "Father thanks" he said that and followed it with "Max" then I said "love" and he followed, I said "Mom" then "dad" and he followed and then he threw in "rared" Phil's friend Jared who is over studying. How cute! I love that he is coming up with his own stuff in his little prayers these days.

When I laid him down to bed tonight he had has crocs on(like always, the kid is obsessed with them) And I started taking them off and he said "crocs nigh night" and patted the mattress next to him. He even needs them to sleep with him.

On to other nonsense...I have been on the look out for some Khaki Crocs. Koen is OBSESSED with them and does not want to wear anything else. Especially not the flip flops I bought him. So I am struggling cause I have been looking on Ebay trying to find a good used pair but they are going for as much as new. Not that I think my 2 year old necessarily needs real crocs, but I just want a neutral color (ie brown or tan) and everywhere only has like camo or Cars(you know he will not be wearing offense, not my style). Crocs actual website is out of them too! So if you see any look alikes or the real deal in neutral colors...let me know!
The sickness is getting better around here. In this pic you can see the last of Ko's sores in his mouth. He is eating like a champ and seeming to feel lots better. We still kept him home from church today so he doesn't spread it and I think we will be waiting till the later part of the week for any kid to kid interaction.

And lastly I shaved Ko's head last night.

Thursday, April 24, 2008


So I took Koen to the Doc's and he has hand foot and mouth. It is pretty sick. He has little blister like things all over his hands, feet, legs and bum. And what look like cankers all over his tongue, checks and the roof of his mouth. Luckily the one on his body don't seem to bother him much (except for changing diapers) but the ones in his mouth he really hates. Out of no where he will start crying and point at his mouth. So sad! The doc said it feels like hundreds of cankers all over your mouth...ouch! she also said it is super contagious for at least 7 days, and that some doctors suggest isolation. How sad! We have mostly been staying home, except today we ventured out to target, so you people who live here in out for the infection we left behind there! Ü

Today my friends Kortni dropped by with a little present
for the confined nice is that? In what better than a huge Elmo bag. At first I think he was satisfied with the big picture of Elmo on the bag until he realized there was more inside.

She gave him a cute little art set, with markers crayons and Sesame Street pictures. He loves it! It picks up each crayon or marker and says whose picture is on it. Then colors them on the page. Thanks for thinking about him Kort!You're the best!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Night waking = NO GOOD

When you have a child that is an angelic sleeper like Phil and I were
blessed with night waking pretty much equals grumpy tired parents! I feel asleep at like 9:30 last night only to be woken half an hour later by painful cries. I went in to see what the matter was andKoen was covered in sweat and inconsolable.

I brought him in my room to take his temp and change his clothes. He
kept saying "Elmo show" between sobs so I decided to break down and let
him watch a little while I changed him, gave him medicine and milk. The
same thing happened at around 4:30 AM, sweating, screaming and the eventual asking for "Elmo show" He has been super grumpy today and wont eat anything. Sick kids are so annoying. I have the hardest time, I know he doesn't feel good, but the winning and crying really kills me. I finally got him to eat like half a Popsicle and drink a yogurt. About an hour ago I realized he has white bumps ALL over his tongue. I think he must have Hand foot and mouth or Thrush. ENOUGH ALREADY WITH THE SICKNESS! I called the Doc and she isn't in today, so they are having the nurse call me back. Anyway here are some pics of what Koen has looked like ALL day. Also I have been trying to record him singing the Elmo's world song, but I can never get it. He sings it all high and says "Elmo show" instead of is the cutest thing.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Random Stuff

A few new things with us...

Phil got a job at Walgreen's. We are really excited to have a little bit of income, that we plan on using strictly for
play! He is only working 4 hours a week so it wouldn't go far anyway. We are excited to go out once a month WITHOUT Koen and pay a babysitter, and you know Phil is excited to use it on GOLF! We have been having great weather lately and that is pretty much all he thinks about...and tennis...well and a little school! Ü (I say a little as he is down there studying his little butt off for a test tomorrow morning) So he will just be working Friday afternoons, which is great for his school schedules but puts a damper on our weekend trips to Pitt. as he doesn't get off till 8. We will have to work something out!
I got a new calling...yes number 3. When they called I was like "wow really...I am superwoman I guess." haha It is my most favorite calling in the church...(haha said with a slight bit of sarcasm) NURSERY! Actually, I am not excited per say BUT definitely not like hating it. I at least have all my friends kids, so I actually like them, which is a huge plus! I am mostly sad because Koen just started going REALLY well and now that I am in there he is like "hold you" every 10 minutes or so. They are going to split the class soon, because YES we have 18 kids with 10 more expected in June, so I asked to be in the class he is not. Anyway I figure you can do anything for 5 months...especially when you are gone for 3 weeks each in May and June!Ü
So our microwave went out the other day! SO ANNOYING! Couldn't it just have made it 5 more months! I am totally annoyed. I guess I'll have to buy another one tomorrow! I thought to myself, maybe we could live without one for 5 thanks. Too many dirty pans!
The weather has been so nice here lately! We have been loving having a fenced backyard, especially since my child LOVES to be outside! If he isn't saying "Elmo show" he is definitely saying "outside" His two loves! The best part is the good weather is supposed to stay...hopefully it will be nice when Phil's parents come!

Here is another video of Koen dancing...he is our dancing King! This was at some friends of ours last weekend for game night. Phil rockin out guitar hero with his dancer in the front! Also pics of everyone from game night...but me cause I took em! Ü

Matt, Michelle, Steve, Phil, and Jason
few things to say...

Friday, April 18, 2008

Happy Birthday B*Ton

Just wanted to give a shout out to a BF and a sis! I love you Burt and hope you have a fun fun fun birthday! Wish I was there to give you a big squeeze!

This picture is a blast from the past! I picked it cause we are TAN! yahoo! Looks like we need to get some updated pics of me and you!

And this picture is even more of a blast from the past! Good ol high school with my BF! Thanks for all the fun times! Love ya love ya! And MISS YA!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

NO tough girls here!

I have recently decided that I am such a wuss when it comes to not feeling good. A couple of weeks ago I was working out and the next day woke up with legs so sore I could barley move, and I had re-hurt my wrist a few days earlier at the Brown's. (will my wrist ever get better? Hopefully I see an orthopedic surgeon in a few weeks) I was SO cranky! I told Phil I hope that I don't ever get a an illness where you are just acheyor in pain all the time, cause I would be a miserable person to live with! The cycle has started again. I came down with some sort of head
cold or something in the last few days, Aunt Flo is visiting and I did an ab class at the gym that has left me DYING! (every time I sneeze(which is a lot cause I am so congested) I feel like I just had a c-section again my stomach is SO sore) Once again I am like so Mrs Cranky Pants! Why am I not one of those people who slap on a happy face and pretend that I feel good...I just cant! Below is Me...Mrs Cranky Pants.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

YMCA Swimming

I just got this picture from Lisa today and thought it was kind of a fun picture of our white selves. Ko's face his hilarious. This is from Koen's little friends Annie's birthday swim party at the Y. Koen and I are still doing the gym and swim classes at the Y, but are both SO OVER IT! After two 10 week sessions in a row we will definitely be taking the summer months off. It seems like we are both a little bored with it these days. As soon as I take Koen from the stairs to go to the class, he says "climb up please" over and over because he wants to continue climbing all over the stairs. A pool with a zero entry level is much more his style, as he doesn't like to have to be dependent on me. We will be visiting the Murray/ Taylorsville pool everyday it is open when we are home. We dont really have anything like that near by here, so we will just have to use the beach! Darn! Ü

My child

Who is he? Yesterday during his nap I got a bee in my bonnet to clean out the garage. It had all sorts of leaves and junk everywhere and since our car was gone (at the I figured it was a good time. When I finished up I realized I had been out there for quite some time and that Koen was FORSURE awake. I went in and heard him like crying/squealing which isn't normal when he wakes up. Because of this I assumed he must have been awake for awhile and was probably not happy that I hadn't got him out. When I got to his room I found a NAKED Koen standing in the corner of his crib with nothing else in it. He had thrown out blankets, stuffed animals, pillow, shirt, pants and diaper. I didn't even know my kid knew how to take his shirt off. Lucky for me this time he didn't pee anywhere! CRAZY BOY!
PS Phil asked if I took a picture and I told him I didn't think it was appropriate to post a naked picture of my son on my blog. So you can just look at the below picture and make an image for yourself...minus the orange sweats! Ü

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Are you seriously that cute?

Yes Koen still loves to play in the sink. Everyday he goes to the chair and say "sink please" How can I resist?

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Conference and Presque Isle

On Sunday Morning I woke up and made the boys waffles. It is tradition at my house to have waffles and watch conference so I didn't think we should go without! After that we decided to take advantage of the BEAUTIFUL day! So we headed out to Presque Isle. I was really hoping to see the lake frozen but it was mostly thawed with just some chunks of ice! We then came home and put Ko to bed, and watched conference on the Internet! I am so happy we will be home next conference, it will be at 10 instead of 12, and I wont have to watch it on the Internet! YAHOO! It was a great day and fun to spend some family time! I am totally jealous of the most adorable picture ok Koen and Phil! The picture of me and Ko was the best we could get. He loves walking Koda, and loved throwing rocks in!


Ok so I am back to posting! It has been a little while (for me) BUT I have a GREAT excuse! I was finishing "Eclipse" LOVED IT! For some reason I had a harder time getting in to this one, but at about halfway I couldn't put it down! Bad me keep hoping Bella and Edward would "seal the deal" (bad me, I know! haha) Anyway Good job little Phil on his first post! He had to have the music and everything! I even helped him located the song, even though I personally HATE music on blogs! sorry you people who love your music.
On to EXTREME Jenga! On Friday night we had the Ganz's and he Brown's over for dinner and games. Well the games ONLY consisted of Jenga, and only the boys played...for like 5 hours! Wow they were really into it! Here are the pics to show you just how into it!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Tribute to Mary- By Phil

Alesha and I watched the DVD today that Matt(my brother) and Tanna put together about my Mom Mary. Due to the fact that she passed away when I was 5 I know very little about her life. I learned new things today and saw pictures of her I have never seen. Feelings and emotions I have not felt for sometime surfaced. I feel right now an overwhelming feeling of love for Mary and a deepened love for my Mom and Dad. Since I was not there with the family the night people shared stories I thought I would share a couple now.
Growing up, my only memories of Mary were seeing her once in the hospital and her funeral. I recall being at her bedside and seeing the name tag bracelet on her wrist. I to this day remember where the casket sat in the relief society room and which way she faced. I remember how she looked. I remember feeling sad. I remember talks were given in the chapel and the casket was taken through the side door of the chapel that I have never since seen open. I remember the cemetery. I believe the Bingham’s sang a song that has touched me ever since. It is the song you hear now called The Test. The message has pierced me and helped me put the tragedy into perspective.
These are the memories I had of Mary. They were somewhat sad and dreary. I found myself at times while growing up reading the memory book of Mary that was put together by sisters in our ward and hope to get a glimpse of my Mom. A very simple but special experience happened to me before leaving on my mission to Uruguay. While putting stickers in my scriptures one night a happy memory came into my mind. I remembered sitting around the dinning room table reading the Book of Mormon. I remembered my Mom helping me draw with colored pencils what was going on in the scriptures we were reading, similar to the stickers I was putting in my scriptures that night. I hold this experience near to my heart because it is the only happy memory I have of Mary.
Another neat experience happened when I arrived to Uruguay. One of the senior sister missionaries approached me on my first day and asked if I was Mary’s son. I just about fell over! She went on to tell me how she taught her when Mary was a youth. She told me how great she was and how proud she would be of me. This was a tender mercy I believe that God blessed me with and I will never forget it. What a great way to start off my first day in Uruguay! Later on she mailed me a picture she had saved from one of her classes with Mary. It was a picture Mary drew. I couldn’t believe that this sister missionary had saved it for all these years and it was now given to me. I have given this picture to Mindy because the picture showed how Mary wanted to be a nurse when she grew up. Mindy is living that dream that Mary had as a small girl.

The note attached said:
"As a teenager your mother wanted to be a nurse-thus the syringe on my calendar-Sun was in her eye. See you Oct. 6th

Marcia Christiansen"

I am grateful for these experiences. God is aware of our family. He has been since the beginning. I am so grateful for our family. Although we have had our share of tragedies, we have come out of them stronger and blessed. I am so thankful to have 2 wonderful Moms. Thanks Mom and Dad for all you do for us kids. We have an amazing family.

PS Nate's legs are crossed to hide his grass stains. For that same reason Matt is standing behind the girls!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Yahoo Zoo!

The other night I was looking at the forcast and it said Thursday was supposed to be 55 degrees, which feels like practically summer here! I decided to plan a playgroup to the Zoo. We have been anxiously awaiting the first use of our zoo pass this year (our zoo closes for the winter) Koen was still a little sick, but I figured the zoo is a good no contact outing! He loved it! Not so much the animals as pushing the stroller with NO help! Here are some pics!
He totally loved that litle horse...isnt it the cutest pic ever?

Ko dancing to the zoo tunes!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Koen these days!

Poor little Koen is sick AGAIN! Does it ever end? I had to bust out the humidifier again (as I had put it away a few weeks ago thinking this was DONE) and stick a pillow under his mattress so he doesn't die of coughing fits at night! Poor little guy. I took him to the doc and she said its just something viral. So annoying, in other words saying "nothing we can do, just wait it out." While he was there they weighed him and he weighs 25 lbs even, and is 34 inches tall. I was able to snap this cute pic of him "nakee" (as he says) on my phone.

Recently Phil was watching Koen while I was working in the family history center, and Koen decided he could scale the gate into our bathroom. Phil found him in there rummaging through the stuff under the sink. We decided if we raised it a little maybe it would deter him...he has found other ways.

I guess he sees Koda do it and wonders why he cant...his head is a little to big. Sorry none of the pics are that great, they were all taken with my phone!

I know I wrote about how obsessed he is with giving five and bones. Now it is bones and skins. He commonly uses this phrase when I am putting him to bed, "Koda Bones, Daddy bones" He thinks he needs to give everyone bones and "kins" before bed. (including the radio, humidifier and bunny and buffalo) The other night I went in his room cause he was having a coughing fit, and he was saying "me-cine"(medicine) over and over. So I took him into lay with Phil while I went to get some. He then asked for milk so I brought that up too. Once he had his milk and was laying on our bed he thought he needed to watch a show. So after every few sips he would pull out his milk and say "Elmo show" This happened like 10 times. Then I think he realized we weren't watching the Elmo show at 2 in the morning, so he decided to tell us everyone was sleeping..."daddy sleepin, mama sleepin, Koda sleepin" crazy kid!

A few weeks ago I realized that Koen knew a lot of his letters by sight. I decided to make him some flash cards with the letters and on the back did the colors, shapes and numbers. When I took him through the letters I realized he knows all but about 5, but for the colors he says the same thing for each one, "name-bow(rainbow), red, orange, yellow" at first I thought he wasn't paying attention and when he would get to the right color I'd be like "good job Koen" but then I realized he was saying the exact same thing on every single one. That is the order of the colors in a song on his signing time video. Colors are definitely not his strong point! I guess will stick to the letters.

Now that we busted out the humidifier again, the changing table climber has returned, only to new heights!

It doesn't stop with just touching it, he needs to sit by it!

It has been so great since Koen returned from staying with Kade he has been saying 2 and 3 words together with no sweat. It is really fun to watch his vocabulary increase, to more that just single words.

Last week we went to the children's museum. Koen decided to do a little paint on his face.(they have a cute mirror with face paints)The funny thing is we went straight to my doctors appt after and everyone was like "oh did he get left alone with the markers?" NO my child doesn't get markers...otherwise he would look like this EVERYDAY!

He no longer calls "Bean bee" that anymore. I am secretly sad about it. It is now strictly "banket"
My favorite thing Koen is doing right now is that he loves "Jesus wants me for a sunbeam" He goes around saying "Jee-sunbeam" all day, with the high beam and arms up. And when ever he sees a picture of Jesus he says "Jee-sumbeam" SOO cute!