Thursday, January 31, 2008

Getting better!

YAHOO! Koen is getting better. I took him to the doctor yesterday and he has an ear infection and bronchialitis. Once again I say poor kid. So she put him on an antibiotic for his ear infection and said that the other would last about 3 weeks. Today after a few doses of his antibiotic he is feeling much better, cant you tell? I think most of pain was coming from that darn ear infection. So YAHOO for feeling better. And thank you mom for Koen's new shirt! It looks so cute!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Poor sick Ko Ko!

Poor little Koen is sick! I feel so bad for him. He has a terrible cough. It has been so bad that it is making him gag and throw up!:( He is pretty much miserable and all he wants to do is watch "shows" and all he will eat is cheese and yogurt. He also keeps saying "owie" and pointing to the back of his check/ear. So I am wondering if he is trying to get a tooth too or has an ear infection! Poor kid! I just took this pic of him yesterday and thought it was funny cause I feel like he has the exact same face as when he was sick this time last year.

Awe Ko and dad watching a show together! It was so cute it was totally sprawled out on his lap.

Today he got in the bath and all he wanted to do was lay on his stomach with his whole body under. I imagine it felt good if he is achy! Needless to say we missed out swim/gym class today and for some reason I am sad about it! haha.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Awe...President Hinckley

I have so many emotions with President Hinckley passing I just felt like I needed to write them down. When Britton(my sister in law) called with the news from Nana of President Hinckleys passing, I found it hard to refrain from tears. I am so sad to see our great prophet gone, as he is pretty much the only one I know. He was the prophet through more than half of my life, and throughout my whole righteous life. It is so sad to see him go. But at the same time, I cry tears of joy for him to be reunited with his sweet wife again. I am sure that was such a great feeling. I remember when we went to his house for Phil's cousins baby blessing(pictured above) and the large picture he had of Sister Hinckley hanging on his wall. It touched me so deeply of the love he had for this woman. I have had an emotional day today anyway but I feel like I just keep coming to tears. What a great man. I am so grateful for his teachings. I loved to see him get up in conference(or any other time) and hear him speak. He has always had such an impact on me. And for that I am grateful!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Sucker for...

I am totally a sucker for chick flicks! Lisa and I went and saw 27 Dresses today at the matinee(which was full to the brim) Below you will find my most common faces during the movie. I think I had perma smile, and I never wanted the movie to end. Like I said I am a sucker for chick flicks! LOVE LOVE LOVED IT! and I love love love Katherine Heigl and James Marsden. So fun to see a movie with fresh faces and absolutley love it!

And yes I did have Phil take this pic of me when I got home just so you could see exactly how I was really feeling/looking! Ü hope you enjoyed!

True Skiball(chuck E cheese cont)

I am so glad my friend emailed me these pic of Ko!(thanks Brook) He was climbing all over the ski ball things looking for the balls. I was trying to play ski ball along side him, luckily I did not hit him one time. Too bad I didn't teach him to take the balls from my lane and put them in the big bucks slots!

I did however win like 8 tickets from one round! I totally played this and smokin' token! Were we there for Koen or me? When we left we had over 100 ticktes. Too bad thats only enough for a 10 cent air head. Go figure!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Chuck E Cheese

For play group this week we went to Chuck E Cheese! Mind you this was my play group to plan and when I woke up there was like 7 inches of snow! I almost didnt go to my play group cause I HATE driving in the snow(I have anxiety attacks and serious meltdowns) But my good ol friend Lisa bailed me out. I also took Tessa Brown with us so that she could get out and Laura could enjoy one child for a minute!

Koen loved the fan on this ride, he would stand there and say "fan fan" over and over. He has an obsession with fans. He wants to carry his around all day long!

Koen liked to get in the rides, until you popped the token in and they made noise or started to move. He totally freaked out! This was his face after I tried to get him to go back in the Bob the Builder ride after I had turned it on once.

This way by far Koen's favorite attraction. Some sort of phone with light up buttons. He even liked it better without putting the token in, he is a cheap date! He probably played with this phone half the time we were there.

Koen was having so much fun at the phone all the other kids wanted to try it out, here is Annie waiting for her turn!

This would be Tessa TAKING her turn! haha! She knows how to take matters into her own hands. Obviously Koen was not pleased with this in the slightest. He kept pushing all the kids away who wanted to play with it. He thought he owned it.

This is after I told Koen it could be his turn anymore cause he kept pushing everyone. I gave the phone to Tess. He is NOT happy!

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Koen chatting away on the phone! I actually dont think he says one "real" word the whole time! He sure loved it!

Monday, January 21, 2008

1 year exactly!

Today I was taking some pics of Ko and thought it would be kinda fun to look back on some pics from this time last year. I was surprised to find some pics taken from this exact weekend last year. Look at what a difference a year makes. Looks like we got together with Nate and Gina MLK weekend last year too, so I decided to throw a pic of Koen and Kade from MLK weekend 2007 on here too. I wish I had taken one of them this past weekend in Pitt. Darnet! Look how little the rugrats where...awe playin in the bath, still one of their favorites! (top pics Left: Koen 7 months, Right:Koen 19 months) (bottom pics Left: Kade Right: Koen MLK weekend 2007)

Also "New"...a bike for Ko.

I knew I wanted to get Koen some sort of bike with a handle for me to push for his birthday. So I had been looking around and decided maybe I would start looking on craigslist since A. we are poor and B. My sister in law Gina had found one(gently used) for her little boy for a good price. So I found this little Rock, Roll and Ride for 10 bucks! I figured for that price why wait till his birthday. (beside the fact that I am weird about giving him something used for a holiday...we aren't that poor..haha JK) I figure for now he can rock in the house and then when summer comes we will put it up into a bike! YAHOO for great purchases. It totally looks like new except a little wear on the wheels.

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A little video of him rockin away!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Childrens Museum

Sorry the captions are coming late. We have had some problems with our router going out and I got all the pics uploaded last night and before I could write it went out. SO ANNOYING!

Koen and his friend Annie. They loved the water table, and more than once I caught Koen trying to get all the way in. What can I say the kid is a fish.

I guess this teaches kids about magnetic force, Koen thought it was pretty cool when he would get them close they would stick.

This is Koen being sad. We went to the museum for play group and when everyone got together I think he thought it was nursery (same kids from church and nursery leader) he started freaking out thinking I was going to leave him and was glued to my side.

I had to put this pick of Annie my friends little girl on because I think I captured a great one. She is the cutest.

Koen of course had to give the ducks a try, good thing the water is clorinated! Ü

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Our "new" FREE table!

Some of our friends out here were getting a new table and were willing to pass their used one on to us. Yes we do have a table but have been wanting a bigger one for when we have guests over(Nate and Gina, missionaries, Brown's etc) So when my friend said they were getting rid of it I jumped at the chance. Phil went and picked it up a week ago, and I wasn't in love with it. It seemed so ultra fancy in our more "earth tonesy" house. So with a good suggestion from a friend we got a great table cloth that dresses it down and re-did the seat covers. (thank you mom for your help and expertise) The funny thing is when we got the table I was like "hmmm I don't really like these seat covers" and Phil and I are sure someone will say the same thing about what we recovered them with when we pass it on. HAHA. Phil says they remind him of the old carpet at his church! Hey they match our stuff and I think they look great! Also now that it has a table cloth I am hoping that will eliminate Koen running into the edges.(it is glass and he isn't use to how much bigger it is, he was hitting his head on it like 2 times a day) Also we moved our small table into some extra space in the kitchen so we can still use it too! YAHOO!

I was screwing the new seat bottoms on and Phil was tightening the legs. What a team! below the left is the old the right is the new!

Koen also thought he was a BIG helper...screwing things in with my keys! He loved to poke his little head through the seat less chairs.

"Grandpa's" visit

My mom came for a quick visit these past 5 days and for some reason all Koen would call her was grandpa.

He use to call her grandma on the phone all the time and I guess now that he can say grandpa maybe he thinks they are the same word. We would keep saying "koen say grand MA MA, and he would sign and say "grandpa" just clear as can be. In the morning he would even wake up asking for Grandpa.

I think it will be funny when we go home next and he sees the actual grandpa and is confused. Anyway we had a great time and both of us cried our little eyes out after dropping her off! Thanks mom, we love you!

Shave away!

Ko hair was getting quite long as you see. With the texture of it it would do nothing! So when he got up from his nap on Sunday Phil was like "lets shave his head" So I said "lets do it now while I say yes" So it is gone.

For some odd reason I wanted to grow it out all winter and then shave it come spring. BUT now that we have shaved it, I wonder why we were ever trying to grow it. I think he looks so cute! And it kinda makes him look more baby-ish.

Which I like cause he is getting too big! I feel like when you look at these next to eachother he looks like a different kid.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Stop posting!!!

Four post in one day...someone has too much time on their hands. haha, actually I am rather impressed, I did all my visiting teaching, made a scrapbook page, chatted with a friend for an hour, played with Ko after naps, made dinner AND made four posts! HA! Anyway I just wanted to say that Koen and I start 1, 2 and YOU gym glasses and mommy and me swimming classes tomorrow. I will keep you all updated on it. should be fun.

Movie Star Phil

Phil was asked to be in the new commercial for his school. Here are some pics from the shoot. Also funny. His group of 3 won the herbal drug jeporady competition today so they will head to Harrisburgh, PA for the state competition in a few weeks.