Saturday, May 23, 2009

No... seriously? Nooo... seriously? No. ...seriously?

So basically I'm really bored... and I haven't posted in a while... so here are some of my senior pics that Ciara took!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day to My Mom!!!!!!!!!!!! (and whoever else wants to be wished a Happy Mother's Day!)

This is my pic that got 3rd place for photography in Argus!! I got a free Jamba and a free Frazil (this slushee thing at my school) for a prize. I was excited!!

Friday, May 8, 2009

DICKEN!!! Sweet kid... haha! Secret Garden- LOVE IT!!!!

so... I get bored on Sundays sometimes... This is what I do (haha!):

sooo... I get bored sometimes on Sundays. This is what I do (haha!) :

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

In my element... HAHA! I love it!!

So when you get these cloudy days, they're really good for taking pictures, so I do! But, this wasn't a cloudy day...! I just decided to take some pictures. haha! es FUN!